Five years ago, if anyone had told her Trent and Jake, two of the worst playboys in the world, would both be happily married and fathers, she would have told them it would never happen. Yet, that was precisely the case. Not only that, but neither of them had ended up with society women. Instead, they’d both fallen for women who didn’t have powerful connections or wealthy family members. Actually, Addie, Charlie, and Curt’s fiancée, Taylor, had backgrounds similar to Aaron’s.

She’d never asked any of them simply because it’d never occurred to her, but she wondered if they’d struggled the same way Aaron was now.

Addie followed her into the kitchen but remained silent as Juliette poured herself a large glass of lemonade.

She drank down half the glass and then refilled it. “Is Charlie here too?”

“Yes. They spent a few days in North Salem with her family and are staying here until Monday.”

“Good. Hopefully, the two of you can help me with something.” Nothing she did would change Aaron’s feelings or his ultimate decision, but she’d like a better understanding of where he was coming from. Addie and Charlie might be able to give her that.

She’d just started sharing the reason they rushed out the previous night with Charlie and Addie when Trent and Jake entered the room with their sons. While her cousins joined them, their sons immediately forgot about the adults in the room and went to the train table.

“I’m not sure I would have been able to just walk out last night if I’d been in his place,” Trent commented, speaking for the first time since sitting down.

Jake nodded in agreement. “Last night makes a lot more sense. But I thought the two of you were spending the weekend in Boston.”

The fist around her heart squeezed tighter as she filled them in on what transpired this morning.

“What do you need Charlie and me to help you with?” Addie asked when Juliette finished.

“Understanding his problem with our family. It’s not like we’re all part of a cult.”

Addie and Charlie exchanged a look, one she couldn’t decipher.

“Being a part of this family takes some getting used to,” Charlie said.

“That’s one way to put it,” Addie agreed, drawing her husband’s attention her way. “Don’t give me that look, Trent. Your family isn’t exactly like most, and you know it.” She looked back over at her. “Some people might have a hard time fitting in.”

“Then, you both had reservations about being with my cousins?”

Charlie conveniently took a sip of lemonade at that exact moment, leaving Addie to answer first.

“In a way, but not so much because of your family. It had more to do with Trent’s reputation. Before we met, I’d see pictures of him on magazine covers with a different woman every week when I went to the store. Not exactly the type of person you get involved with if you want a serious relationship.”

Trent put his arm around Addie and kissed her temple. “I didn’t realize my reputation bothered you so much back then.”

“I tried not to think too much about it in the beginning. And later, we had other issues to deal with.”

Juliette didn’t know what issues Addie referred to, but clearly, they’d worked them out.

“Jake’s reputation was more of an issue than his family for me too. Well, that and getting used to the media attention.”

“If you want, I’ll tie him to a chair and force him to listen to me telling him about what a great family this is until he comes to his senses. And believe me, with four brothers, I can tie a knot he’ll never get out of,” Addie said.

“I’ll help you,” Charlie added.

Jake glanced at his cousin. “Trent, remind me never to make our wives mad.”

“You have no idea.” Trent’s comment earned him an elbow in the side.

“Don’t waste the money buying rope, Addie. I recognize the signs. Aaron is in love with Juliette already. The poor guy just hasn’t realized it. He’ll be knocking on her door in a couple of days and asking her to forgive him,” Jake said.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this.” Trent looked like he’d bitten into a lemon. “But Jake’s right, Juliette.”

It might be unique, and its members definitely drove her crazy, but she wouldn’t trade her family for any other. “Maybe we—” Her ringing cell phone interrupted her, and she dug the device out of her purse on the floor. Pressing the green icon on the screen, she greeted her mom.

“Paige’s water broke. Your dad and I are on our way to New York.”