She’d considered and immediately dismissed the same thought earlier. Whatever ideas prompted Eliza’s actions today, being a loving mom had nothing to do with them. “No. Even before I became Reese’s guardian, Eliza wasn’t interested in being a mother. She left Reese with Mom or me every chance she got. She did this for some other reason. I just can’t figure out what.”

Taylor heard the house phone ring. No one ever called the landline anymore. They’d even considered getting rid of it rather than pay for something they never used. Let that be Eliza or Reese. Please.

Mom got to the phone before she did. “Please let me talk to Reese,” Mom said, her voice shaking. “Just to say hello, so I know she’s okay. I’m her grandmother. I need to know she’s okay.”

Taylor stood near the kitchen table and wished she could hear both sides of the conversation.

“Then let me talk to Eliza. Is she there?” Mom asked in desperation.

Great. Reese wasn’t only with Eliza, but also whatever scumbag Eliza spent time with these days. But why wasn’t Eliza calling herself? Had something happened to her since leaving the pottery studio with Reese? Had Eliza left Reese with someone? A friend even more screwed up than her?

The color drained from Mom’s face. “Yes, I understand, but….”

Taylor gripped the edge of the table.

“I don’t….” Again, whatever Mom intended got cut off by the scumbag on phone. “Okay. She’s here.” She passed the phone to Taylor. “He wants to talk to you.” Mom covered her face with one hand, and Mr. McIntyre reached for the other. He’d been there since Taylor came home, constantly offering Mom reassuring words or holding her hand.

Across the room, one of the FBI agents sat with headphones on so he could hear both sides of the telephone conversation. He met Taylor’s eyes and nodded.

She cleared her throat and licked her bottom lip, her mouth suddenly dry. “Hello. Who is this?” Taylor demanded. She wouldn’t let the caller or Eliza know the toll this was taking on her.

“A friend of your sister,” a male voice answered. “And if you want your niece back, Taylor, you’ll do what I say.”

She pushed aside her anger and hatred. Neither would do any good at the moment. She’d let both emotions have free rein when her sister and this jerk were tracked down and arrested. “I’m listening, but I want to talk to my niece.” She heard loud music in the background, but nothing else to help pinpoint what type of place he called from.

“You only need to listen. It’s easy. Get us a million dollars, and we’ll give you Reese. Don’t, and she stays with us.”

She’d seen people do unspeakable things, first as a police officer and then a DEA agent, but she never thought Eliza would kidnap and ransom her daughter.

“There is no way I can get you that much money. My sister knows it’s not possible. Let me talk to her.”

A sick laugh assaulted her ears. “Eliza and I know you’re fucking Curt Sherbrooke. We think you should share your good luck. Go ask him for it. He won’t miss it. I’ll call you back.”

The line went dead.

She let the scumbag’s words sink in. Money. This was all about money.

“What did he say?” Curt asked.

“They want money in exchange for Reese.”

Mom nodded, and she wiped a tear from her face. “Okay. How much? The bank is closed until Monday, but maybe if we contact the branch manager and explain they’ll open up. I’ll clean out my accounts.”

Even if they both cleaned out all their accounts and Reese’s college fund, they’d never have enough.

“One million.”

Whatever strength Mom had relied on so far today gave out. Sobs wracked her body and tears fell uncontrollably down her face. Before Taylor could attempt to comfort her, Mr. McIntyre wrapped his arms around her.

“But… that makes no sense,” Mom said between her sobs. “I’m not surprised they want money. But one million! That’s crazy.”

Grinding her teeth, she pulled on whatever reserves of strength she had left. For both Mom’s and Reese’s sakes, she had to keep it together. After, when they had Reese home safe, she could fall apart. “He’ll call back.”

“How can Eliza do this? She knows we don’t have anything close to a million dollars. It doesn’t make any sense,” Mom said, her voice almost a shout.

Considering everything else, it was the only part that did make sense. “Somehow they know Curt Sherbrooke lives next door. They also know I’m in a relationship with him.” No need to repeat the crude language the caller used. “They’re hoping we can get the money from him.” She’d think about how Eliza had learned Curt’s identity some other time. Mom wouldn’t have shared it with her, and Reese didn’t comprehend the significance of who he was.

“When and where?” Curt asked without a word from her. He already had his cell phone out. “It’ll take a little time for me to get a million in cash.”