Leah considered her cousin’s words. Gavin had never once mentioned traveling to Providence or anywhere else to visit friends, and his sister Vivian lived in California. Besides, the only travel he seemed to do was for work.

“Have you seen him there recently?”

Courtney swallowed her mouthful of lemonade and set the glass down. “Last Friday. It was Meg’s turn again to host book club.”

“He must have a doppelganger running around. Gavin was in Mississippi last week on business.” At least she hoped so, because if not Gavin had lied to her. While friends didn’t have to tell each other everything, she saw no good reason for him to lie about his whereabouts last week or any other time.

Unless he has something to hide.

She watched Trent high-five Gavin after he spiked the ball over the net and Jake failed to return it. After the kisses they’d shared today, she’d never see him as just a friend again. Before she got in any deeper and risked getting burned a third time, she needed to know she could trust him. Confronting him would be awkward, but what other choice did she have?


The first volley of fireworks exploded, filling the night sky with color. Every Fourth of July, Leah looked forward to the dazzling show. Until her conversation with Courtney, today hadn’t been any different, but since their chat on the beach her mood had deteriorated. Rather than enjoy the party and time with her family, she spent the afternoon considering the best way to question Gavin when they finally got a moment alone. She didn’t want to accuse him of anything when it was possible the person Courtney saw wasn’t even him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling the man her cousin had seen was Gavin. And as much as she cared about him, she wasn’t going to be the other woman for him or anyone else.

Gavin’s hand closed around hers, jolting her from thoughts of the conversation they needed to have. “I never told anyone this, but when I was a kid fireworks petrified me.”

“They are loud. You wouldn’t be the first child to be afraid of them,” she said.

He moved closer on the blanket they were sharing. “It wasn’t the sound. I was afraid the sparks would fall around me and set everything on fire.” Gavin raised her hand toward his lips. “Stupid, I know, but at the time it seemed possible.” His breath washed over her skin as he spoke, and then he kissed her knuckles.

With everyone watching the display in the sky, they could leave and no one would notice. As much as she loved fireworks, she needed to get to the bottom of this mystery so she could hopefully go back to enjoying her time with Gavin.

“Not stupid at all.” Leah turned her gaze from the sky toward him. “Do you mind coming inside with me?”

“No, but you want to go now? The fireworks just started.” His voice reflected his surprise. Considering the beautiful display overhead, she understood, but she could no longer wait to get this cleared up.

Leah pulled her hand away and came to her feet. “If we go now, no one will bother us.” She slipped her sandals back on and waited.

Gavin didn’t argue. Standing, he reached for her hand again. “Lead the way.”

She didn’t expect anyone to come inside anytime soon, but regardless, she brought Gavin through the house and to the small living room. Unlike the larger, more formal one her parents used when entertaining, this room was only used by family members. After switching on the lights, she closed the door just in case someone wandered down the hall and got nosy.

Leah leaned against the door. “You’re probably going to think I’ve lost it,” she said as he started toward her. Getting right to the point seemed the best strategy. “But Courtney said she saw you last weekend when she was visiting a friend. Were you in Providence, or do you have a doppelgänger running around?”

He’d planned on telling her about Erin soon, but not tonight. Unfortunately, he had no other choice now. Sure, he could tell Leah the man her cousin had seen wasn’t him, but that would mean lying to her. Lies, no matter how big or small, had a way of coming back to haunt you.

“Actually, Courtney said she’s seen you or your identical twin going into an apartment at the Mayfair other times too,” Leah continued, not giving him a chance to answer.

“I was there, but I didn’t see Courtney.” He reached for Leah’s hand, but she jerked it away before he could take it. Clasping her hands behind her back, she moved away from the door and him. The gesture hurt more than a slap to the face.

“Why did you tell me you were in Jackson if you were in Providence? I’m not your keeper. You can go anywhere you want.”

She was trying to act as if she didn’t care, but he heard the truth in her voice. And he wished he’d told her about his regular trips to Providence long before tonight. “I was in Jackson for a week. When I finished up there, I flew to Rhode Island and spent two nights in Providence. I got back to New York late Sunday night, like I told you.”

Hoping she’d join him, Gavin moved to the sofa and sat. “I know what you’re thinking, Leah, and you’re wrong.”

“Oh really? And just what am I thinking?” she asked, glaring at him.

Wrong choice of words. Until this moment, the only time he’d seen her mad was the day she caught Harry with another woman.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. If you’ll give me a chance, I can explain why your cousin has seen me at the Mayfair.”

Leah sat at the other end of the sofa, as far away from him as she could get and still be on the same piece of furniture. “I’m listening.”

“My daughter lives in Providence with her mom. I have an—”

She waved her hands in the air, her eyes the size of dessert plates. “Whoa, wait a minute. Daughter? You have a daughter? Since when?”