“Uh, yeah. I assumed every kid within driving distance visited at least one of them before they got too old. They’re both amusement parks designed specifically for kids. No giant roller coasters or super crazy rides like most parks. Story Land has characters like Humpty Dumpty, the Old Women in the Shoe, and Cinderella. You can ride around in a giant pumpkin-shaped coach. Santa’s Village is always decorated for Christmas. You can visit Santa in his house and have your picture taken with him. You can also feed his reindeer. They’re both nice family places. Reese loves to go. I did when I was younger. Mom and Dad took us every summer until I was about eleven. Then the rides were too tame, so we went to bigger amusement parks like Six Flags.”

While Taylor told him about the places he’d never visited, they started their trek through the gorge.

“If you didn’t ever come up here on vacation, where did you and your family go?”

Another loaded question. He couldn’t tell her he’d traveled around the world for family vacations. Most people didn’t take those types of trips with kids. Many didn’t take them, period. He couldn’t tell her he never went anywhere either. She’d never buy it.

“Whatever Mom found interesting that year. She always planned our vacations. We also spent time at my uncle’s beach house in Newport.” Calling Cliff House, the Sherbrooke family estate on Bellevue Avenue, a beach house was a stretch. Yet not technically wrong, and he had visited there regularly throughout his childhood.

Taylor accepted his answer without question. “Reese wants to go to Santa’s Village again this summer. She likes it better than Story Land. I think I do, too. We haven’t decided if that’s what we’re going to do or not. Mom wants to rent a house at the beach for a week instead.”

A group of young twentysomething-year-olds passed them, and Curt held off asking any more questions until they were again alone on the path. “And you?”

“Not really sure. A week at the beach might be nice. Something different. I’ve taken Reese to the beaches in Hampton and in Rye, but always just for the day. She loves swimming, but I think she’d like the amusement park more than a whole week at the beach.”

He came close to suggesting doing both. He caught himself before he put his foot in his mouth again. He doubted Taylor got much more than a few weeks’ paid vacation. Even if she got enough for two such vacations, there was the cost to consider.

“You’ll figure it out.” Before he said anything else that required he either give away too much information or lie, he changed the subject.

Chapter Nine

“Auntie Taylor, are you up?”

I am now. Taylor squinted at the ceiling with one eye. Bright sunlight filled the room, a stark contrast to the previous morning. Yesterday, like every day for the past week, it had rained. Last night the town had even sent out an e-mail canceling all soccer games today because the fields resembled muddy swamps. Reese wasn’t happy when she found out her game was canceled. Taylor, on the other hand, had been okay with it because it meant she could sleep a little longer today. Or, that had been her plan. Sounded like Reese had other ones for her this morning.

“Yep, come on in.” She pried her other eyelid open and waited.

The door opened and the tornado named Reese flew inside, jumped on the bed, and snuggled up next to her. She was already dressed, complete with flip-flops; her hair was pulled up in two pigtails. “Mimi and I are going to the mall to get me new sneakers and some more shorts.”

They’d bought Reese new sneakers around Christmas, and she’d already outgrown them. And because she’d grown several inches since last summer, none of her old shorts fit well.

“After, we’re going to the grocery store,” Reese said.

Better Mom and Reese than her. She avoided both malls and grocery stores and did as much shopping on the Internet as she could.

“We’re going to make Boston cream pie to bring to Curt’s tonight. Mimi promised we could get some ice cream to bring, too, because I don’t like that.”

Taylor kissed her niece’s head and wrapped an arm around her. “Sounds great. I love Boston cream pie and can’t wait to taste it.”

She stifled a yawn and wondered how likely it was she’d fall back to sleep after they left. She’d always had sleep issues, and once awake that was usually it for the day. If she had the house to herself for a while, maybe she’d get lucky this morning.

Stripes took the open bedroom door as his invitation to join them. When he jumped onto the bed, Reese sat up and rubbed his head. “Do you want to come shopping with us, Auntie Taylor?”

She’d rather face a whole armed street gang than venture to the mall today or any other day. “I’m not even dressed. You guys go without me. I’ll come along next time.”

“Come on, Reese. We need to get moving if we’re going to have time to bake.” Mom entered the bedroom, her keys and purse in hand already.

“See ya.” Reese planted a kiss on her cheek before leaping from the bed like a jack-in-the-box. The sudden movement earned her a dirty look from the cat. He’d found the perfect spot in the sun and proceeded to groom himself.

“We’ll be back,” Mom said. “Do you need anything while we’re out?” Mom knew how much she disliked shopping, and if already out she picked up stuff for her.

“All set, I think.”

“Call if you change your mind. I left some pancakes in the refrigerator for you.”

Taylor yawned again as the bedroom door closed. How long would they be gone? Reese loved the hunt. Usually Mom indulged her and allowed her to try on as many outfits as she wanted. Today she’d have to rein Reese in, though, if they hoped to bake dessert. Mom always insisted on bringing something when invited to someone’s house, even if it was only for a cookout like tonight. She’d instilled the belief in Taylor as well, and since Curt had showed up with wine the first night he had dinner with them weeks ago, she guessed he’d been taught the same thing. Right along with opening doors and pulling out chairs for women.

Rolling over, thoughts of falling back to sleep faded. They were replaced by thoughts of their neighbor and the adult activities she’d enjoyed again in his bed last night.