ndy would figure it out at some point. She wasn’t stupid.

“What else did you do besides go bowling?”

“Dinner at the Stomping Ground before, and afterward, we went back to the cottage for some wine.”

“Only wine?”

“Well, we had some fruit and cheese with the wine.” Just because they were both adults didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy giving his baby sister a hard time.

Candace threw him a dirty look. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

She never asked about his sex life, and he never brought it up. But he’d answer her questions tonight because he had nothing to hide. “We talked and had some wine. Then she gave me a ride back up.” He told her he could use the flashlight on his cell phone and walk, but she’d insisted.

Candace made a noise in the back of her throat and pulled her feet up on the sofa. “I’m a little surprised.”

Did she think he slept with every woman he went out with? He hoped she knew him better than that. “Why?”

She shrugged. “Just am. But I’m the one asking the questions, remember?”

How could he forget?

“Did you have fun?”

The most fun he’d had in a long time. “Yeah, and we have plans for tomorrow.”

“That’s awesome. If Sandy asks again, I’ll have to tell her things are getting serious.”

After their house-hunting expedition, Sandy might hear they were engaged, thanks to the rumor mill.

“What’s on tomorrow’s agenda?”

“Caryn Ferguson is showing her homes and the old dance studio. Juliette asked me to come along.”

“Caryn’s taking her around, and you’re going too? I won’t need to call Sandy and give her an update on your relationship,” she said with a laugh. “The looking at houses thing is self-explanatory, but why is she looking at the dance studio?”

What did they say about assuming things? Considering the time they’d spent together and their mutual love of dance, it had seemed natural Juliette would have shared her idea with his sister. Now that he’d let the cat out of the bag, he’d share what he knew and apologize to Juliette in case she hadn’t mentioned it to his sister for a reason.

“She’s not only thinking about moving to the area, but she’s considering opening a dance studio in Avon. I don’t know any of the specifics. You’ll have to ask her.”

“Next time I see her, I will. Right now, I’m heading up to bed. I’m subbing at the elementary school tomorrow.” Standing, Candace folded the throw blanket she’d been using and set it down on the sofa. “I’m glad you got your head out of your butt and went out with Juliette tonight. I knew you two would have fun together.”

They’d already discussed how he’d been wrong. He didn’t need his sister to bring it up again. “See you in the morning. Have a good night’s sleep.” He didn’t see himself getting one. Nope, he expected he’d be replaying his evening and wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Wide awake despite the time, Juliette pulled out her cell phone as she headed upstairs to her bedroom.

I know you’re dying for the details. Call if you want to talk.

After sending the text message off to Holly, she grabbed a clean pair of pajamas. Her nosy friend expected a full report about their night. Since she knew darn well she wouldn’t fall asleep if she got into bed, she needed a way to pass the time. A chat with Holly would satisfy that and her friend’s curiosity.

Her cell phone rang before she added her jeans to the laundry hamper.

“I’ve been thinking about you all night,” Holly said in lieu of a proper greeting. “Isn’t it a little early to be home already?”

If they’d been in the city, perhaps their evening would’ve lasted longer. Instead of going back to her place after bowling, or whatever other activity they did after dinner, maybe they would’ve gone to one of her favorite clubs and spent time there before going back to her condo for drinks. Then again, perhaps not. She honestly couldn’t picture Aaron at any of the clubs she liked to visit.

“Holly, did you forget where I am?”

“True. At this time, only the movie theater is open, and even that will be closing soon. Did you have fun?”