The woman’s tight shirt was cutting off the blood supply to her brain. It was the only explanation. How else could she think he’d get back together with her after she’d admitted to cheating on him? “I’m with someone.” Christ, how am I going to tell Paige about this? “And we’re happy together.”

“Oh, well.” She shrugged, a good indication she didn’t really care about him either. “We could share joint custody of Cooper. I’m hoping Jordan and I work things out anyway. Although the engagement is off, we’re technically still together but taking some time apart.”

Damn right they would share custody if Cooper turned out to be his son. “When will you know if Jordan’s the father?”

“He had the test done Monday before he flew out to Los Angeles. So I think the results might be back tomorrow or Friday. I can call you when I hear from him.”

“Do that.”


Paige considered being able to visit her parents and grandparents often a perk to living near them. In fact, she made it a point to do something with her mom once a month or so. Since the auction back in June though, she hadn’t seen either her parents or grandparents. Between extra shifts at work, seeing Scott, and then her trip to Virginia Beach, she hadn’t had the spare time. When her mom invited her along to ladies’ night at the pottery studio in Woonsocket, she’d immediately accepted. She found painting relaxing and since her visit with her brother she’d been wound up tight.

When it first opened on Diamond Hill, the pottery studio had contained only three tables. Since then it had tripled in size. Tonight every table in Paint Me was occupied by women of all ages and backgrounds. Right away, Paige spotted her mom and Aunt Tonya, her mom’s older sister, at one. They’d each selected the pieces they wanted to paint and were chatting away. Waving at them, she walked to the back of the store so she could select a piece herself.

“Hey, stranger,” Aunt Tonya greeted when Paige joined them. “Where have you been hiding? You know you’re always welcome to come over and enjoy the lake.”

Each year her aunt and her uncle, who lived on a large lake, put on a huge Memorial Day cookout. Paige hadn’t seen her aunt since then.

“I know, Aunt Tonya. I’ll come over soon.” She hugged her aunt who sat closest to her before moving toward her mom. “Thanks for the invite tonight, Mom. I haven’t been here in ages.”

Nora paused in her painting and kissed her cheek. “I’ve missed you. We don’t usually go so long between visits.”

A healthy dose of guilt smacked her in the gut. “I know.” Paige grabbed the sponge from the water bowl so she could wash down the ceramic frame she’d chosen to paint. “I’ve been working a lot of extra shifts and stuff.”

“It’s the ‘and stuff’ we’re interested in hearing about,” Nora said before she added more paint to her dish.

“Nora’s right, Paige. I couldn’t believe it when she told me Bebe bought you a man at the bachelor auction,” Aunt Tonya said as she stenciled flowers on her vase. “That woman’s always had spunk. Kind of wish she was my aunt too.”

Things may have worked out well, but she’d still rather not be reminded of that embarrassing night.

Nora paused in her own work to look at her. “I’ll admit when you told me what Bebe did, I wasn’t happy. And I certainly didn’t expect it to lead anywhere. Seems I was wrong.”

Her mom had been more than unhappy when she broke the news to her. Rarely did her mom swear, but when Paige called after the second picture appeared in the paper and told her everything, she used every swear word she knew.

“So tell us about him. I know he met you in Virginia last week, so you must care for him a lot, or you wouldn’t have invited him on vacation.” Mom went back to painting as she spoke. “But I think your dad and I should’ve met him before Joe and Trish.”

“I didn’t know you were so serious already.” Aunt Tonya couldn’t help but add her two cents. “Moving pretty fast.”

Her brother had a big mouth. “What else did Joe say?” She’d gotten the impression he liked Scott, but she hadn’t spoken with him so she didn’t know for certain. And she was more than a little curious about what he thought. After all, Joe did have a good track record when it came to determining the outcome of her relationships.

“Not much. Both he and Trish liked him. Said he appeared to treat you well and that you seemed happy together. Joe was shocked Gabby let Scott hold her.” Her mom looked up at her again. “Your brother said we’d like him.”

A bit of relief snaked through her body. “Everything Joe said is true. Scott’s… well, he’s perfect.” She realized no one was perfect, but it was the only word she could think to describe him. He treated her with love and respect. He made her feel cherished and special. Not to mention the sex was like none she’

d experienced before. What more could any woman want?

Her aunt and mom exchanged a look before her mom spoke again. “Perfect, huh? Sounds like someone’s fallen hard. So when do we get to meet Mr. Perfect? Your dad and I are both curious.”

“Soon, promise. This weekend I’m going to see him in New York, but maybe the weekend after.” Or maybe never. She loved him, but he’d made it clear he wanted a family someday, something she may never be able to give him. She’d rather know this weekend if he could live with that possibility before she got in any deeper. Paige just hoped she had the nerve to say the words when the time came.

Chapter 12

Aunt Bebe didn’t own an apartment in the city. Instead, whenever they visited together, she booked them a room at one of the hotels near Times Square. During those visits, a luxury town car or a limo always picked them up at the airport and drove them to their hotel. Whenever they went out they either walked or another town car picked them up. Today, she was on her own. Since it was Friday, she had the entire day off, but since Scott was expected in the office, she’d booked an early afternoon flight out of Logan Airport. She’d thought by the time she landed, collected her luggage, and had a taxi drive her over, Scott would be just getting home. Considering the traffic around her, she wasn’t sure she’d make it to his apartment before tomorrow morning. She’d left JFK airport twenty minutes ago and wasn’t much closer to Scott’s building then when she got in the car.

So glad I don’t drive in this every day. The poor taxi driver must have an ulcer the size of a dinner plate after dealing with this all the time. Paige gripped the door handle and squeezed her eyes shut as a black SUV tried to cut in front of the taxi. She lurched forward when the driver braked hard. When she didn’t hear the crunching of metal, she pried her eyes open. Once again the taxi had come to a dead stop, surrounded on all sides by other vehicles.

I could walk and get there faster. If she didn’t have a large suitcase with her, she’d pay the driver and hop out. She should’ve taken Scott up on his offer and let him meet her at the airport. While they’d still be stuck in traffic, she’d be with him rather than inside this stifling taxi. She’d ridden in taxis before, and normally they had air-conditioning. Either the driver preferred not to use it or it didn’t work, because all the windows were rolled down, allowing the noise from outside to filter in along with the sweltering heat.