“Sorry. I’m not a big cereal fan. But if you want to make a list of foods you like, I’ll add them to my order. It’ll be delivered on Friday.”

How could anyone not like cereal? He’d have to make sure some found its way into the kitchen today. For now, there was a loaf of bread on the counter. “Do you have any peanut butter?” A person couldn’t go wrong with some peanut butter toast.

“It’s in the third cupboard to your right on the top shelf.” She picked up her fork, but before she could use it, her cell phone chimed. After typing a reply, she set it back down. “I tried to wake you before I went to bed, but you were dead to the world. Did you ever make it back to your room?”

“No.” The cramp in his neck would remind him of where he’d slept all day too.

Her cell phone chimed again. This time she ignored it and stabbed a slice of bacon. “Are you still going to drive up to Maine and get your things?”

Right, he had said he would go and get his birth certificate today. “If I go today, we can apply for the marriage license tomorrow.”

“Before I leave, I’ll give you a key so you can get in.” She silenced the cell phone when it rang. “I’m supposed to go to Meg’s for book club tonight, so if I’m not here when you get home, that’s where I am.” She scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs. “But I’m thinking about skipping it.”

Peanut butter toast in hand, he took the stool opposite her. “Don’t skip because of me. I don’t mind being here alone.”

“You’re not the reason—well, you are sort of the reason I might not go. I’m not sure I’m up for a grilling from Meg, Celeste, and Rebecca. And I know I’ll get one.” She turned the laptop, so the screen faced him. A picture of them together in Hawaii dominated the website, along with a headline announcing their engagement. In addition to the picture of them together, there were two smaller headshots of each of them.

“It’s not even seven yet and already I have gotten messages and calls from my friends.”

The article on the Today Magazine website had gone live only an hour ago according to the date and time stamp below the headline, so technically Pauline had waited until today to send out the press release.

Pulling the laptop closer, Josh scanned the article, which told the exact story they’d come up with. The only thing not mentioned in the article was the date and location of the wedding, since he hadn’t known it when he spoke with Pauline.

“Feel free to check any other site you want,” she said.

Maybe he would later. For now, he’d rather have a conversation with the woman sitting across from him. The one who was giving up a lot to help him. “Unless I hit a lot of traffic, I should be back here by seven. If you decide not to go to Meg’s, let me know and I’ll pick up takeout on the way home. We can hang out and watch some more I Love Lucy or whatever you want.”

“You’re desperate for more brownie points, aren’t you?” Amusement flickered in her eyes. “When I decide, I’ll let you know.”

Courtney finished her breakfast and took a final sip of coffee. As he expected, she added the plate and cup to the dishwasher. “Have a nice day.”

She touched his bare shoulder as she spoke, and before his brain could tell his arm no, it went around her waist. Fully intent on kissing her, Josh pulled her in closer. His brain got the message to the rest of him just in time though, and instead of kissing her slightly parted lips, he kissed her cheek.

“You too. See you tonight.”

Josh watched her walk away. What would she do it if he followed her and offered to help her in the shower? They’d shared more than one shower in Hawaii.

Bad idea. Josh dropped his gaze back to his peanut butter toast. If he made such an offer, she might tell him the deal was off and insist he pack up his bags. He couldn’t risk it. If—no, not if but when—he’d seen the way she looked at him and didn’t doubt their relationship would turn intimate again—it happened, she would be the one to make the first move.

Courtney rubbed her eyes and then turned her chair so she could look out her office window. Much like on the drive into work earlier, the sky remained gray and overcast. According to the forecast, they were only supposed to receive rain today. While it might be correct, it certainly looked and felt like the powdery stuff was on its way. Although the area had received snow early this winter, it’d been more than two weeks since they’d received a single snowflake. If it were up to her, it would stay that way. As far as the fluffy white stuff went, the only time she wanted it was when she was skiing—an activity she participated in only a handful of times each year because she’d much rather vacation on a sandy beach than a snow-covered mountain. Josh, she knew, loved both locations, which helped explain why he considered Maine his primary residence despite the fact he had no family living in the area.

It’s not his primary residence anymore, she reminded herself. Last night when he’d fallen asleep, she’d tried several times to wake him. Each time, he’d mumbled something incoherent and kept on sleeping. Eventually, she gave up and covered him with a blanket. Then she’d climbed back into bed and hoped the next time she saw him, he had on more clothes. Naturally, that hadn’t happened. Instead, she’d walked back into the kitchen and found him standing there in just his shorts as if he’d been doing it forever. Much like when she saw him last night, she’d given her eyes the okay to enjoy the view. She’d also been half a breath away from allowing her hands to skim over his chest and down his torso. Judging by the way he watched her, Josh wouldn’t have stopped her either. If he went around the penthouse like that every night and each morning, she wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to restrain the bad girl lurking inside her.

The knock on the door caused the memory of Josh this morning to

disappear. Turning her chair away from the window, she said, “Come in.”

Both her younger sister and Terry, one of the office assistants, stepped inside.

“Ms. Belmont, I’ve Marcy Blake on the phone. She’d like to speak with you,” Terry said.

Even if her sister wasn’t standing there, she’d rather not take a call from the reporter from Today Magazine. While she couldn’t avoid Marcy forever, she could at least put her off for now. “Please let her know I’m unavailable at the moment and tell her she can try back tomorrow.”

“I will. And, Ms. Belmont, congratulations on the engagement,” Terry said before closing the door.

She’d been receiving similar comments from everyone at the foundation today.

Juliette didn’t bother with a polite hello or a “how are you?” Instead, she sat in the chair on the other side of the desk and got right to the point. “I’ve been calling you all day.”