Maybe his dad hadn’t asked him to pick up where Harry failed yet. She hated to think like that, but it was certainly a possibility.

Gavin insisted his dad never knew about her invitation to Newport. Maybe that was true. It was also possible he’d found out the morning Gavin picked her up and made his request then. After all, they kissed for the first time on the Fourth. Before then she’d never suspected Gavin’s feelings ran any deeper than friendship.

If they had, wouldn’t she have seen some signs? A flash of jealousy maybe when they were out and other men spoke to her, or a casual touch when they were golfing or talking? She’d certainly suffered her fair share of jealousy when they’d been together and a woman showed any interest in him.

“Maybe he’s good at hiding his emotions.”


Some people were. Her eldest brother, Brett, could be falling apart inside and no one would ever know. He could control and mask his emotions better than anyone she knew. Even Curt did a decent job of only letting people see what he wanted them to.

“He’s certainly great at keeping secrets,” she muttered into her drink before taking a sip. Although they’d spent time together for months, he’d never mentioned Erin. If that wasn’t being able to keep one hell of a secret, she didn’t know what was.

Last night she hadn’t dwelled on the fact he’d only told her about Erin when he absolutely had to. With everything else, it was another strike against him.

Leah rested her forehead against her bent knees. I’m getting nowhere.

She was having the same arguments with herself now that she had last night in bed. Maybe a long walk would help clear her head. If not, at least she’d get a change of scenery.

Finishing the last of her iced tea, she stood. At the same moment her cell phone rang.

“Are you up for company? I’m about five minutes from your house,” Curt asked after she answered.

Some company might be the perfect distraction this afternoon. “Definitely.”

She expected both Curt and Taylor, perhaps even Reese, to be on the other side of the door when she opened it, but only her bother stood on the step.

“How’s my favorite sister?” Curt asked, hugging her and dropping a kiss on her cheek.

“I’m your only sister,” she replied, returning the embrace.

Pulling away, Curt ruffled her hair as if she was Reese’s age and smiled. “Doesn’t mean you’re not my favorite.”

“If you’re looking for me to return the sentiment, it’s not happening. And you know it.” Leah loved her brothers equally. Although they were different in most ways, they’d both always been fabulous older brothers, and she’d never claimed to favor one over the other.

“That’s okay. I know the truth, and I promise not to tell Brett. We wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings.”

Yep, some teasing from her brother was just the thing she needed this afternoon. “All alone today?” she asked. From what she’d seen and been told by other family members, Curt and Taylor rarely spent their free time apart.

“Yeah. I spent the night at Scott’s. We went to see the New York/Boston game last night. Taylor couldn’t make it. She had a bridal shower to go to yesterday. Someone she went to college with.” He looked around before he continued. “Gavin’s not here?”

Leah shook her head. “He’s driving Erin back to Providence. Let’s go sit outside. It’s too nice to stay in here.”

He waited until they were seated near the pool before speaking again. “I’m surprised you didn’t go with him. Did things not go well between you and Erin?”

Reaching out, she adjusted the umbrella so they were both in the shade. “We got along great. I didn’t want to go with them today.”

“I told you, you had nothing to worry about.” He took his sunglass off his head and set them on the table. “Since Erin won’t be around next weekend, why don’t the two of you come and visit. I completed what used to be the ballroom.”

He’d extended the same invitation before Erin’s arrival. He’d even suggested they bring her along. Then she’d declined because of all the activities Gavin already had planned with Erin. Today she really wished she could accept… but at the moment she couldn’t.

Leah adjusted her position so she faced forward rather than her brother. “Maybe I’ll come up. I’ll let you know before Friday.” Ready for a new topic altogether, she asked, “Did you hear Brett’s news?”

Unfortunately, Curt didn’t take the bait. “It seemed odd you didn’t go with Gavin to Providence, but if you’re trying to change the subject, I know something’s up. What happened?”

Over the years, she’d gone to her brother for advice regarding work and even school. Never once had Leah sought him out for advice regarding her romantic relationships. When she needed that, she called Tory or Allison, occasionally even Courtney, but Curt was a good listener. More important, he was here and her cousins weren’t. If she explained the situation, he might be able to help her sort through things. Either that or he might offer to beat Gavin up for her.

“Yesterday we went to a party and I overheard a conversation between Harry and Gavin. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I was looking for him because Erin hurt herself and needed him. But the how I heard doesn’t matter. Harry thinks their father encouraged Gavin to get involved with me after I wouldn’t take him back. Turns out Harry stayed with me because their father wanted the connections.”