“I’ll answer because she’ll keep asking.”

Then he’d ask her a question of his own. After seeing them together, he expected she’d be happy about Leah becoming her stepmother soon, but he still wanted to ask. Afterward they’d visit some jewelry stores, because at some point in the very near future he was going to need a ring, and he wanted Erin to be a part of the selection process.

Slowly the storm moved away, and Leah fell back asleep with her head still on his shoulder and an arm across his torso. But even with Leah next to him, Gavin remained awake, staring into the darkness and considering the how and when he should propose once he had a ring in hand. Even if they found the perfect one tomorrow, asking anytime in the next week or so was out. He wanted the moment to be memorable but low-key and, most importantly, private. As much as he adored Erin, he didn’t want her around when he asked Leah, which meant whatever he decided on would have to wait until she was back in Providence with her mom.

Eventually Gavin forced his eyes closed and drifted off to sleep. Thoughts of his and Leah’s future followed him.


Gavin skipped breakfast but sat at the counter and drank coffee while Leah ate a bagel slathered with cream cheese. At the moment, they had the kitchen to themselves, but although it was early, at any minute Erin might come running in, eager to first redecorate with the things she and Leah bought yesterday and then go on today’s outing.

He’d intended to take her hiking since they missed out on it Monday when Gigi showed up. Now he was reconsidering. He had no idea how long Erin’s room would take, and he wanted to do some shopping of his own today, which was something else he didn’t know how long would take. Gavin wouldn’t settle for any old ring. It needed to suit Leah’s personality, so he might be visiting a lot of stores over the next few days.

Gavin was making a mental list of all the jewelry stores he was familiar with when Leah came back from refilling her coffee and sat down. “If you can get her to wait, I’ll help Erin with her room when I get back tonight,” she offered.

He’d never hung a curtain in his life. Gavin was confident Leah had never done it either, not that it mattered. Getting Erin to wait until tonight so Leah could help wasn’t happening. Even getting her into bed last night without putting her new sheets on first had been difficult. She even told them she’d sleep better with the unicorn sheets on the bed than she would with the gray-and-white striped one on there now.

“We’ll manage,” he replied. “I know you took yesterday off, but is there any way you can take the seventeenth and eighteenth off?”

He should probably make sure the cabin he wanted to rent was available before he asked, but if it was when he called, he wanted to be able to book it. He’d been renting the small cabin up in Maine for years. He’d even asked the current owners, a married couple in the early sixties, if they were interesting in selling. They’d declined but promised to let him know before they contacted a real estate agent, because they would be ready to sell in another two or three years.

Overlooking a lake, the cabin was isolated from everyone. He went there once a year to just get away from the city and life in general. Never had he brought anyone along, not even Erin. Gavin wanted to share it with Leah.

“It shouldn’t be a problem. Why? What have you got planned?” she asked.

“Maybe nothing. I’ll tell you tonight.”

Assuming he found the perfect ring in the next week, the cabin would be a perfect place to propose. Even if he didn’t, two nights alone there with Leah would be wonderful.

Chapter Fourteen

Gavin hated when his visits with Erin came to an end. It was no different this time. Today was their last full day together. Tomorrow he’d bring her back to Amber in Providence, and until Thanksgiving he’d be back to seeing Erin only every other weekend.

Disappointment wasn’t the only emotion affecting him this time around. Healthy doses of excitement, nervousness, and something bordering on dread had taken their turns over the last two or three days. Right now dread pressed down on his chest.

Leah insisted she didn’t care that Harry would be at Piper’s party. While he knew she wouldn’t make a scene, his half brother was another story. Often the guy didn’t think before he opened his big mouth. Gavin worried he’d say something and create an uncomfortable situation for all of them, but especially Leah. Unfortunately, other than keeping her as far from Harry as possible, there wasn’t much he could do today.

“It’s a little late for an April Fools’ joke,” Leah said to the person on the other end of the line.

When the device had rang and she checked the screen, she’d merely said it was her brother, so he didn’t know if she was talking to Curt or Brett. He guessed it was Curt but only because since he’d known Leah, Brett had never called her.

Gavin checked the side mirror before switching lanes and listened to Leah’s half of the conversation.

“You’re serious?”

Whatever information her brother was sharing, Leah was having one hell of a time accepting.

She listened to the caller’s reply. “Let me know what I can help with. And I’ll come and visit soon.” Leah ended the call and returned the cell phone to her purse.

He didn’t want to be nosy, but his curiosity got the better of him. “Is everything okay?”

Leah’s face scrunched up in confusion, and she scratched her head as if still trying to comprehend what her brother had shared. “Yeah, that was Brett. He’s entering the special election for Senator Brown’s seat in Washington.”

Considering the number of politicians in her family tree, he didn’t find the news surprising. But she did.

“When I saw him in June, he didn’t say anything about leaving active duty. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me. And he’s never said a word about wanting to go into politics.”

He didn’t tell his sister everything, but a life change like Brett had made did seem like something you’d share with your siblings. If the guy hadn’t, Gavin guessed, Brett had his reasons. “Where did he move to?”