She made it sound like it didn’t matter, but it did. He needed her to believe him. To know he wouldn’t cheat on her. “No. Naomi liked the perks of being with me, but she got fed up with the media attention. I’ve done some stupid things, but the only things I’ve cheated on were tests in high school.” If it hadn’t been for Sonya Allen, who sat in front of him freshman year, he would’ve failed the quizzes his history teacher gave every Friday.

“When she told me, it didn’t seem right. It sounds silly, but you don’t seem like the cheating type.”

Josh raked a hand through his hair. If her other questions stemmed from her conversation downstairs, there was no telling what they might be. “What else did you want to ask?” The more he set straight now the better.

“Yeah, it doesn’t matter.”

Oh, no way she was getting away with that. She’d piqued his interest, and he wanted to know what was on her mind.

Courtney reached for her glass, but he got to it first and pulled it away. “Come on. Out with it.” He held the glass just out of her reach.

Crossing her arms, she stared at him. “You do know I can go in the kitchen and get another glass.”

She had him there. Josh handed the glass over. “There are other things I can withhold tonight.” He skimmed his hand across her breast on his way to the buttons. “You wouldn’t have brought it up if it didn’t matter. So ask.” He slipped the next button on the shirt free. “I don’t want there to be secrets between us.”

Her hand closed around his wrist before he moved on to the next button. “If Aimee’s right, it’s not a secret.”

The television host needed to be gagged. “What did she say?”

A hint of pink spread across her cheeks, and she cleared her throat. “That you’re rumored to have had threesomes.”

“Has never happened. I prefer to dedicate all my attention to one woman.” He’d heard the rumor too but never cared enough to find out who started it or to try to stop it. Josh lowered his head toward hers and used his free hand to undo the last button. “Anything else you want to ask?”

“Can’t think of anything.”

Spreading her shirt open, he cupped her breasts and flicked his thumbs across the already taut nipples taunting him. “I meant what I said about secrets.” Josh touched his lips to hers but didn’t linger. “If you ever have a question, ask.”

He claimed her lips before she could agree or disagree.


After closing the garage door, Josh turned off the engine and turned toward the sleeping woman in the passenger seat. After about four hours on the road, they’d stopped to get gas, use the restrooms, and grab some coffee. Less than fifteen minutes after getting back on the highway, Courtney fell asleep, and she hadn’t made a peep since. If not for the extra-large coffee, he might have fallen asleep too.

“We’re here.” He gently shook Courtney’s shoulder. Instead of opening her eyes, she mumbled and turned her face toward him. He could carry her inside and then come back for their bags, but unless he had no other choice, he’d rather not. Although Dan, the caretaker who lived in the carriage house with his wife, had cleared the snow from the driveway and probably treated any ice spots, Josh didn’t want to risk slipping on black ice on his way to the door while carrying her.

Josh unbuckled his seat belt and nudged her shoulder again. “Courtney, time to wake up. We’re here.”

She blinked a few times and rubbed a hand down her face before focusing on him. “How long have I been asleep?”

“About an hour and a half.”

“Sorry.” Adjusting her position, she released her seat belt. “I tried to stay awake. My eyes had other ideas.”

“Hey, for the last forty minutes or so, I’ve been fantasizing about a nap myself.” Josh reached into the back seat and grabbed his jacket. Inside the car, it hadn’t been necessary, but according to the car’s thermometer, the temps outside were hovering in the low teens. Even the short walk from the garage to the house would be unpleasant without a jacket. “You might want to put your hat on.” While she’d left her jacket on for the ride, she’d removed her hat following their brief stop at the gas station.

He didn’t wait to see if she took his suggestion. Instead, he exited the vehicle and popped the trunk.

“I can take my bag.” Courtney met him at the back of the car.

They’d both packed light. “Don’t worry about it.” After grabbing both bags in one hand, he closed the trunk.

Cold air hit them head-on when they stepped outside, and once again Josh wished the garage was attached to the house. Despite the chilly temperatures, Josh paused and enjoyed the absolute silence around them. Compared to New York or Los Angeles, Providence was a quiet city. However, even in Providence some type of noise was always around. Here, silence prevailed. And rather than tall office and apartment buildings and paved streets, various trees surrounded the property, providing them with ample solitude.

“There are a bunch of trails through the woods. If you’re up for it, we can take a walk later.” There was also a rocky, winding path that went down to the water, but while much of the snow from the last storm had melted and the path should be fairly clear, he didn’t want to risk either of them slipping on any ice on the way down.

Releasing his hand, Courtney pulled her hat down lower and then stuck her hands in her coat pockets.

“I’ll need my gloves first.” She walked alongside him across the driveway and under the large portico. Frequently, he parked under it when it rained rather than drive into the garage.