Page 41 of Chasing Aledwen

“Can elves really deny a mating bond?” she asked, genuinely curious if that was the case.

“Yes. It’s one of the few powers we have. But...” he trailed off, the hand she could see shaking. Without thinking about whether it was a good idea or not, she leaned

over and placed one of her hands over it.


“It hurts. I’m really feeling it. My body wants me to get further away from you, or to give in to it.”

“And you’re still going with the latter option?” She sighed. While the last thing she wanted to do was push him into something he wasn’t ready for, she was also dimly aware that their bond remaining unsealed was likely the reason her magic wasn’t working.


“Even though that’s what keeps my magic locked away?” She wished she hadn’t just thought about it, then the words might not have slipped out. But even so, the words needed to be said.

“You want me to choose between my loyalty to you, and my loyalty to my brother?” he asked, shock covering his features.

“Of course not. I’m sorry, please forget I said that.”

“Doesn’t make it less true though.”

“No.” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes, and she swiped them away. Now wasn’t the time for them.

“I’m sorry, Dwen.”

To her surprise, he leaned over, and cupped her cheek in his hands, smoothing his thumb across her skin. The tension built between them, and she wanted more than anything to kiss him. But unlike with the others, she knew that he needed to come to her. Especially if it accidentally sealed the bond he wasn’t on board with. That wasn’t how she wanted to win her final mate.

How she knew he was the last one, she wasn’t sure, but there was a point in time where trusting her instincts seemed to be the good way to go.

Tentatively, he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly. It was tender, undemanding, and the promise of many more kisses to come.

Except that it wasn’t. Aledwen pulled away, knowing this wasn’t what he actually wanted.

“We need to stop,” she whispered. “I take it a kiss doesn’t seal anything for you?” Her voice cracked, and she almost regretted it. But showing her vulnerability seemed safe.

“Not unless I want it to,” he said sadly.

“I know you’re not ready to do anything about it, but I’m here when you change your mind,” she told him, cupping his cheek and staring into his eyes. She could get lost there. The intelligence, the depth of the feeling, and the trust there was unbelievable. She just wished he’d give in to her, but could understand why he wouldn’t.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“Is there any way I can make it so you won’t be betraying anyone?”

“Short of not being a princess anymore...” he trailed of and looked at her, his eyes widening with excitement.

“What?” She gave him a confused smile, his enthusiasm catching.

“How long have you go before the Birth.”

“Two days, why?”

“Dwen, if you’re not a princess anymore, then you’re not bound to the treaties.”

“True. But I’m not going to abdicate. All I’ve wanted, all my life, was to make a difference. And to do that, I need to be Queen.”

“I don’t need you to abdicate. I just need you to do exactly what you want to.”

“You’ve lost me,” she said with a slightly uneasy laugh.