“What about you? I didn’t expect to see you here with a date, never mind with Leah. Dad was pissed when I couldn’t get her to take me back. He accused me of screwing up the opportunity of a lifetime. It seemed unlike him when he let the matter go. Now it makes sense. Dad got you to go after her. I guess I owe you one for getting him off my ass.”

They weren’t the closest of brothers. Their opposite personalities made it impossible. Harry should know him better than to think he’d date anyone because it would benefit the family, and Gavin got ready to tell Harry where he could shove his theory.

The sound of a throat clearing stopped him.

It took all his willpower to not wrap his hands around his brother’s throat, because the individual behind him had likely heard Harry’s little speech.

Turning in his seat, Gavin witnessed his worst nightmare: Leah crossing the threshold into the room.

Her face was pale except for two pink blotches on her cheeks. Whether her complexion was the result of what she’d most likely heard or something else, he didn’t know. Whatever the cause, she didn’t bother with a greeting.

“Erin needs you.” She sounded out of breath, as if she’d run into the house looking for him, but there was also an angry edge to her tone. “She hurt her ankle. I think it might be broken.”

Gavin jumped out of his seat.

“Good, you found him.” Vivian appeared in the doorway, sounding out of breath as well. “Kerry and Dad are with Erin, but she needs you.”

No matter what, Erin came first. Fixing any damage caused by Harry’s dumbass comments would have to wait.

Thanks to his dad’s height, locating him was always easy. This afternoon was no different, and Gavin sprinted across the lawn. Erin was sitting on the grass with Kerry kneeling on one side of her and his dad standing on the other. His daughter had her hands wrapped around her left ankle and tears streamed down her cheeks. The other adults at the party were keeping the rest of the girls away.

Kneeling, he wiped the tears from Erin’s face. “It’s okay, Bug. I’m here.” Gently he moved her hands for a better look. Until now Erin had never seriously hurt herself. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to a trip to the emergency room.

“We need to get this checked out,” he said softly, because he didn’t want to upset her more. Then he lifted her off the ground and cradled her against his body.

Erin sniffed loudly and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Will you stay with me?”

“Of course, Bug.” He glanced in Leah’s direction. “We might be a while, do you want to wait here?”

He held his breath as he wanted for her response. After the conversation she’d most likely overheard, Gavin wasn’t sure she’d stick around and wait for him to come back. The likelihood she’d come with them was even slimmer.

“You and Erin might be at the emergency room for hours. I’ll give Leah a ride home,” Vivian offered before Leah answered.

Gavin couldn’t argue with his sister. “Thanks, Viv.” He glanced back at Leah, who was standing as far away from him she as could and still be part of the group around Erin. “I’ll call you when we’re done.”

When he only received a slight nod in response, he took a step forward. For now he’d have to settle for that and worry about the rest later.

“I want Leah to come with us,” Erin said, forcing him to come to a halt. “Please.”

No one ever looked more torn than Leah did right then. She closed her eyes momentarily. When she opened them again, she focused on Erin. “Sure.”


Leah didn’t care where she was. All she cared about was not being around Gavin right then. She wanted time alone so she could think and sort out her emotions. When Erin asked her to come along, she couldn’t refuse—not for a trip to the emergency room. If Erin had been asking her to tag along to the zoo or the movies, it would’ve been another story. A trip to the hospital, even if it wasn’t a life-threatening injury, was another matter.

Although she wasn’t the one suffering from an ankle injury, the visit to the emergency room was an incredibly uncomfortable ordeal. Normally conversation flowed easily between them, even when Erin was in the room.

Not tonight.

Instead they’d both sat holding Erin’s hands and pretending like Leah hadn’t heard every word Harry said. All the while, the conversation she’d walked in on played over and over in her head.

Like it was now.

They’d left the emergency room almost twenty minutes ago. For the first few minutes of the drive, Erin remained awake, but the snores coming from the back seat indicated the events of the day had finally caught up to her.

Pulling up to a stop sign, Gavin checked his rearview mirror as if to make sure Erin was asleep despite the snoring. “Leah, did you…?” He trailed off. “How much of our conversation did you hear?” It was the most he’d said to her since she found him with Harry.
