Page 31 of Chasing Aledwen

Plus, they’d probably check Brandon out, and Aledwen was not okay with that.

Not at all. He was hers.

“Your magic, Aledwen?”

“You have absolutely no idea what you’ve signed away over the years, do you?” Cold rage travelled through her. How in all the realms had her mother not realised what she was doing? How had she been so careless with the future of her daughter and her people?


“How many treaties have there been?” she demanded, wanting to know just how much damage her mother had done.


“What do the others say?”

Cyprus squeezed her hand, offering his silent support. She wondered if he’d speak when there were other people around too, or if that was just for when the two of them were alone. She suspected the latter, making her feel honoured and more than a little loved.

Loved? Oh no. Way too early for that. She pushed the thought away. Definitely not time for that.

“I don’t know.”

“Get out,” Aledwen fumed. If she’d been a dragon shifter like Drey, she was sure she’d be smoking at the mouth right now. Concerning to say the least.


“Out, now! And not just of this room, don’t go back to the ball.”

“You have no right to order me about,” her mother protested, but the

look on her face said it all. She knew she was beaten, and she knew Aledwen had support.

She probably also knew that the fae wouldn’t stand for this when they discovered it.

“You have no right to sign away my future without even reading it.” She turned away from her mother, no longer wanting to look at her face. “Drey, I need you to go find me Fane Paige. I have to speak with him now.”

“Got it.” He nodded once and walked out of the room. Hopefully he’d find the elf quickly, and they’d be able to start working it out.

“Drey,” she called. He looked back over his shoulder, showing he was listening without saying a word. “Bring him to the library. I don’t want this conversation where anyone can overhear.”

He nodded, and continued walking.

“Aledwen...” her mother pleaded. Aledwen turned to her and glared in a way she didn’t even think she could achieve. Turns out she could do it though, as her mother flinched backwards.

That was odd. How had she never realised how weak her mother was? She’d always come across as this stern and foreboding, but now...

“Leave. Now. Don’t go back to the ball, and don’t come near me until I say it’s alright to.”

“And just how are you going to ensure that?” she sneered slightly, but there was still a hint of fear in her eyes.

“I’ll watch her,” Brandon offered instantly.

“Are you sure? I...”

“I know. I should be in the library with you, but someone needs to watch her, and I know Cyprus will watch out for my interests.”

Aledwen nodded. “Thank you, Brandon.” She didn’t like it. She’d much rather know her mother wasn’t going to be able to get up to more mischief than have Brandon with her. Weirdly, she trusted him already, far more than she probably should, but she guessed that was the bond between them. There was no denying what it was anymore.

“Thank you.” The urge to kiss him was strong, but she held back. Not because it was wrong to, but because she didn’t want their first kiss to be in front of her mother. “Let’s go get some answers,” she said to Cyprus, making her way towards the door, and towards the library where Drey and Fane would hopefully be waiting.