Is she intentionally stalling or is it me?

“When I found Harry here with Amy, it made me angry. Not because I loved him but because he betrayed my trust. But it didn’t hurt. When he suggested you were only with me because of your father, it was like he’d dropped a granite boulder on me. Honestly, I couldn’t think past the pain or the idea that, if it was true, you’d betrayed me too.”

He got the pain part. When he’d seen her in the doorway, it’d been like a bomb exploded in his chest.

“I think your dad is a jerk for asking Harry to stay with me because it’d give him some connections.” She paused and shook her head. “No, jerk is too mild a word. He’s worse, and so is Harry for agreeing. But I was wrong yesterday. I should’ve known better. You’ve never given me any reason to doubt you. And I know you’re nothing like Harry or your dad. I realized that back in the winter, and I should’ve reminded myself of it yesterday, but the shock overwhelmed me. And I know even if your father asked you to do something like Harry described, you wouldn’t agree.”

His feet moved again. This time they didn’t stop until he rounded the kitchen counter and stood an arm’s length away. “When it comes to my father and his behavior, trust me, it’s better I don’t give you my opinion. But you’re right, if he’d asked me the same thing he did Harry, I wouldn’t have agreed. But believe me when I tell you he didn’t. The only reason I want to be with you is because I love you.”

His mind and body found it unacceptable to be this close and not have her in his arms. Gavin closed the gap between them, and his arms instinctively wrapped around her waist. “I love you,” he repeated, because saying it once wasn’t enough.

She parted her lips to speak. Gavin hoped she intended to tell him the same, but either way she’d have to wait. Leah wasn’t pushing him away, and all day he’d wondered if he’d ever get a chance to kiss her again. With her in his arms, he planned to do it now.

Even though he wanted to pick her up and carry her down the hall, Gavin forced himself to keep the kiss tender and closemouthed. Right now he needed it to communicate his love, not his desire.

They’d shared everything from sweet kisses to passionate ones and everything in between. This one, though, melted her soul. Told her without words what was in his heart.

When he pulled his lips away, she cupped his face in her hands. “I love you too.” She gave him a peck on the lips. “And I think whatever is in the oven is burning.”

When she’d walked in, the smell of meat cooking and spices had filled the air. Now it contained a hint of smoke as well. She wasn’t an expert in the kitchen, but she knew smoke wasn’t a good sign.

He let go as if she was the one on fire instead of the oven’s contents. “Damn it.”

Gavin opened the door, and as a billow of smoke poured into the kitchen, he immediately switched on the exhaust fan over the stove.

He set down a pain holding the charred remains of something it might take a forensic scientist to identify.

“I know you said you were experimenting, but I hope this dish isn’t intended for any of Culloden’s restaurants because I don’t think it’ll be a customer favorite.” She moved closer in case a better look might help her identify the blackened mass. It didn’t help.

“It was supposed to be edible, right?” she asked trying not to laugh.

“Started off as venison cottage pie. There’s no hope of salvaging any of it.” He turned off the flame under a pot and moved it to the back of the stove. “I was working on making some soup too.”

Coming up behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her body into his. “It’s okay. I’m not hungry.” She stretched up and kissed the back of his neck. “How about I help you clean up

this mess up and then we go to bed.” Leah left a trail of kisses along his neck and to his ear.

“I’ve got a better idea. We go to bed now, and I’ll deal with this tomorrow.”

She released the button on his shorts and then slipped a hand inside to touch him. “Your idea sounds much better.”


New Year’s Eve

Back in July when Leah had invited him to the annual Sherbrooke New Year’s Eve party at Cliff House, Gavin never imagined he’d be asking her to marry him. It was his plan for this evening.

Several times since August he’d considered proposing, yet somehow the timing never seemed quite right. Tonight he was done waiting.

With Leah still in the bathroom applying makeup, he pulled the jewelry box out of his suitcase and slipped it inside his tuxedo jacket.

“I’m almost ready,” she called to him through the closed door.

She’d said the same thing half an hour ago, so it was anyone’s guess how much longer before she was done. Any other night he wouldn’t care how long she took getting ready, but each second that passed right now equaled a lifetime. He had no reason to doubt she’d accept his proposal. Regardless, until he heard the words and slipped the ring on her finger, the knots in his stomach weren’t going anywhere.

His fingers brushed across the box in his pocket. “No rush. I’ll be in the other room.” What else could he say? Get your butt out here now so I can ask you to be my wife? Not exactly the most romantic proposal ever.

Gavin opened the suite’s sliding glass door and stepped out on their hotel balcony. Although they’d been invited to stay with several of her relatives in Newport, including her parents, they’d decided to book a hotel suite instead. Already the temperature outside was cold, and it would only get colder as the evening wore on. It didn’t faze him. Actually, it was just the opposite. He felt his body relaxing. The knots in his stomach loosened and the tension he hadn’t even realized he had in his shoulders started to melt away as he listened to the waves.