He sensed eyes on them. Even before checking, he knew he’d find Leah’s brother watching them. Sure enough, when he glanced up he found Curt staring at him, and he instantly recognized the pure brotherly concern etched on the other man’s face. It was an emotion he’d felt numerous times on behalf of both Vivian and Piper. Holding Curt’s gaze, he nodded before turning his attention back to Leah.

“They only do it because they care about you,” Gavin explained.

“Oh, I know. And trust me, I’ve also made sure to fulfill my duties as an annoying little sister.” The mischievous smile made him wonder just what types of things she’d done to Curt and Brett over the years.

“Something tells me you have some great stories to share.” Before he could ask if she’d care to share, his phone rang. As much as he didn’t want to interrupt the fun, he pulled the device out and checked the caller ID. Amber’s name was on the screen, but he doubted the caller was actually his ex-girlfriend. More likely it was Erin calling him again. A call from his dad or mom he’d consider ignoring, but not one from his daughter. “Sorry, I need to take this. It’s my dad.” He hated to lie, but what other option did he have?

Leah nudged him in the side. “It better be him. If I find out later it’s work, you’re in big trouble.”

He wanted to kiss her, but with Curt’s gaze still locked on him, Gavin opted for a smile instead. Pressing the green talk icon, he stood. “Be right back.”

Gavin walked back up toward the house and listened as Erin filled him in on all the rides she’d gone on so far today. By the sound of it, she was having a blast on vacation. While things hadn’t worked out between him and Amber, he couldn’t deny that she was a fabulous mom to their daughter, and Todd treated Erin like a daughter. So although he selfishly didn’t love the idea of Erin having a stepfather in her life, he was genuinely happy for his ex-girlfriend and her new fiancé.

“I can’t wait to see the pictures,” he said, darting to the left when he spotted Tasha Marshall. The last thing he wanted was to get corned by her again, although perhaps he owed her a thank-you for her unintended help earlier. It hadn’t been until Leah saw him and Tasha talking that she’d given him a clear sign her feelings for him ran deeper than mere friendship.

Chapter Four

From the comfort of a beach chair, Leah watched Gavin jump and hit the volleyball back over the net toward her cousin Jake. They’d asked her to play too, but she’d played enough sports with her family to know that what started out as friendly games quickly became extremely competitive. Sometimes she was up for that, and other times she preferred to sit back and watch her various male relatives get all worked up. Today not only wasn’t she up for a competitive volleyball match, but by sitting on the sidelines she was able to work on her tan, and more importantly study Gavin half naked—an activity she found most enjoyable.

“Does he live in Providence?” Courtney asked. She’d opted not to play volleyball as well and sat next to her.

Leah’s eyes followed the ball over the net and toward her cousin Trent, who managed to save it before it hit the sand. “Who?”

“Your boyfriend, Gavin. And don’t tell me he’s not. I saw you rush in to save him from Tasha. I swear I only left him alone for a minute to get a drink and she swooped in. If I’d known she’d try something, I would’ve waited until you got back. I assumed she’d be on the prowl for either Curt or Alec today.”

When Curt had cornered her and insisted something was up between her and Gavin, she denied it. She couldn’t deny it now, not after the kiss they shared on the beach. “I think Taylor’s presence saved Curt today. And Alec just got here, so I can’t say I blame Tasha for going after Gavin.”

In an attempt to reach the ball, Gavin lunged up, the muscles in his back flexing.

“Neither do I,” Courtney admitted.

Even though she trusted Courtney, a hint of possessiveness swept through her and she had to bite her tongue to keep from telling her cousin to stay away from him.

“But back to

my question. Does Gavin live in Providence?”

“No, Manhattan. Why?”

“I’ve seen him or his twin a few times at Meg’s building.”

“Are you sure?”

It was a silly question, because Courtney never forgot a face—or much of anything else for that matter. The woman was a literal genius with the IQ to prove it. Regardless, Leah didn’t think the man her cousin had seen could be Gavin. When he wasn’t traveling for work, he was putting in twelve-plus-hour days at the office.

Courtney looked back over at the group playing volleyball and then at Leah again. “You’re really asking me that. Look at him. His not exactly the type you forget.”

“Good point,” Leah said as she reached for the lemonade she’d brought down. And she was extremely glad she had. Watching Gavin play while dressed in only his shorts was making her hotter than a summer afternoon in Death Valley.

“Does he have any family in Providence?” Courtney asked.

“His mom and stepfather live somewhere in Rhode Island, but I’m not sure where. He has a stepbrother in the area too.”

“Who is his mom?”

“Faith Williamson.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. He doesn’t look anything like her.” Courtney turned her attention back to the friendly game on the sand. “Anyway, I’ve seen him or someone who looks like him going into the apartment next to Meg’s, and it doesn’t belong to his mom. I’ve never talked to the woman who lives there, but I’ve seen her a couple times when I’ve gone to see Meg. She looks about our age.”