Page 5 of Chasing Aledwen

“I don’t know, I’ve never been,” she answered. This time, his face lit up in response.

“Would you like to?”

She thought for a moment. She’d never been to Earth, and it seemed kind of crazy to agree to go there with someone she’d just met. But on the other hand...

“Yes,” she blurted out. “I’d like that very much, thank you.”

“Pick you up in an hour?”

“Wait, what?”

“Be ready, Dwen, you have a balcony?” He gave her a cheeky smile, and without realising she was doing it, she nodded along. “Good. I’ll meet you there.”


“Wait and see.” He winked at her, before finally breaking their hold and striding off into the crowd. If she was going to escape in an hour, then she really needed to do the rounds so she could sneak away. And hopefully get out of the awful excuse for a dress she was wearing.


She watched as a large shape made its way up to her balcony. She should be nervous, but something was telling her not to be. The same something that was telling her to trust Drey. She guessed that answered what kind of shifter he was. Or it would when he got a little bit closer. Maybe he was a...

No, she couldn’t think it. They were far too rare for one of the

m to have accidentally made their way to her court. And no way would one be heading towards her balcony. The shape drew closer, the huge wingspan dominating the sky.

He was actually a freaking dragon. Of all the things...

Then again, she was a fae princess, and there were only ever four of them in existence at any one time, which might suggest that she was even rarer than a dragon.

She couldn’t make out what colour he was from this far away, other than dark. Maybe he’d match his eyes. She didn’t really mind, but just knowing he was a dragon had her head spinning. There were so many questions she needed to ask. Being curious by nature did have its drawbacks, especially for the other people in her life.

He descended towards her balcony, and Aledwen took a step back and away from the edge, knowing she’d be in his way otherwise.

With a surprising amount of grace, he shifted back into human form and landed in a crouch on the tiled floor. His head rose, and his gaze met hers. She was only a little disappointed he was still fully clothed, but at least it meant she could focus and wouldn’t end up fixating on bits of him that she shouldn’t.

Or should. There was still an odd part of her that was tugging her towards him and telling her that he was a good choice. There was a real possibility she’d give into the urge at some point. It would probably be fun after all.

“You can’t wear that,” he said by way of greeting.

“I know,” she replied. “But I can’t take it off on my own.”


“It’s designed for two people to get in and out of. I can’t even reach the corset laces at the back.” A shiver stole down her spin as she realised how close he’d have to get in order to remove it. Maybe his hands would brush against her skin in the process and...

She couldn’t think like this.

“Could you turn around please?” His words sounded laboured, like he was struggling with the same kind of thought that she was. It pleased her to think it, even if it wasn’t true.

Slowly, she did as he asked, anticipation building within her. She’d been in this position before, just a couple of times, to try it out when her curiosity had gotten the best of her. But this was different. Something undefined charged the air, and she was excited for what that could mean, even if she didn’t dare think it.

He tugged at the laces of her corset, but instead of growing looser, it went the other way, squeezing her chest and making it difficult to breathe. “You might need to be a bit gentler,” she gritted out.

“Sorry,” he grunted. “I can’t seem to work it out.”

“You just pull the laces,” she pointed out, and felt him try out her request. At least he was willing to listen. That was always a good sign.

“It’s not working. How attached are you to this dress?”