“Get her into the guest room,” Cam shouted, and she was picked up, her arms pressed to her side. She growled in frustration, her nails sharpening into claws. She was going to get her pleasure, even if she had to fight for it. She struggled against the iron grip, pouring some of her kelpie strength into her muscles. She didn’t have to fully shift to have the strength of a shifted kelpie. Why hadn’t she that used earlier when she was trying to drag her brothers? Stupid! But it didn’t matter just now. With a roar, she broke his grip and turned around, pouncing on the man who had stopped her from getting her kiss - and saw Flint, staring at her in surprise. She liked that look on him. Delicious. Totally fuckable.

She jumped and wrapped herself around his hips, burying her claws into his back. She ignored his scream and slowly licked his cheek where a scratch was just starting to bleed. How had he got injured? She didn’t know, but she was going to kiss it better. She swirled her tongue over his wound, tasting the blood, savouring it.

Suddenly, he was gone and she fell to the ground, her ass crashing onto the hard wooden floor. She screamed and looked around, searching for Flint - but he had disappeared into thin air. Only Cam and Jared were with her in the kitchen, both watching her in a mixture of fascination and horror. In her haze, she noticed that Jared was no longer looking as sick, but then her hormones took over and she jumped to her feet, slowly stalking towards them. She was going to have them both, at the same time. She licked her lips as she imagined being sandwiched between the two men, their bodies rubbing against her own. She smiled at them seductively, but they didn’t smile back.

“I’m sorry, lass,” Jared whispered and for a moment, she was confused, but then she saw Cam’s arousal and continued to walk towards him. She remembered she was going to unbutton her blouse, but when she lifted her hands to her collar, something was pressed against her face from behind, something soft and smelly. She caught a whiff of it, a familiar scent... thyme?

“Breathe in deeply,” Flint said from behind her, “it will make everything better.”

She followed his command, sucking in air through the fabric, filling her lungs with the smell of thyme. She coughed and Flint released her from his grip, that she hadn’t even noticed. Something in her mind changed. Everything was becoming clearer. She took a deep breath and looked around the room.

Then it hit her.



Wanting to sink into the ground and die.

“Take me away from here,” she whispered, hating how weak she sounded. But with the scent of thyme still filling her nose, and the pounding in her head that must have been the result of Jared’s magic, she didn’t really have much choice.

“Okay,” Flint whispered back, scooping her into his arms and carrying her from the room. Without fully realising what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her head in his shoulder. He was a lot warmer than she expected, like there was something bubbling beneath the surface that was raising his temperature, an raising hers in turn. If she wasn’t careful, she’d end up taking her clothes off for an entirely different reason.

He set her down on a soft bed. She stretched out, hating the feel of her clothes against her sensitive skin. Jared’s pheromones may have worn off thanks to the thyme, but she was still feeling the effects of it. She wanted to feel the cool air against her skin, and she really needed to find some relief, though maybe that was best left until she was completely alone.

Flint took a step back from the bed, and Macey let out a soft whimper, taking herself aback. She’d never been the needy type, even as a child she’d been infuriatingly independent, not wanting anyone to control her. It had driven her father and brothers crazy, especially when she’d insisted on going on land and their father had made them go with her.

“I’m coming back, Macey.” His voice rumbled through her. She nodded, cursing herself for being so needy, even if she knew it wasn’t completely her fault. He left, giving her a lingering look as he walked through the door. Oh, she was in trouble if he kept this up, especially if Jared was going to keep making her go crazy. Though maybe she could persuade the three of them to be a little less reluctant going forward. A girl could dream.

She shuffled up the bed so that she was propped against the wall, that way she could keep an eye on the door and anticipate Flint’s return. He was back within moments, a wadded up shirt in one of his hands. “Here,” he said softly, handing it to her. “I thought you’d be more comfortable with this.”

“Thank you,” she said, unfurling the fabric to discover that it was a man’s t-shirt. From the size, she suspected it was Flint’s, but she had no way of knowing for sure. She stood up shakily and began to unbutton her blouse, anxious to be more comfortable.

“Whoa, Macey, hold up.” Flint held up his hands as if to tell her to stop, but she didn’t understand why. She cocked her head to the side.


“I can see you,” he pointed out needlessly.

“I should hope so, unless you’ve suddenly gone blind.”

He snorted slightly and she smiled. He was a lot calmer than he’d been when she arrived, and she found she liked this side of him. “I can assure you, I’ve definitely not gone blind.” His voice went straight through her, reawakening the side of her that Jared had brought to the surface. But this was different. Very different. She could tell the difference now between the forced attraction of before, and the burning need inside her. Weirdly enough, this felt far more intense.

“Good to know,” she said huskily, continuing to remove her blouse. He licked his lips, but didn’t do anything to stop watching. She hoped he didn’t. Dropping the blouse to the flo

or, she unzipped her jeans and pushed them down over her hips, wiggling her way out of them and hating how unsexy removing them was. Surely the people who’d created jeans should have considered that important factor when they came up with them? Luckily, Flint didn’t seem to mind, at least not if the intense look he was giving her was anything to go by. His eyes were dark, though it almost seemed like there were flames flickering within them. Though that couldn’t be right and she knew it. Cam had said he and Flint were the same, and there’d been no hint of fire from him.

Stood in front of him in nothing but her underwear, she should have felt self-conscious, and yet that hadn’t even crossed her mind. How could it when there was someone looking at her like that? It was like a shot of caffeine teamed with an injection of confidence, and it was making her blood sing. Other things too, and from the look on Flint’s face, she wasn’t the only one that felt that way.

Something snapped between them and he strode forward, pulling her to him with a burning hand on her bare skin. He leaned down and crushed his lips to hers. This wasn’t tentative or unsure, this was primal. She could feel how much he wanted her, and not just because of the bulge that was pressed against her. He was conveying so many emotions and desires in the one action, that even she was surprised.

Macey pushed her body against his, dropping the t-shirt he’d given her to the floor so that she could grab handfuls of his own, pulling him as close as possible. Damn, how she wished she could get it off him without breaking the kiss. It’d be a shame to end such bliss. A fleeting thought passed through her mind and she focused on her hand for a second, shifting it so her nails sharpened. Having no choice, at least none in case she wanted to accidentally maim him, she watched what she was doing as she ripped a nail down the material, ripping it from his body, before threading her non-shifted hand into his hair and pulling his lips back to hers. His hands left her body, but only for the amount of time it took for him to shed himself of his ruined shirt. The moment it was gone, he placed his hands on her waist and pressed himself against her again.

Even through the kiss, she could hear how ragged his breathing was, and that it matched her own. She’d never felt like this before. Not with any of the humans who’d tried to kiss her during her party years, and not when she was with her childhood sweetheart under the water. Nor was it like the drugged up kisses she’d experienced while under Jared’s influence.

Whatever it was, Macey wasn’t ready for it to stop.

She rubbed against his bare chest, their skin touching, sending shivers through her body. Their tongues danced as her fingers roamed his back, slowly making their way down to his bum. Fighting against his tight belt, she squeezed her hands into his jeans, gripping his firm ass, pulling him closer.