“Alright, okay,” she acknowledged, her laughter fading to a stop. “But don’t pretend you didn’t need the comi

c relief.”

She left Flint’s side and made her way to Cam, going up onto her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck. He leaned down and kissed her gently, confirming the same emotions they’d been talking about earlier. While none of them had voiced them out loud, she was pretty sure they all knew them to be true. She bore the marks on her back to confirm that.

She pulled back, smiling softly at him, a look that he returned without hesitation.

“Okay, now I’m ready to go.” She unwrapped herself from him and made her way back to Flint, who held a hand out to her, using it to tug her forward and into his arms.

Closing her eyes and praying this trip wouldn’t be as bad as some of the others, she waited as the familiar tugging feeling of the Staran took over once again.


She scowled. The landings didn’t seem to be getting any easier, which was just a pain in the tail considering they’d still have to use the Staran to get around.

Macey glanced around, trying to make sense of where they were. It was almost like the mists around the guys’ house. Hazy, and not at all conducive to being able to tell where they were.

“Did it work?” Jared asked, letting go of Cam as quickly possible. She smothered a giggle. Guess they weren’t getting up to any fun together then. That was a little disappointing, but so long as they still both paid attention to her, she didn’t mind too much.

“Give it a second, and we’ll see,” Cam replied, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

“Not through this mist we won’t,” Flint muttered. Macey smothered a giggle. He did have a point. The mist was thick, and only getting thicker.

“Really, Flint?” Cam scowled but didn’t look away from the mists. Maybe he was as uneasy about them as Macey was. Flint slipped his hand around hers and squeezed tightly, for which she was more than grateful. She needed it. There was something extra eerie about these mists.

“You don’t think the Sìth are causing them, do you?” she asked, shivering. Was it her, or were things getting colder around here?

“I wouldn’t have thought so,” Cam said.

The four of them stood in silence, staring into the mists, and not wanting to take a step further. Macey saw a dark shape in the corner of her eye, and swivelled slightly on the balls of her feet, hoping it was just her on edge imagination, and not actually anything to worry about. To her horror, the shape didn’t disappear at all. On the contrary. It almost appeared to be getting bigger, as if it was something coming towards them.

The mists around them cooled drastically, and Macey’s breath began to frost in front of her. Letting go of Flint’s hand, she hugged her arms around herself, wishing for the warmth of the living room they’d not long left behind. Flint was warm but she didn’t want to look too needy right now, so better not to hold his hand as if she was afraid.

The shape became clearer, meaning it had to be something real, and not in her mind. That was never good.


“Yes?” he replied instantly.

“What is it?” Her voice shook, which she hated. Weakness really wasn’t something she liked, and at the moment she felt she was exhibiting far more of it than she should be doing.

“It’s...” he trailed off as the shape emerged from the mists, along with what appeared to be a light shimmer of ice crystals through the air. Macey stepped back so she was pressed against Flint’s chest, his warmth seeping into her, but still not quite enough to dispel the cold lingering in the air.

The shape, or rather, the cat, that appeared from the mists was large, probably at least half Macey’s size, with jet black fur and a splash of white across its chest. But the thing that really caught her attention, was its eyes. They glowed an icy blue. Actually glowed. Considering she lived in a world filled with magic, she was still surprised by the glow. It was unnatural, and more than a little mesmerising.

“Hi,” she blurted, unsure of why she’d suddenly decided to start talking to the cat. But something made her do it, and if there was one thing she’d learned over the past few days, it was that, sometimes, she should probably trust her gut instincts.

The cat nodded.

Wait. Nodded? Cats didn’t nod, did they? She frowned at the creature, but before she could say anything else, it began to transform before her eyes. A tall, very pale, man with the same ice blue eyes, stood before her. His hair was the same colour as the cat had been, but with one white streak travelling through it. The similarities were striking, and she found herself just as enthralled by the man in front of her. He held out a hand to them, as if he was beckoning them to him.

“Can we help?” Jared asked cautiously, stepping slightly closer so he was flanking Flint and Macey, as Cam did the same on the other side.

“I hope so,” the man replied, his voice surprisingly musical.

“How?” Flint asked, his voice rumbling in Macey’s ear. She decided she could get used to their protectiveness. It made her feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.

“Please, help me save my sister,” the cat-man replied.