When it came to romantic relationships, Harry could be a first-class bastard, but he was a good uncle, and the last time Erin stayed here, Harry was living with him. During that week Harry had been on his best behavior. He hadn’t brought home any women, and he’d spent several hours playing video games with Erin.

“He’s not living here anymore. His new house is done.”

She slipped her hand into his, a gesture he never tired of, while they walked back to the living room. “When will we see him?”

Unless away on vacation, Harry always made a point to see Erin at least once when she was in New York. Two months ago Gavin would’ve reminded his half brother Erin was arriving today. Given his relationship with Leah, he’d kept silent about Erin’s upcoming visit, hoping to avoid an unexpected visit from Harry while Leah was around.

“Not sure, Bug. We’ll have to wait and see.”

“I made him a bracelet. I made one for you too, and it looks just like mine.” She held up her wrist so he could see the black and yellow friendship bracelet tied around it. “They’re in my backpack.”

Erin left him with little choice. “I’ll call him later and see if he’s around.” And if Harry did visit, Gavin would make sure Leah knew beforehand so she could go else

where if she wanted.

Satisfied with his response, she moved on to another topic. “Can we get pizza tonight?”

They did need to eat, but he wasn’t in the mood for pizza. Honestly, he didn’t know what he wanted, but he knew it wasn’t pizza. “Let’s see what Leah feels likes and then decide.”

Erin flopped into an armchair across from Leah and folded her legs up like a pretzel. “Are you and Leah going to get married like Mom and Todd?”

You had to ask me that now. Part of being a parent was embarrassing questions from your child. And he’d gotten plenty of them from Erin since she first learned to talk. This one got the gold medal, though.

Leah cleared her throat, and when he shot a quick look at her, she had a hand over her mouth. When their eyes met, she merely shrugged and remained silent.

Thanks for the help.

“Your mom and Todd have known each other a lot longer than Leah and me.” The reply didn’t answer Erin’s question, but it wasn’t a lie either. Before she could point out he hadn’t given her the information she wanted, he spoke again. “Bug wants pizza. I’m leaning more toward Thai or Indian. What are you in the mood for, Leah?”

When Leah dropped her hand into her lap, a smile tugged at her lips. “Pizza gets my vote.”


During dinner and as they played a friendly board game, Gavin found himself mentally stepping back and watching Leah and Erin interact. Somehow Leah seemed to ask his daughter all the right questions. In no time they were chatting away as if Leah had known Erin since birth and completely ignoring him.

He knew it was a good sign that they were getting along well already, but that didn’t mean he liked being the odd man out where his daughter was concerned.

“She reminds me of Reese,” Leah commented.

They were alone for the first time since leaving the airport. He’d sent Erin to change into pajamas before they put on one of her favorite superhero movies. For the past year or so she’d been obsessed with superheroes, especially female ones. Before that she’d been into movies based on her favorite book series. No doubt in another year or so, she’d have a new obsession.

“I thought the same thing when we were at your brother’s house.”

Leaning closer, he touched his lips to hers in the briefest of kisses and then pulled away. Regardless of his best intentions, sometimes when he meant to merely kiss Leah, desire got the better of him and he got carried away. Yeah, they were alone now, but Erin could return at any moment, and he didn’t want her walking in on anything inappropriate.

“She likes you already.” Leah might not be a mother, but she was a natural with his daughter. “Todd and Erin get along great now, but I remember Amber telling me it took Todd a good month of trying before Erin warmed up to him.”

“Must be because I voted for pizza tonight.”

He pretended to consider Leah’s theory. “It probably helped,” he agreed with a straight face. “But it’s not the only reason.” Gavin was about to tell Leah how much he appreciated the way she was welcoming his daughter into her life, but a tornado of energy disguised as a young girl in pastel-colored pjs stopped him.

Erin flung herself on the sofa next to him. “Here’s your bracelet.” She handed him a larger version of the one she wore. “Mom let me bring the thread with me. I’ll make you one tomorrow, Leah. Do you like yellow and black? I have pink, purple, and green thread too. I made Uncle Harry a green and black one. What colors would you like?”

“Surprise me,” Leah replied.

Satisfied with the answer, Erin settled in next to him and leaned her head against his arm as he pressed Play on the remote control. Immediately, the theme song to the newest superhero movie in the series filled the room. Once the action started, Erin wouldn’t say much of anything else.

But the action on the screen hadn’t started yet.