The lack of lights in the room cast his face in shadows, but she could tell he didn’t share her opinion. Not many people did, and she was okay with that.

Placing his hands on her waist, Gavin pulled her closer. “Then the next time we have one, I’ll let you watch and enjoy it.” He lowered his head, but he stopped before his lips reached hers. “But not tonight.”

Warm lips came down on hers. All the kisses they’d shared today had been sweet but much too short, in her opinion. Stretching up on to her tiptoes, she traced his bottom lip with her tongue. Gavin didn’t require any further encouragement. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth and at the same time lifted her off her feet. When she wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his erection pressing into her, she groaned.

Thunder rumbled outside, mimicking the sound her heart was making inside her chest. And although she’d counseled herself the previous weekend that taking it slow was the best course, her body was demanding she follow a different path tonight.

With his hands cradling her butt and her legs wrapped around his waist, she was confident she wouldn’t fall if she removed her arms from around his neck. She ended their kiss and pulled back. Immediately disappointment flickered in Gavin’s eyes. When she reached for the hem of her top, it disappeared just as quickly. Heat hot enough to singe her hair replaced it.

His eyes followed her hands as she inched the material higher and over her head. Then she dropped the top on the floor before unclasping her bra and slipping it off. All her adult life, she’d considered her breasts too small. More than once she’d thought of having them enlarged a cup size or two. The idea of undergoing surgery and then recovery always stopped her.

The way Gavin was staring at her breasts now made her wonder if she’d been too critical of them all these years.

Gavin slammed his lips down on hers again and started walking. Instinctively she put her arms around his shoulders again, causing his T-shirt to rub against her sensitive nipples, and tried to move against his erection. The hands on her backside made it impossible. He didn’t move his hands when he sat on the sofa, forcing her to straddle his lap. Pressed so intimately against him, she couldn’t stop her body from moving. Intense pleasure shot through her, and all she could think about was doing it again.

The hand now on her waist stopped her and held her in place. Moving his lips away from hers, he took one breast in his hand as he lowered his head. Slowly he flicked his thumb back and forth against her nipple. Then when she thought it couldn’t get any tighter, he blew on it. The warm breath sent tingles across her breast and she shivered. Finally he touched it with the tip of his tongue before closing his lips around it.

Groaning, she reached for his hand still on her waist. He didn’t resist when she pulled it away and moved it to her other breast. While his lips and tongue teased one nipple, his hand caressed the other.

With both his hands occupied, there was nothing to stop Leah from moving against him the way her body was urging her to.

He released her nipple and looked up at her. “I want to take my time tonight. If you don’t stop doing that, I’m not going to be able to.”

The fire reflected in his eyes only fueled the flames licking her body. Reaching between them, she unbuttoned his shorts and slipped her hand inside. Gently she stroked him, his skin hot against her palm.

She couldn’t remember ever wanting a man as much as she wanted Gavin now. “We can go slow next time.”


Sometime between the first and second time they made love, the thunder and lightning stopped. Since then the rain had also ended, and the sky had cleared. Now, moonlight filled the room, allowing him to see the naked woman in bed next to him.

Turning on his side, Gavin propped himself up on an elbow. “Stay here tonight.” He ran a hand across he

r stomach and then down her thigh. “I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”

“Tempting offer,” she replied, placing her hand over his and holding it in place on her thigh.

“But?” he asked when Leah didn’t give him a more satisfactory answer.

She pulled his hand along her leg and up to her waist. “How do your breakfasts compare to your dinners?”

“Almost as good,” he admitted, reaching for the sheet when Leah shivered. “And if you stay, I promise you more than a good meal.” Under the sheet, he cupped her breast and flicked this thumb against her nipple.

“Your offer is sounding better and better.” Moving onto her side, she swung one leg over his. “Before I accept, I need another demonstration of what I can expect in the morning.” Leah took his hand and moved it down her body and between her legs.

He’d given her two such demonstrations already. If she wanted another, he was more than happy to oblige.

Chapter Eight

Gavin glanced at his watch. This meeting with his father had started almost two hours ago, and he needed to wrap it up so he could focus on other issues requiring his attention—issues he wanted to tackle before he left the office for the weekend, because he didn’t want to take work home with him. Unfortunately, Dad didn’t seem to be in any rush this afternoon, because although they’d covered everything on the agenda, he still sat at the conference table in Gavin’s office.

“This evening I’m meeting Fredrick at the club for a round of golf. Why don’t you join us,” he suggested. “We can have dinner while we’re there. Kerry and Piper are away visiting Kerry’s mom for the weekend.”

Occasionally he spent time with Dad outside the office. The man was a good golf player, and Gavin always had to play his best if wanted to beat him. The same was true of Dad’s longtime friend Fredrick Wayland. Perhaps four or five months ago he would’ve accepted the invitation, but ever since Harry had shared their father’s request regarding Leah, he’d avoided Dad as much as possible. Yes, in the long run Dad’s insistence that Harry stay with Leah hadn’t caused her any permanent damage, but he never should’ve proposed the idea, and Gavin couldn’t forgive him for doing it.

He closed the open laptop on the table and stacked his legal pad on top. “I can’t. I have plans tonight,” Gavin answered. At the moment, he and Leah had no specific plans other than to spend time with each other, but Dad didn’t need to know that.

“Maybe next time then,” Dad replied.