His fingers paused over the keyboard and he looked up at her. “Nope, she’s not home. Gigi showed up before we left this morning. She insisted on taking Erin for the day. She hasn’t seen Erin since Christmas.”

“And you immediately came in here?” She leaned her hip against the side of his desk.

Rolling his chair back, Gavin reached for her, pulling her closer until she stood between his legs. “No. I took care of a few errands I’ve been putting off. And I picked up a birthday present for my sister while I was out too.” His hands on her waist slipped around to the small of her back. “My dad called. Piper wants to celebrate her birthday early so Erin can

come to the party. Instead of the party being on her birthday, it’s going to be next weekend.”

Considering the close friendship he’d explained existed between the two girls, Piper’s request seemed natural.

“I told him Erin and I would be there. I’d like you to come with us.” He cleared his throat before he continued. “But I understand if you’d rather skip it. Harry will most be likely there. Unless he’s out of state, he doesn’t miss Piper’s birthday parties.”

She had no desire to be in the same room with Harry Kincaid again. Unfortunately, the man was Gavin’s half brother, so unless they put an end to their relationship tomorrow, the possibility of going the rest of her life without seeing Harry again was almost nonexistent. So while she appreciated the gesture, skipping Piper’s birthday party would only delay the evitable.

“Harry or no Harry, I’ll come with you. I’ll have Erin help me find a present for Piper when we go shopping tomorrow.” Nothing was more embarrassing than showing up at a birthday party empty-handed.

Without warning he stood and lifted her onto the edge of his desk. His fingers brushed against the bare skin just below the hem of her skirt before he pushed the fabric up until it reached almost where leg met torso, allowing her to open her legs further.

When she did, he moved in between them. The hard ridge behind his zipper pressed into her. Closing her eyes, she took in slow, deep breaths, simply enjoying the feel of him against her.

One of his hands trailed up and over her waist before settling on her right breast. His touch burned through her blouse, setting her skin on fire. On their own, her fingers moved to the tiny buttons holding the top closed and began undoing each one.

“When will Erin be back?” It was the first time since Friday morning they’d been alone, and she was suddenly desperate to have his hands and mouth everywhere.

The hand still resting on her thigh moved up and under her skirt. “No idea,” he admitted, his fingers pushing aside her panties and then moving against her, causing her muscles to contract as she pressed into his hand.

With her blouse no longer buttoned, he spread the two sides apart with his other hand and yanked her bra down, exposing one breast. “Don’t worry, they’ll ring the doorbell.” His teeth raked across her nipple as his finger sank inside her, making it impossible to offer up a reply.

He teased and stroked until Leah thought she’d die from pleasure. Needing to finally have him inside her, she reached for the button on his shorts.

Or at least she tried.

Gavin brushed her hand away. “Not yet. I’m not done.”

Before she could argue, he dropped to his knees between her legs and proceeded to love her with his tongue and lips until she grabbed his shoulders to keep from flying off the desk.

Only after she’d touched the stars and started to drift back down to earth did he stand and she heard his zipper move. “I love you,” Gavin said near her ear.

The words hit her heart and spread through her soul. Opening her eyes, she met his steady gaze. His eyes burned with the same heat and desire she’d seen before, but now they reflected love too. And she didn’t need a mirror to know the same emotions shone brightly in her eyes.

“I love you too.”


Dropping the L-word tonight hadn’t been on his agenda. Hell, he’d only realized the truth recently and his feelings had run much deeper than mere friendship for months. So the chances of her sharing the sentiment so soon in their relationship seemed unlikely. But when she agreed to go with him and Erin to the party even though Harry would be there, keeping the words back had been impossible.

“Should I let you get back to work?” Leah asked. At the moment she sat in his lap; her blouse remained unbuttoned but much to his disappointment she’d readjusted her bra.

Yeah, like he’d get any more done in here tonight. He might never get work done in his office again. Every time he walked in, the memory of bringing her to orgasm on his desk before making love to her would occupy his thoughts.

Her lips were still red and swollen from kissing and Gavin couldn’t resist tasting her again. “I’ve got all day tomorrow while you and Erin are gone,” he explained once his lips left hers.

Leah’s hand skimmed across his shoulder and around to the back of his neck. Her fingertips brushed back and forth against his skin. “Since you missed out on the day with Erin, are you sure you still want us to go? The museum will be there next week.”

“She’d never forgive me if I canceled your girls’ day out. It was all she talked about yesterday,” he replied. “I’ll take her hiking later in the week.”

Smiling, she kissed his cheek. “I might not forgive you either. I haven’t been on a good shopping spree in months.”

Shopping spree? Leah had promised to help Erin pick out things for her bedroom. He envisioned that to mean a new comforter and maybe some of those throw pillows women loved so much. It sounded like Leah had much more in mind.