
She watched Scott come around the car and wiped her sweaty palms against her thighs. Throughout the ride to Weston, he’d kept up a steady conversation. She wasn’t sure if he’d been trying to distract her or himself.

When he opened the door, she swung her legs out and accepted his hand. Although she still found it unnecessary, she’d grown accustomed to him opening the car door whenever they went out. “Is this where you grew up?” The enormous home behind Scott reminded her a great deal of Aunt Bebe’s estate in Scotland, a home her husband had inherited from his grandfather and she’d visited a few times.

“For the most part. We spent a lot of time at my parents’ house on Block Island and I visited Cliff House every summer too.”

He squeezed her hand, and she noticed his hand was as clammy as hers. “What a pair we make today. At least I’m not the only anxious one.”

“You’ve got no reason to be nervous, babe. They’re going to love you.” Behind her, he closed the car. “I’m the one with a reason to be nervous.”

She disagreed. Based on what she’d read over the years about his family and what he’d told her, his parents were going to accept Cooper into the family without any hesitation or questions.

Although still impeccably dressed in white linen pants and sleeveless blouse, Marilyn Belmont appeared much more casual today than at the auction when she met them in the grand foyer. “I’m so glad you made it today.” She immediately gave Scott a hug and kiss before looking Paige’s way a warm smile on her face. “Scott’s told me so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.” Marilyn didn’t pause. Instead, she stepped forward and gave Paige a hug. Unsure of the proper response, Paige returned the gesture.

“Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Belmont. He talks a lot about you too.”

“None of that. Call me Marilyn and my husband, Harrison.”

Scott gave her hand a squeeze as if to say “told you there was nothing to worry about.”

“We’ll wait for your dad in the sunroom. He received an unexpected call from an old college friend. He won’t be long.”

Marilyn walked across the two-story grand foyer, her kitten heels clicking against the marble floor making Paige wish she’d dressed up a bit more. Scott had insisted she dress casually, so she’d gone with a jersey knit tank dress and sandals. She should’ve gone with her first choice though, the wraparound cotton dress Aunt Bebe bought her during a recent trip to Los Angeles.

“I planned to have lunch served outside, but your dad’s allergies are acting up so we’ll do the next best thing and eat in here.”

The sunroom overlooked the back lawn and had clearly been designed with both comfort and elegance in mind. Paige could picture someone retreating to the room for some peace while they enjoyed the view or a good book.

“Scott tells me Bebe Fleming is your aunt,” Marilyn said, starting a conversation while they waited for Scott’s dad. “I’ve always liked her. She doesn’t let society dictate her actions.”

Paige guessed that was more polite than saying Aunt Bebe did what the hell she wanted. “She’s like a grandmo

ther to me. She invited me to the auction.”

Marilyn laughed. “And I’m so glad she did.”

Had Scott told his mom about what Aunt Bebe had done?

Footsteps approached, and Scott’s leg rubbed against hers as he moved it up and down. Reaching over, she placed a hand on his thigh.

“I apologize for that.” Harrison Belmont entered the room and went straight to them. Besides age, the only real difference between the two men was facial hair. While Scott wore a light well-trimmed beard, his father remained clean-shaven. It was actually a little scary how much the two resembled each other.

Much like when she met Scott’s mom, his dad greeted her with a smile and a hug before even greeting his son.

“If everyone is hungry, I’ll let Michelle know we’re ready to eat,” Marilyn said.

Under her hand, Scott’s thigh started to move again. They’d discussed this in the car and agreed he’d tell his parents about Cooper before lunch.

“I’m ready,” Scott said.

Paige pinched him. He ignored her.

“Me too,” Harrison chimed in.

“Fabulous, I’ll let Michelle know.”

Before Marilyn stood, Paige leaned into Scott and whispered into his ear, “Forgetting something?”