“Well, I...”

“We’d let you rest, but there are far more important things we need to do.”

She frowned. It was true, she just didn’t want to accept that. “Lightning?” She sighed. She didn’t even know the person and she was already part of a plan to save them.

“Yes, we need to save her,” Jared answered instantly.

“Her...” Macey repeated, turning the idea around in her head. She didn’t like the idea of another woman around, not when she’d just managed to capture the three of their attentions.

“Apparently.” Jared sounded confused, as if he wasn’t too sure what he was saying either.

“You don’t know?”

“Not for sure, but it felt like the right thing to say.”

She felt his shrug against her back.

“Probably true then.” She tried to squash down the jealousy that was clawing about inside her.

“There’s no need to be jealous, little kelpie,” he whispered in her ear. She shivered. Everything he did just made her think of sex, and this was no different. The only thing she wasn’t sure of, was whether it was because of his incubus side, or just because of who he was to her.

“How did you...”

“I’m an incubus. Attraction and sex aren’t the only things I can sense. I’m sensitive to a lot of emotions. And jealousy is so tightly tied to what I’m strongest in, that it’s one I can sense clearly.”


“But don’t worry, Macey.” His lips actually brushed over her ear this time, and she shivered in anticipation. “You’re already ours and we’re already yours. You’re already wearing our marks after all.” He traced his hand gently over her back, about where the tattoo she’d gained after having sex with him was.

“I’ve got two more, don’t I?” she asked carefully, not at all surprised.

“Without a doubt.”

“What do they look like?” She was breathing heavily, just the idea of bearing their marks enough to get her heart racing and her body heating up. She was going to die from orgasm overload if they carried on.

“I don’t know for sure without looking, but remove your shirt and I’ll tell you,” he teased. She wasn’t all that sure how serious he was being, but pulled away from him and turned so they were facing one another. Slowly, she raised the hem of her shirt, Jared’s hungry eyes following every inch of exposed skin. She grinned to herself, pleased with the effect she was no doubt having. “You’re beautiful,” he said reverently, and her heart swelled to three times the size. Fitting given she had three times the normal number of men in her life.

“Thanks.” She dropped her shirt to the floor and gave him a hooded look, knowing full well what it would do to him. Though really, he was probably already there given she was standing before him in a lacy black bra and jeans that made her ass look fabulous.

“Turn around,” he commanded, twirling his finger. She complied, heat washing over her as she pictured the last time he’d been this way.

His finger came to rest on her skin, and he began to trace a pattern, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his path.

“This one is my mark.” He traced it again. “It’s the symbol for earth.”

“You like that you were first, don’t you?” she asked, her words hitching at the end. There was no way she could deny what he did to her then.

“Very much so.” His finger trailed across her skin, stopping when he reached the opposite shoulder where he traced a different pattern. “This one is for wind. It’s Cam’s mark.”

“Why is it in that place?” she asked, trying to keep her mind focused on what they were talking about and not the sensations of his touch.

“I think it’s because we’re opposites. So our marks have appeared opposite one another.”

“Oh. But doesn’t that mean that Flint and I...”

“Yes, your marks should be opposite one another too, unless...”
