Flint chuckled. “That would be awful. No, we send messages to each other, just like talking. Sometimes a few emotions get transmitted as well, but we’re practised enough to shut them out.”

“I always forget how old you two are,” Macey mumbled. She wasn’t going to say that it also made her slightly uncomfortable. How many girlfriends would they have had over the centuries? Did they see her as naive?

Jared’s return saved her from those depressing thoughts. He knelt in front of her, his eyes wild as he scanned her from top to toe. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” she lied, knowing he was upset already.

“Don’t lie to me. Never, ever, lie to me about how you feel. Understood?”

The undertone in his voice made her shiver. He was dead serious about this. He really cared, almost too much.

“Okay,” she whispered and his expression softened. “I’m still cold and exhausted. I feel weaker than usual, like something’s been taken away from me.” Realising how pathetic that made her sound, she added, “But my magic is back and stronger than before.”

“Good, now you’re honest. Cam told me what you said about Lightning and Ice. I agree we need to get to Ice before Mahoun does.” Macey shuddered at that name. She much preferred calling him the Voice. Naming a thing gave it power, and she felt like he had already a lot of that.

“Questions is, how?” Cam said, entering the room with a tray. When he noticed Macey’s greedy looks, he shrugged. “Just some beans with toast. Didn’t want to spend any time cooking. We’ve got more important things to do.”

She didn’t have a problem with beans on toast. Not at all. When he handed her a plate, she noticed that he’d buttered the bread before pouring the beans on top. Perfect. She was going to keep him.

“The blue men told us to go see the Sìth. Malan said to bond and then look for the other three Wardens. I vote for Malan’s advice,” Jared said before taking a big bite of bean-encrusted toast.

“Seconded,” Flint agreed. “I definitely don’t want to visit the Fae anytime soon.”

“Thirded,” Cam said and sat down next to Macey. She noticed how they were all sitting very close to her rather than in a circle as they usually did.

“Fourthed? Whatever the word is,” she shrugged. “That doesn’t answer the question of how we actually do that, though.”

“I’m hoping the Staran might help us,” Flint suggested. “It has taken us to where we needed to be in the past, maybe it will do the same again. Somehow this is all connected to the Staran and if they want us to heal them, they better show us where to find the other Wardens.”

“Do you think they’re strong enough?” Macey asked.

“Only one way to find out.”

Macey was getting a little bit fed up of staring into the Staran, though at least it meant she could curl herself around Cam or Flint and feel their body pressed against hers. Now she had other experiences of that, she could enjoy the Staran even more.

“Are we really just going to trust that they take us where we need to go?” she half-whined, despite knowing that it was the best plan they had. Really, it was the only plan they had.

“Do you have a better idea?” Jared asked, seeming surprisingly laid back given his refusal to hang around earlier.

“Well, no...”

“Then this is what we have to do,” he pointed out, taking a step closer to Cam. She was grateful, she could use Flint’s warmth still, even if she wasn’t cold cold.

“But you’re sure it’ll take us where we need to go?”

“Of course not,” Flint said, laughing. “When has it ever quite done what it was supposed to?”

He had a point. Not that it helped matters at all. Rather, it only helped increase the worry making itself known in the pit of Macey’s stomach. Stupid Staran. Stupid Warden duties. Why couldn’t she just have a nice quiet evening in with her men? They could eat good food, but only if Cam was cooking, and laze about in the pool. They’d all seen her kelpie form now anyway, so she could even shift and swim with them.

Of course, if she stayed in human form, there were other things she could do with the three of them in a pool. Things that would most definitely be fun. Images of wet skin sliding against wet skin assailed her, along with gasps and sighs of ecstasy. She wondered what being with all three of them would be like. Exhilarating most likely. Not to mention exciting and enticing. Though just how much convincing they’d need before they followed through with her desires, she didn’t know.

“Earth to Macey,” Flint said, waving his hand in front of her face.

“I thought that was Jared?” she threw back with a grin. He laughed aloud, quickly followed by Jared. Cam gave the three of them a stern look, as if to say they were supposed to be being sensible right at this moment in time. The glint in his eye gave him away though, he was as amused as the rest of them by Macey’s quip. She wasn’t sure why though, it hadn’t been that good. She’d even go as far as saying it was cringe-worthy. But they all needed the light relief the joke would bring.

“It’s not Earth I’ll be bringing you back to,” Jared said after he’d finished laughing, tipping her a wink.

“Alright, time to get serious now,” Cam said sternly, his voice sending tingles through Macey. She hoped he had some other uses for that voice too. She could certainly think of a few ideas.