“My new neighbor.”

“Do tell.” Mary leaned on Taylor’s desk, apparently not moving until she got some information.

She gave Mary enough information to hopefully satisfy her curiosity without sharing intimate details.

“Has he met Reese and your mom?” Mary asked.

Mary knew all about Dennis, and why Taylor had put an end to their relationship. “Oh, yeah. He’s come over for dinner a few times, and Reese is teaching him to play soccer. She gave him his second lesson Tuesday night.”

Unfortunately, she’d missed seeing both lessons because of work, but Mom filled her in on them. Mom said if she didn’t know better she’d think Curt had children of his own, considering how he interacted with Reese.

“Wow. Now, that’s impressive. Especially since you were here with me until nine o’clock Tuesday night. Sounds like this guy might have real potential.”

What would Mary think if she told her what he’d done last night? Taylor and Reese had been clearing off the table after dinner when Curt rang the doorbell, a well-used lacrosse stick in one hand and a pink one still in its packaging in the other. He’d then spent the next hour in the backyard, giving Reese a lesson.

“He might.” Everything pointed toward Mary being correct. However, it took more than a couple weeks and a few meals to really know someone.

“Maybe the two of you can come out with Aaron and me some night.”

“Aaron? I thought you were dating someone named Randy.”

Mary waved her hand. “Stopped seeing Randy two months ago. The jerk was married. Well, actually, separated… so that’s a little better. But he never bothered to tell me. We saw his wife while having dinner. She was out with some friends. Talk about a little awkward.”

The woman really did go through men quickly.

“Aaron and I have been together since last month. He’s a special agent with the FBI. We worked on a case together back in January and bumped into each other outside Faneuil Hall one afternoon. He asked me to dinner, and we’ve been together since.”

Taylor ran through the agents she knew in th

e Boston FBI office. She only knew of one Aaron. “Are you talking about Aaron Linz?” She’d done an arrest with the agent, and he’d come across as a nice man.

Mary nodded, but Taylor’s ringing cell phone prevented her from adding any more details. And Mary liked sharing details, no matter how personal and intimate. It was the biggest difference between them.

The name Curt on the screen sent a bolt of excitement through her. She didn’t hesitate to answer. “Hey, you.” He’d called her a few times, but never in the middle of a workday.

“Hey, yourself.” Curt’s voice washed over her, and suddenly the cubicle became too warm.

Taylor considered using the file folder as a fan, but decided against it with Mary sitting next to her. “Is everything okay?” He wouldn’t call to simply chat in the middle of the afternoon. There had to be a reason. Had something happened at home and Mom was unable to call?

“Fine. But it’d be even better if you were with me.”

The guy was good. No question about it.

“I’m on Newbury Street right now. Are you available for lunch or coffee?” Curt asked.

She’d planned to eat the lunch she’d packed at her desk, like she did most days. She found it saved money, because eating out every day in downtown Boston quickly added up, no matter how frugal you were with your choices.

“Sure. Just tell me when and where and I’ll meet you.”

Next to her Mary checked her e-mails, but it was obvious she listened in on Taylor’s half of the conversation.

“How about we meet in twenty minutes at Faneuil Hall, near the statue of Samuel Adams.”

Twenty minutes gave her enough time to answer whatever questions Mary had rolling around in her head and walk over to the marketplace. “Sounds good. See you then.”

The questions started as soon as she put the cell phone down.
