From the doorway, she watched the photographer position everyone before stepping back and surveying the group. Taylor thought it looked perfect. Evidently the photographer disagreed, because she directed Curt and Scott to swap places then asked Curt’s sister to turn more to the right.

“No. No. Gray should stand between Derek and Trent,” Theresa Sherbrooke, Curt’s grandmother, told the photographer. Just one of half a dozen suggestions she’d given since they gathered together in the library.

Before she lost it and disturbed everyone with her laughter, Taylor moved into the hallway. She was quickly learning Curt’s grandmother was a force all her own, as well as a woman with the love and respect of her entire family.

An unexpected ring sounded from her purse. She’d brought her cell along in case an emergency came up at home. She never actually expected to hear it ring today, or even this weekend. Taylor took several more steps away from the library door before pulling it out.

Mom. The simple name stared back at Taylor as a sudden coldness descended over her, sinking into her very core. She leaned against the wall and swallowed. Mom knew her plans for today. She’d never call unless an emergency had come up at home. “What’s wrong?” she demanded, skipping a polite hello.

“Reese is missing.” Mom said the words Taylor prayed she’d never hear. “Your sister took her.”

Fear welled up inside her chest and choked her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Her heart hammered against her chest, threatening to break through her rib cage. This can’t be happening.

Get it together, Taylor commanded. She needed a clear head. Without one, she’d be of no help to Reese or Mom.

“Eliza took Reese? When? How?”

“This afternoon, from the birthday party.” Mom confirmed Taylor’s worst nightmare.

“Did you call the police?” It didn’t matter if Eliza was Reese’s biological mother or not. If she’d taken Reese without permission, the police needed to be involved.

“They’re with me now.” Mom’s voice quivered.

She wanted every detail, but first she needed a way home. “Let me find a way home and I’ll call you back. If anything changes before you hear from me, call right away.”

Asking Curt to leave his cousin’s wedding was out, which left her with two options: borrow Curt’s convertible, or use Rent-A-Ride. She’d rather drive herself, but understood Curt not wanting her to borrow a car that cost more than some homes.

With the family photo done, many of Curt’s cousins had left the library, including those in the wedding party. She’d lost track of time, but the ceremony must start soon. She didn’t pause before walking inside. Ignoring all the manners Mom drilled into her over the years, Taylor interrupted Jake, who stood talking with Curt.

“I need to go. If you don’t want me to borrow your car, I understand. But I wanted you to know I left.” She pulled up Rent-A-Ride’s app on her phone and turned away. Time wasn’t on her side. She needed to arrange a ride and get on the road. Her family needed her.

“Wait. Hold on.” His fingers closed around her wrist. “What happened?” he asked, his voice calm and concerned at the same time.

She looked up from her phone long enough to answer. “Mom called. Eliza took Reese. I need to get home.” Taylor kept her voice low. Everyone in the library, including Jake, didn’t need to know Eliza kidnapped Reese.

“Let’s go. I’ll drive.” He glanced back at Jake, who looked curious, but she couldn’t tell if he’d overhead her or not. “Tell Gray I’m sorry. We’ve got an emergency and need to leave.”

Jake nodded, a solemn expression across his face. “Will do. Call if we can help.”

Taking her hand, Curt led her down several halls and out a side door in silence.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked before getting into his car. “This is your cousin’s wedding.” She’d seen firsthand how close he was to his family. She hated being the reason he was about to miss it.

Usually, he opened her door and closed it once she got inside. Not now. Instead, he left her standing there and walked around to the other side. “Jake will let Gray know what happened. He’ll understand. Get in.”

Curt started the car before she closed her door. He had them off the estate and on the road moments later.

Summer weekends always drew crowds to the area. Today was no different. While Curt navigated the busy streets, she called Mom back for an update and more details.

The muscles in his forearms quivered, and he relaxed the death grip on the steering wheel. Next to him, Taylor remained on the phone. So far much of the conversation was one-sided, so he knew little more than what Taylor had told him before they left. Taylor’s sister had kidnapped her own daughter. What kind of a sick person did that?

“If she calls or brings Reese home, call me.” Taylor put the phone down and rubbed both hands down her face.

“What happened?” Priscilla might allow her eldest daughter into her home, but she’d never leave Eliza alone with Reese.

Taylor leaned her head against the seat, her eyes closed. “Reese went to a friend’s birthday party today. Reese has gone to parties at this pottery studio before. The area used for parties isn’t very big, so they encourage parents to drop kids off and come back. That’s what Mom did.” She looked across at him. “Jamie and her family moved to town this year, so Jamie’s mom didn’t know Eliza isn’t in Reese’s life. She told Mom Eliza showed up and said she was picking Reese up because Mom had an emergency. Evidently, Reese called Eliza by name and seemed okay about leaving with her. Jamie’s mom had no reason to think Reese couldn’t leave with Eliza.”

“Christ. How’d Eliza know she was there?”