With a shrug Vivian moved their conversation back on track. “A party at her parents’ and a cookout at her brother’s. Sounds like a busy weekend. Before you continue, did you tell her about Erin?”

He’d skipped over the conversation they’d had during the fireworks. He wasn’t going to rehash it now either. “She knows all about Erin.”

“Good. Please continue. I promise not to interrupt again.”

Yeah, right.

When it came to her sex life, his twin had always been open with him, even when he didn’t care to know, like when her first sexual experience had been with his then good friend in high school. He’d never shared her willingness to talk about what did or didn’t happen in his bedroom. So while they enjoyed their pizza, he gave Vivian the condensed, G-rated version of the past few weeks. And even if his twin wanted to know all the intimate details, she knew not to ask if he’d slept with Leah.

“How does Harry feel about you dating his ex?” Until now she’d kept her promise and hadn’t said a word.

“I don’t think he knows.” Other than at work, they hadn’t spoken in weeks. He saw no need to tell Harry or anyone else whom he was involved with anyway. “If he doesn’t like it when he finds out, that’s his problem.” Harry had had his chance with Leah and blown it.

“Is he still with Milan or has she realized what a jerk he is and moved on?”

“Beats me.”

Vivian looked about to say something else when the sound of the doorbell reached them from inside. “I’m not expecting anyone but you tonight.” She pushed back her chair and stood. “Be right back. It is probably another campaigner hoping to get my vote. They’ve already started coming around, and the primary isn’t until September.”

With his sister gone for the moment, he pulled out his cell and sent Leah a short text message. He’d prefer to call, but he didn’t want to be in the middle of a conversation when Vivian returned. Almost immediately a reply appeared on the screen.

Call me when you get a chance, Gavin. I miss you.

Miss you too. Talk to you soon.

Gavin returned the device to his pocket as a male voice drifted outside. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I stopped over.”

So much for Vivian’s theory about a campaigner at the door.

Interest piqued, he listened for his sister’s reply. “I don’t. I’m just surprised. I didn’t think I’d see you until tomorrow.”

It sounded like Vivian had been so busy prying into his personal life, she’d neglected to share some new developments in hers. That wasn’t something she usually did, and he intended to give her a hard time about it later.

Vivian stepped back outside, her arm around a man he recognized but had never met. “Jeff, I’d like you to meet my brother Gavin.” She swung her gaze toward him. “Gavin, this is—”

“Jeffrey Moore,” he said. He’d watched the professional soccer player enough times to know exactly whom his sister had her arm around. Gavin shot Vivian a quick look to let her know she had some questions to answer later before extending his hand toward Jeffrey. “Nice to meet you.”


A drive up to New Hampshire today hadn’t been anywhere on her radar until last night. With Gavin in California until Sunday, she wanted something to occupy her free time. A visit up to see her brother and his newest project struck her as the perfect distraction, which was why she’d worked a half day from home before jumping on the highway and heading to New England. While with Curt, she intended to not only pass the time but also get some advice.

When she’d first found out Gavin had a daughter, it seemed like no big deal. She liked children and even assumed someday she’d have her own. The closer it got to Erin’s arrival in New York, the more anxious she got. From what she’d seen, Curt’s relationship with his girlfriend’s niece was going well, so he was obviously doing something right. Hopefully he’d share some insight on how to develop a similar relationship with Gavin’s daughter.

Following the GPS directions, she turned onto Marsh Road and passed the village green. At the moment, a small farmers’ market was set up on it, but a sign near the entrance mentioned a car show would be held there tomorrow. When Curt first told her about the town, he’d referred to it as quaint. From the little she’d seen so far, Leah agreed with his assessment.

She’d only visited the first home Curt renovated. It’d been a cute cottage in upstate New York. She’d seen pictures of the other two, however, and the house she’d just parked in front of was by far the largest he’d tackled. Instantly she wondered if perhaps this time he’d undertaken more than he could handle.

It took a few minutes for her broth

er to answer the door. When he finally did, he wasn’t alone. Reese stood next to him. Both wore clothes that had seen better days and old sneakers. Several paints smears were on Curt’s arms, and Reese had one on her chin and a smaller one on her forehead.

“I didn’t expect you for at least another hour,” he greeted, releasing the door and taking a step back so she could enter.

“Except for a little around Hartford and then again around Worcester, I didn’t hit any traffic today,” Leah explained. Avoiding traffic had been the main reason she left the city when she did. The summer traffic heading northeast on a Friday could be horrendous.

“I’d hug you, but Reese and I have been painting.”

“Yeah, your blue skin kind of gave you away. And since you have more on you than Reese does, I’m guessing she’s better at it than you.”