Located behind Faneuil Hall on Congress Street, the large bronze statue of Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers, was a favorite photo spot for visitors to Boston. Today was no different. Despite the crowd around the area, she spotted Curt right away. Although dressed like many of the people around him, he stood out in the crowd. Something other than his looks drew your attention his way. She’d noticed it before, but still couldn’t put her finger on what it was about him.

Taylor let her gaze linger. The jeans and navy-blue polo shirt did nothing to hide the body she knew they covered. The glances other women in the vicinity sent his way as they passed told her she wasn’t the only one to think so. The dark sunglasses made it impossible to see Curt’s eyes, but she got the impression he paid no attention to the women passing by him. Even when a woman with a body and face worthy of a magazine cover walked by and smiled, he remained expressionless.

Until he spotted her.

His smile encompassed his entire face, and again she wished she could fan herself.

Good thing he’s not smiling at any of the women around him, she thought. If he did, they’d never leave him alone. He’d almost reached her when she realized she hadn’t taken a step since she first stopped. Get moving.

“Great timing.” He greeted her with a hug and kiss, earning her some looks of envy from the females nearby. “How much time do you have?”

Unlike her first part-time job while in high school, she didn’t get a set amount of time for a lunch break. “I can’t take all day, but I don’t need to rush back either.”

“How does a picnic sound? We can grab something here and take it over to the Common.”

“I like your plan.”

Faneuil Hall Marketplace offered every type of food imaginable. Sometimes Taylor thought it had too much to pick from because, when she did come over, she found it hard to decide. Rather than waste time today and linger over the various menus, she followed Curt’s lead and ordered a roasted vegetable flatbread and a piece of Greek baklava at the Mediterranean deli. As she expected, he refused to let her pay for her lunch. Instead, he promised she could get it next time. With so many people around them she didn’t argue, but later she planned on saying something. This was the second time he’d given her the same line.

The oldest park in the United States, the Boston Common attracted Boston residents as well as out of town visitors. The fifty-acre park was an oasis of open space, green grass, and trees nestled in the bustling city. Today, people from all backgrounds occupied the Common and enjoyed the beautiful spring day.

They walked until Curt found them a fairly secluded bench in the shade. Away from any large groups and onlookers, he put the bag containing their lunch on the bench and wrapped his arms around her. His mouth came down hard on hers while his fingers spread across her back. Heat seeped through her blouse and warmed her skin.

“I dreamed about you last night.” He moved his lips away from her mouth and near her ear. Curt’s fingers moved up her spine, each touch setting off a thousand fireworks in her body.

“A good dream, I hope.”

“Good, but it would’ve been better if it’d been real.” His fingers hit the edge of her bra and started the trip back down toward her waist.

“And what were we doing?”

Curt brushed a kiss against the pulse in her neck, the tiny action causing it to accelerate. “What do you think?” When he reached her waist, he didn’t stop. Instead, his hands slid over her ass as he kissed her neck again.

Taylor pulled herself out of the sensual haze clouding her head. It was either that or suggest they find a hotel room for an hour or so. “Playing soccer in my backyard? That’s what we were doing in the dream I had about you.” Laughter was a good remedy for many aliments, including sexual arousal when you couldn’t do anything about it.

The comment earned her a light swat on ass. “Not even close,” he grumbled. “Should I tell you?”

Reaching for his sunglasses, she pushed them up onto his head so she could see his eyes. “Maybe you can show me later. I suspect it’ll be much more fun than hearing about it.”

“You’re right.” He let her go so they could both sit down. Then he started unpacking their lunch. He started to hand over her sandwich, but stopped. “Did you really dream we were playing soccer?”

Taylor took the sandwich from his hand. “Don’t worry, we were alone… and you were naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled.

“It’d be more fun if we both were naked.”

She agreed but kept silent. A few hours of the workday remained, so this was not the time to be hot and bothered.

Curt plucked the sunglasses off his head and slipped them back into place. Having them on protected his eyes and identity. She’d seen him a few times without glasses. During those times, she’d never shown any indication she recognized him as Curt Sherbrooke. However, all those times had occurred in his bed. If she was concentrating only on his eyes and face when they made love, he was doing something very wrong.

“Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are doing in Boston today?” Taylor pulled her hair back in a loose ponytail before she unwrapped her flatbread.

“I stopped at King Lighting in Watertown. Since I was in the general area I went over to Newbury Street, looking for a Mother’s Day present.”

He’d already visited several stores in New Hampshire but hadn’t found any light fixtures for the kitchen. In the past he’d had success at King Lighting, so he made the trip south, and took advantage of the opportunity to shop, and stop at his place in Boston to pick up some items he wanted. He left the final stop of his day off his itinerary. Telling Taylor he kept a condo in Boston would bring up other questions. Answers to those questions might leave Taylor wondering things about him he didn’t want her wondering today.

“Any luck?” Taylor asked, taking a bite of her lunch and swallowing.

“Yes, on both counts.”