When they entered their room, Courtney had every intention of sitting Josh down and telling him she was pregnant. Josh had very different ideas. No sooner did they close the door than his lips covered hers. While his lips worked at making her forget her name, his hands went about unzipping her dress. By the time they reached the bed, they were both naked, and having a conversation, even one this important, no longer mattered.

Now was a different story.

She’d unpacked her bag when she arrived at Cliff House, so while Josh poured two glasses of champagne, Courtney got the robe hanging in the closet.

“You should have left that in there.” Josh smiled and handed her a glass.

She didn’t expect to be wearing the robe long, but serious conversations required clothing. “We need to talk.” Rather than return to the bed, where Josh might once again distract her, she crossed to the love seat and set down the glass untouched. Wedding or not, alcohol was out for the foreseeable future.

“Sounds like underwear is required.”

She watched him walk to where he’d left his clothes. No question about it, her husband had one perfect butt.

“What’s on your mind?”

Who was she kidding? Just sitting there in nothing but his underwear, Josh distracted her. You’d think after seeing him in various states of undress so much, it would no longer affect her. But it did.

“You know I haven’t been feeling great lately.”

In the process of sipping his champagne, he nodded.

“I know why now. I’m pregnant.”

Josh’s coughing fit stopped her from saying anything else.

“How? Until three weeks ago, we always used a condom.”

“That night at my parents’, we didn’t.”

“But you’re on the pill.”

“I didn’t pick up the prescription on time, and I ended up skipping a few days that week. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it didn’t seem like a big deal because I wasn’t having sex.”

“When did you find out?”

“This morning. After you left, I went and bought the tests. They both came back positive.” She understood his initial surprise and his questions. With those out of the way, it’d be nice if he hinted at how he felt about the news.

“You took two tests.”

She nodded.

“And they were both positive?”

“You’re not happy about this.”

“Of course I am.” Josh lifted her onto his lap and kissed her forehead. “I’m surprised as hell but ecstatic.” He placed his hand over her stomach. “And I can’t wait to meet our son or daughter.”

Their discussion brought to mind her interview with Aimee Trainor weeks ago. That night, the woman had asked if she was pregnant. Even claimed there was a rumor going around that she was and her pregnancy was the reason behind their short engagement. Not only had Courtney denied it, she’d thought to herself that one thing she could say with certainty was that she and Josh would never be expecting a child. Turned out even as she’d been denying it, she was already pregnant.

Life could be so unpredictable and full of surprises.

The hand on her stomach inched its way up and covered her breast. “I love you.”

Actions sometimes worked better than words. Right now seemed like one of those times.