ded. “Did you really not know he was married?”

The comment caused her to grind her teeth together. She would have thought Holly knew her better than that. Sure, she dated a lot and rarely stayed in any one relationship for too long, but she never played the role of the other woman. There were plenty of single men in the world, so she saw no need to spend time with married ones.

Juliette shook her head. “It’s not like I have a background check done on every man I go out with, and he never wore a ring.” In the future, perhaps she should, though, and save herself from facing this issue again.

“But didn’t you ever see any hints of a woman at his house? Clothes in the closet, makeup remover in the bathroom?” Holly removed a cup from the cabinet and pressed the brew button on the coffee machine. “She must have stuff there.”

She hadn’t been thinking about a coffee, but now that she smelled it, she wanted a cup. Juliette retrieved her favorite mug from the cabinet and placed it under the machine before selecting a dark roast coffee pod from the stand.

“I didn’t exactly go snooping in his closets, Holly. And we spent a lot more time here than we did at his place.”

“Next time you get involved with a man, maybe you should take a peek.” Holly sipped her coffee and leaned back against the counter. “Considering all the time you spent together, I’m surprised Daniel’s wife didn’t learn about you two sooner.”

“She’s been in England for the past two months because her grandmother was ill—or at least that’s the story the media is printing.”

The media often altered the truth to suit its own narrative, but on this account, she saw no reason not to believe that Daniel’s wife had only arrived in the United States recently. However, the woman must have suspected her husband was fooling around while alone in New York if she hired a private investigator to follow him.

Holly took another sip of her coffee before speaking again. They both tended to drink more coffee than was probably good for them. “Did she really find you together at his house?”

The media had left little out of the stories it had published so far. Juliette nodded and then gestured toward the living room with her coffee cup. Holly wouldn’t let the matter go until she got the whole story, and Juliette would prefer to be sitting while she gave it. Holly took the hint and headed for the other room.

“We were in the middle of dinner when she came home. To say Daniel was shocked would be an understatement.” Crossing her legs in front of her on the sofa, Juliette sipped her coffee as an image of Daniel’s face when he first saw his wife came to mind. Under different circumstances, it would’ve been funny.

“He tried to play it off that we were business associates. As if anyone would believe that. Of course, Katherine knew the truth before Daniel opened his mouth. At some point in the past month or so, she’d hired a private investigator. She tossed at least a dozen photos of Daniel and me together at us. Some were taken inside the house, so I guess the person she hired somehow set up cameras in Daniel’s place.”

Holly grimaced. “Well, it could’ve been worse. She could’ve come home while you were both naked and in bed.”

Yep, that would have been far worse. “After Katherine tossed my glass of chardonnay in my face, she told Daniel to expect to hear from her lawyer.”

“I would’ve thrown it in Daniel’s face instead. He’s the one really to blame, not you. Anyway, what happened after that?”

“She left. I stuck around long enough to wash my face and get my coat and purse. Daniel kept going on about how screwed he was. I’m guessing they have a prenup, and it has a clause addressing infidelity. Prenups often do.”

“Makes sense.” Holly kicked off her shoes and tucked one leg under her. “According to the article in Today Magazine, Katherine’s father is not only an English baron but a member of the House of Lords. Daniel’s father is the current Viscount of… honestly, I don’t remember and worth millions. People with that kind of background wouldn’t get married without a prenup.”

Juliette didn’t agree. While she knew prenups weren’t uncommon among couples in her social circle, none of her cousins or siblings had ones prepared before getting married.

“Have you heard from him?”

She swallowed her mouthful of coffee and set her cup down. “Nope, and I don’t want to.”

“I never really liked him. He was always a little too…” Holly paused and tapped her fingers against the arm of the sofa. “Something. I don’t know what.”

She found it odd Holly never said anything. Holly wasn’t known for keeping her opinion to herself. “At this point, I just want to forget about the whole thing. Which we both know is easier said than done, thanks to the media. When I tried to go out yesterday, three photographers were hanging around outside the building. I turned around and walked back inside.”

“I saw one hanging around when I came back this morning. If he’s still out there, I hope he forgot to bring an umbrella with him.”

Juliette knew the lengths some paparazzi would go to get a picture, and they included standing in a downpour on a cold late-February afternoon.

“You, my friend, need a vacation. Someplace where the media or anyone else won’t bother you.”

She’d been contemplating a vacation for some time. She’d hoped a change of scenery would help her reassess her life. Even before her brother’s wedding in November, she’d been unsatisfied with the status quo. When her sister had announced back in January that she was engaged, the feeling picked up speed, and now it plagued her every day.

“Sounds fabulous. Too bad I can’t think of anywhere that fits that description.”

Since all of her favorite vacation spots were also popular among Hollywood’s elite, photographers were always lurking, ready to snap a photo when you least expected it. Not only that, she also didn’t want to be around a lot of people, once again making all her usual destinations out of the question.

“If you know of any, feel free to share.” Juliette took the last sip of her coffee and stood. “I’m making another cup and getting some lunch. Do you want anything?”