“You’re right. And if I hadn’t been able to find a job after graduating, I would’ve been fine. But in my family, it isn’t acceptable to lounge around and do nothing. My brother, Scott, works for Sherbrooke Enterprises, and my sister, Courtney, works for the Helping Hands Foundation in Providence. It’s the same with my cousins.”

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, but his eyes met hers as he covered her hand with his. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

It’d been a logical assumption on his part. She knew several people who had graduated from Phillips Academy with her and then gone on to Harvard or Columbia but now did nothing but spend money, travel, and party. Eventually, a few might move into the corporate world and take over the various companies their relatives had built, but until the need arose, no one expected anything from them.

Intending to kiss the frown off his face, she leaned toward him. “You didn’t.”

As tempting as she found the idea of teasing his lips apart and finding out what other parts of her body might get affected by a more intense kiss, she kept this one short and sweet. Later, when they finished dinner and moved to a slightly more comfortable location, though, she’d indulge. She didn’t anticipate getting any complaints from him either when she did.

Not long after sticking his size eleven foot his mouth, he’d finished the last of his sandwich, and they’d cleared the table together. He told her not to worry about it and suggested she return to the living room, by far the warmest place in the house. However, she’d insisted on helping. Even before he walked into her cottage earlier today, he’d suspected his initial opinion of her might have been a little off. Unlike some of the wealthy city guests they’d had in the past, she never called the office and complained. She was always friendly when she joined them for dinner, and when Mom offered to do her grocery shopping, she turned her down. Not to mention, both Candace and Mom only had nice things to say about her. In general, both women were good judges of character. Hell, even Tiegan’s comments about her were complimentary.

The past several hours he’d spent with her had driven home how wrong he’d been. After the power went out, she could’ve called and demanded firewood or extra blankets. She hadn’t. Instead, she’d made the best of what she had. Later, rather than complain when he offered her canned soup and sandwiches for dinner, she’d offered to help him. Then when he’d opened his mouth and almost insulted her, she’d kissed him.

Think before you speak. Usually, he didn’t need to remind himself of that. “You don’t enjoy modeling anymore?” If her future plans included opening a dance studio in Northern New Hampshire, it must not hold the appeal it once did.

Juliette didn’t look up as she reached for a pawn on the chessboard. Before she touched it, though, she dropped her hand back on her thigh. “Yes and no. Mostly no.” She tapped her fingers against her leg as she continued to survey the board. “Pierre would flip if he heard me say that. But I’ve been doing it for more than ten years, and I want a change. My mom wants me to join her and my sister at the Helping Hands Foundation.”

She reached out and moved her bishop, then looked at him. “I’ve thought about accepting the position, mostly because it would mean I’m closer to much of my family. But I don’t think it’s what I want.” Juliette raised her wine glass toward her mouth but spoke again before it reached its destination. “That’s not true. I know it’s not what I want. I think I’d go crazy sitting behind a desk all day. I’m not sure how my sister and brother manage it every day.”

At the moment, he was far more interested in their conversation than the chess game. So rather than examine the board and consider his next move, he studied her as she sipped her wine. “If you want to be closer to your family, wouldn’t it make more sense to open a dance studio near them?”

“Avon isn’t that far from them, and I like it here. Besides, there are plenty of dance studios in Providence and Boston. Candace said the closest one to town is over an hour away, so I think a new studio would do well here.”

He didn’t doubt it. Every time his sister and Sandy held classes through the parks and rec department, they filled up as soon as registration opened. Add Juliette’s well-known name t

o the already high demand for a new school, and she’d have no problem keeping the business afloat.

“I also really like the people I’ve met in town.”

Unfolding her legs and setting down her glass, she moved closer to him on the sofa, disturbing Clifford who had fallen asleep against her side. As if some doggy sixth sense kicked in telling Clifford to give them some privacy, he jumped to the floor and curled up closer to the woodstove. Later, he’d have to give the dog an extra treat.

“Especially one.” The fingers that moments ago held her chess piece traced his jaw before slipping around the back of his neck. Once there, they brushed across his skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. What would happen if she brushed her fingers across other areas? Hopefully, he’d find out before she left town.

“Anyone I know?” Unlike women he’d dated in the past, Juliette didn’t wait for him to make the first move. He liked that. Far more than he’d ever thought he would.

She slipped her other hand over his shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss on his neck. “Possibly.” She moved her lips higher and kissed his jaw. “And I want to get to know him better.” This time her lips brushed against the corner of his mouth. “Assuming he’s interested in spending time with me.”

Before he uttered an answer, Juliette claimed his lips. Each pass of her mouth across his clouded his thoughts, pushing aside everything but the feel of her against him. In the kitchen, he’d let her keep the reins when she kissed him; right now he didn’t feel like being led.

Before she could do anything else, he traced her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. On cue, she opened for him. His senses reeled as if struck by lightning when his tongue touched hers. Soon he no longer knew who was in control. And he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that the kiss didn’t end anytime soon.

His brain was too far gone to know whether she broke away first or he did. Slowly, his ability to form words returned, as did the knowledge that Juliette wasn’t like other women he dated. Yeah, it appeared as though his initial opinion of her had been wrong, but he didn’t want to rush into a relationship with her either—that was if she even wanted a relationship. She might just want a sexual partner while in Avon. While not opposed to the idea, he needed more than a single meal with a woman before sleeping with her. If you could even call canned soup and sandwiches a meal. The balance in his bank account didn’t even come close to hers, but he could treat his dates to far better meals than they’d eaten tonight.

Her fingers on his neck went back to work. Or maybe they’d never stopped. He didn’t know. Hell, with Juliette practically sitting in his lap, he wasn’t even sure of the day of the week.

“Should I take that as a yes?” A smile pulled at the corners of her lips, ruining the serious tone of her voice.

Aaron kissed the skin just below her ear and smiled when she trembled. “Yeah, I’d say that’s a safe assumption.”

During the off-season, when his mom had a lot of time on her hands, she spent a decent amount of it baking. Thanks to his proximity to her, he was usually the recipient of those baked goods, a situation he rather enjoyed. Her most recent delivery was a mixed-berry pie. Although she’d only dropped it off yesterday before heading to Boston, less than half remained now thanks to his and Juliette’s efforts.

“This is so good.” Her lips closed around the fork, and he held back a groan at the sight.

They’d ended their marathon make-out session a good fifteen minutes ago, and his body wanted to know why he was indulging in pie rather than something far more pleasurable. Despite the erection pressing against the zipper of his jeans—one that showed no signs of going away anytime soon—he didn’t regret ending their previous activity before they went any farther.

Before he thought better of it, he tucked several strands of hair behind her ear. Thanks to his fingers, the neat ponytail she’d had before was a bit of a loose mess, with more hair out of the band holding it back than in it. And now that he’d touched her again, he wanted to kiss her. If he did that at the moment, he might not be able to stop without seeing just how far she’d let him go.

And that wasn’t him.