“Have you thought about wearing gloves?”

His hand moved lower, and he ran his finger over the spot silently begging for his touch. “Why would I do that when I have you at home?”

She bit down on her lip to keep from moaning. “Josh, we really don’t have a lot of time.” But oh man, she wished they did.

“Are you sure?” He moved his fingers against her again while his hand freed her other breast from her bra, nearly sending her right over the edge.

Maybe if we’re really quick. Reaching behind herself, she slipped the button on his jeans free.

The doorbell stopped her from doing anything else. Her cousin’s timing sucked.

“If we don’t answer, maybe they’ll go away,” Josh suggested. Both his body and his hands remained where they were.

Taking hold of his wrists, she moved his hands away. “Addie knows I’m home. She sent me a text not long before you got here. Trent will ring the bell until we answer.”

As if to prove her point, the doorbell chimed again.

After fixing her bra and buttoning her jeans, she turned. “Smile. It’s not like they’re staying the night.”

Courtney took her own advice and pasted on a smile before opening the door.

“Took you long enough,” Trent greeted, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek when he walked in. “If we interrupted you, we can entertain ourselves until you’re done.” His grin said what his words didn’t.

Heat rushed to her face. Josh should’ve answered the door.

Addie elbowed Trent in the side. “Ignore him. He’s cranky. He got home late and didn’t get to eat before we left.”

“We’ve got plenty of snacks. Josh bought some beer too.” She accepted their jackets and hung them in the closet. “Everything is in the kitchen.”

Her cousin’s expression grew serious. “I’d like to talk to you,” Trent said, and Addie shook her head at him.

“C’mon, Trent, we talked about this. Let’s just play cards.”

Addie di

dn’t need to say any more. “It’s okay, Addie. I know what he wants.” Courtney also knew Trent wouldn’t let the matter go. If they didn’t have the discussion now, he’d find another time for them to have it. “Josh is in the kitchen. Can you go over the rules again with him? He’s never played Pitch before. We’ll be right in.”

Addie nodded. “But if Trent says something you don’t like, tell me. I’ll make sure he pays for it later.”

For this conversation, much like the one with Scott on Saturday, she wanted some privacy. “Follow me.”

She didn’t spend a lot of time in the home office. Today though, a few things had come up after she left the foundation, so she’d come in here to work. When she left, she never bothered to switch off the lights or close her laptop.

“Okay. Out with it, so we can play cards.” She loved her cousin, but really, she didn’t need him butting into her life.

Whether it was to annoy her or because he wasn’t sure how to start, Trent sat down rather than answer her. “Are you going to sit?”

“If it means you’ll hurry up, I’ll stand on my head.”

His eyebrow went up, and he ran a hand across his jaw while he considered her words. “That I’d like to see.”

This was getting her nowhere. And the quicker she sat, the sooner he’d talk. “Okay, I’m sitting. What do you want to tell me?”

“I didn’t say anything when those pictures of you and Josh in Hawaii appeared, because I thought the two of you were just having fun on vacation. I didn’t know you’d been seeing him since the summer.”

Thanks to Addie, she’d already known why Trent never mentioned Josh to her following her trip.

“But are you sure about marrying him? Josh isn’t your type.”