Leaving her mouth when he needed some air, he met her gaze. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I got here.”

She pressed her lips together and studied him with narrowed eyes. “Yeah, I’ve wanted you to do it since you walked in too.” A smile sneaked in, erasing the serious expression she’d tried to hold on to.

He loved her honesty. “You could’ve done something about it yourself. Nothing was stopping you.”

Paige touched his temple. “Headache, remember? It seemed wrong to jump a man in pain.”

“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten. The drummers are still beating away. But I get them often, so don’t let a headache ever stop you from doing what you want to me.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that.” She rubbed her palms together. “Mmm, I can think of so many things too. Where should I start?” Paige ran her fingers through his hair. “Maybe I’ll dye your hair green and then paint your nails.”

“Not exactly the kind of things I had in mind.”

“Darn. I think you’d look great with green hair.” With a shrug, she stood up and held out her hand. “While we watch the game, I guess I’ll try to think of other things I can do to you.”


She flexed the muscle in her leg the best she could without moving the entire limb. What she really wanted was to get up and walk around. In order to do that, she’d have to move Scott, who at the moment was using her thigh as a pillow. Something he’d been doing for over two hours.

Fearing he’d fall asleep sitting up, she’d suggested he lie down while they watched the game. He hadn’t argued but had promised to stay awake. He managed to keep his eyes open for maybe thirty minutes. While he slept, Paige divided her time between watching the baseball game and watching him. When awake, an aura of intensity lingered around him. A man like him put 100 percent into everything he did. Now he appeared peaceful. Even the tightness around his eyes she’d noticed when he first fell asleep was gone. She hoped it meant his headache was gone too.

Unable to resist, she raked her fingers through his short hair. During his last visit it had been longer, not much, but enough for her to notice the difference. How did he find the time for a haircut? Judging by their conversations, the man barely had enough time to eat. Was that always the case or only an occasional thing? For his sake, she hoped it wasn’t the norm. No one could put in the hours he seemed to forever without it affecting other areas of their lives, including their health.

At the thought of his health, her eyes darted across his body. He might be pressed for time, but he managed to keep in shape. She’d felt the hard muscles in his chest and arms when they kissed. She doubted she’d find spare flesh anywhere on the man’s body.

On the television the sportscaster’s voice grew louder as the last batter of the ninth inning hit a grand slam, winning the game for Boston. It’d been a close game up until the eighth inning. Then somehow New York found their stride and took a four-point lead over Boston. Evidently, it hadn’t been enough, because once again Boston managed the win. It wasn’t the first time this season they’d gone into the ninth inning down and still come out on top, either.

If they did make it to Fenway this season, she hoped it was as good a game as tonight’s. With the game over, she switched off the sports channel and over to a music channel instead.

Paige stretched out her legs, hoping the movement would help the dull ache, and rested her head against the couch. She still couldn’t believe he’d flown all the way from England to see her. And if the small part of the conversation she’d heard was any indication, he still had issues over there, which meant he’d be flying back soon. If he’d called and explained the situation, she would’ve understood. Things came up. Still, when he’d told her of his recent travel just to see her, a warm glow had burst inside her chest and circled her heart. Her ex-husband had been a good guy, and they still maintained a cordial relationship, yet he never would’ve done what Scott had. Not even when they were married.

She’d already determined Scott wasn’t like other men she knew and not just because of his bank account balance. His behavior today, though, reinforced what a special man he truly was.

Movement against her leg interrupted her thoughts, and she glanced down to find Scott looking back up at her.

“Is the game over?” Scott asked, a hint of sleep still present in his voice.

“Just ended.”

He ran a hand across his face as he sat up. “Sorry. I didn’t intend on falling asleep. How long was I out for?”

“About two hours. Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you got some rest. You look better. How’s your headache?”

“Gone. Who won tonight?”

“Boston, and you missed one hell of a game.”

Scott sighed. “I’m really sorry we didn’t get there. I’ll make it up to you.”

They’d missed a baseball game, not some life-changing event. “You must have short-term memory issues, because I made the decision to stay home, not you.” She moved to the edge of the couch. “Are you hungry? I am.”

His stomach growled, providing her with an answer before he could.

“Pizza okay? There’s a great place in town that delivers.” She didn’t wait for an answer; instead, she crossed into the kitchen and grabbed the takeout menu she kept in a drawer.

“Order whatever you like. I’ll eat anything.”

In that case she didn’t need the menu. “Really, anything? Even anchovies?” She joined him again, this time bringing her smartphone with her.