“You’ve been engaged since December?”

If Addie was having this much trouble accepting the news, what would happen when she told her mom?

“Congratulations, I guess.” Confusion still tainted Addie’s voice.

“I know most people would have shared the news long before now. We wanted to wait. You’re the first person other than Josh’s publicist to know.”

“Then you don’t want me to tell Trent?”

The fewer people she had to have this conversation with the better. “You can tell him. I’m meeting with my mom soon to tell her. Tomorrow, Pauline, Josh’s publicist, is going to alert the media outlets.”

Reaching for her hand, Addie examined the ring Courtney selected to act as an engagement ring. “He has good taste, anyway. Have you decided on a wedding date?”

“We don’t want a long engagement. I’m going to ask Uncle Mark if he can perform the ceremony on February first.”

She realized Josh would prefer something sooner, but unless they eloped, something her mom might disown her for doing, she needed some time to plan. And since they weren’t going to have anything elaborate, a few weeks should be enough time—at least her cousin Derek and his wife had managed to pull off a nice wedding in a few weeks’ time last year. Scott and Paige hadn’t had a lot of time to plan either, and their wedding had gone off without any issues.

“That’s only about a month away. I’m glad I’m not the one who has to tell your mom.”

Courtney wished she wasn’t either. “Since Josh is in town, I’m going to bring him with me on Saturday night. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, of course. And if you need any help with planning, I’m here for you.” Addie stood and pulled on her coat. “See you this weekend.”

Courtney watched her friend leave. Once the door closed behind her, she sagged back in her chair and blew out a breath. For the most part, the conversation had gone well. Although Addie was surprised, it didn’t appear as if she doubted any part of the story. “Time for the second act,” she muttered after a glance at her watch.

Angela, her mom’s personal assistant, smiled when Courtney approached. A woman in her mid-sixties, she’d been with the foundation for as long as Courtney could remember.

“Mrs. Belmont said to have you go straight in,” Angela said as she reached for the ringing phone on her desk.

Although she couldn’t complain about her office, her mom’s office was at least three times the size. In addition to a desk and a matching credenza, the room contained an oval-shaped conference table, a separate sitting area that her mom used for more relaxed meetings, as well as a private bathroom. Several pictures of Cooper, her only grandson at the moment, sat on the credenza. And no matter the time of year, there were always fresh flowers in the office. Today’s arrangement consisted of white lilies, peach roses, carnations, and green echeveria succulent. It was anyone’s guess what might be in the office next week.

“Hi, Courtney. I’ll be right with you. I’m finishing up an email.”

No need to rush.

Rather than sit near the desk, Courtney crossed the room and got comfortable on one of the two dove-gray sofas. As promised, Marilyn joined her almost immediately.

After sitting on the sofa across from Courtney, she put her cup down on the coffee table between them. “It seems like I haven’t talked to you in ages.”

While they both worked for the foundation these days and saw each other almost daily, it had been a while since they sat down and engaged in a conversation that didn’t involve work.

“Have you talked to Scott?” her mom asked.

The next two people she planned to drop the news on were her brother and sister, but she hadn’t wanted to reach out to them until after telling her mom. “Not recently.”

“He called last night. Paige is having twins.” Mom sounded as happy as a child who was about to get her first puppy.

She’d known Paige was pregnant. It had been the main reason for their short engagement. The idea her new sister-in-law might be expecting twins had never crossed her mind. While thrilled for the couple, she was glad it was Scott and Paige who were about to welcome twins into their lives and not her. She’d seen how much work Cooper could be, and he was just one child.

“They’ll be here with Cooper for a few days,” Marilyn added. “Assuming you and your sister aren’t busy, I thought we could have a family get-together. I will call Juliette later. Do you have plans for the weekend?”

One never knew what Juliette might be up to. “I’m supposed to have dinner with Addie and Trent Saturday night.”

“I know Paige and Scott plan to head home on Sunday, so I’ll see if your sister is available for brunch before they leave and get back to you. This morning you said you wanted to talk to me about something. What is it?” her mom asked.

Moistening her lips, Courtney prepared herself for whatever reaction she might receive. “I’m engaged. Actually, Josh and I have been since last month.” Somehow saying the words was easier this time around.

“Engaged? Josh who? And why haven’t your father and I met him?”