Hearing Taylor’s voice, Reese switched her attention from her grandmother to her aunt. “Auntie Taylor, you look so beautiful.”

Beautiful might be stretching it, but she appreciated Reese’s compliment.

Curt stood and turned when Reese spoke. “She’s right.” His voice sent a ripple of sensual excitement up her spine. A sensation she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

“Thank you.” She couldn’t recall the last guy to tell her something like that. Should she return the compliment? It wouldn’t be a lie if she did, although perhaps beautiful was the wrong adjective. Dressed in khaki-colored pants and a crisp white button-down shirt, he personified sexy.

“Auntie Taylor, I’m goin’ to teach Curt how to play soccer, and he’s goin’ to teach me lacrosse,” Reese explained excitedly.

“So I heard. Sounds like a fair trade to me.”

“Auntie Taylor taught me how to play. Maybe she can help me and then you can teach her lacrosse, too.”

Taylor wouldn’t mind getting some one-on-one lessons from Curt, but not in lacrosse.

“If she’s interested, I’ll give her some lessons too.” Curt’s already-sensual voice took on an undertone, one that said his thoughts ran in the same direction as Taylor’s, and she met his gaze. The interest reflected in his incredible blue eyes confirmed her suspicion.

“When can we start?” Reese asked. “Tomorrow?” Reese, like most kids her age, wasn’t one for patience.

“Maybe,” Curt answered before either Taylor or Mom could say a word. “If not tomorrow, soon. Promise.”

No doubt about it, the guy sure knew how to handle her niece. “I’m ready to leave when you are.” She didn’t know where the night would end up, but she was eager to get it started.

“Can I come?” Reese asked.

Taylor didn’t date often, but men had picked her up at home before. Reese had never before asked to come along. It looked like her niece shared her interest in Curt. And interest put it mildly. He’d captured her attention and refused to give it back. Countless times since their last outing, he’d popped into her thoughts, sometimes at the most inconvenient times.

“Not tonight. Besides, you and Mimi have plans, remember? You’re going shopping for Hazel’s birthday present.”

Reese pouted, but didn’t beg to come along. “Will you come check on me when you come home?”

“Always do.”

Outside, Curt opened the passenger door before she could touch the handle. He waited until she sat down before closing the door and walking around the front of SUV. Yup, he’s definitely classy.

He started the vehicle and backed down the long driveway.

“Do you need directions?” she asked. He hadn’t lived in the area long, and he’d admitted he hadn’t explored much since moving.

“No need. I got it.”

Looked like even classy guys didn’t like to get directions when they drove. If he got lost it wouldn’t be her fault.

She’d never visited Italy, so she had no firsthand knowledge to go on, but the inside of Pellegrino made her feel as if she’d stepped inside a Tuscan restaurant. Everything from the wall color to the furniture and fireplace had been well thought out to transport customers away for a short while.

The hostess led them to a table for two. A single candle burned, and a small dish filled with olive oil for dipping bread sat in the center.

Like he had at the Java Bean, Curt pulled the chair out for her. In either a coincidence or because he remembered her preference, he gave her the seat facing the main entrance.

“These are our dinner menus.” The hostess handed them each a large leather menu. “And this is our wine menu.” She placed the third menu near the table’s edge. “Your server will be right over.”

“I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for tonight.” Curt opened the menu, but his attention remained on her. “What about you? Any thoughts?”

Maybe you. Taylor opened her own menu, glad that mind reading was impossible, considering her current thoughts. “Maybe a pasta dish. The last time I ate here, they served beef brasato. It was delicious, but I’d like to try something else.”

They both spent several minutes looking over the menu. Pellegrino offered traditional Italian dishes from each region of the country, so there was no shortage of options. Only after they’d ordered wine, something Curt picked out, and their entrees, did she start a conversation.

“For someone who doesn’t spend time around children, you’re great with them. You made Reese’s day. She’ll probably plan out a whole soccer training program for you tonight when she gets home.”