“He’s taking this whole father thing well,” Nicole said, joining her in the kitchen and going straight for the open bottle of wine. “Do you want any?” Nicole asked after she refilled her glass.

She’d noticed the woman drank a lot and wondered how she’d managed not to while pregnant. “Not right now, thanks. Maybe later.”

“I really wanted Jordan to be Cooper’s father. But when I found out he wasn’t, I hoped Scott would be. Things didn’t work out between us, but he’s a great guy. He’ll be a good dad, I think.”

No doubt about it, Scott would be a fantastic father. “He will.”

“I can’t believe he doesn’t plan on hiring a full-time nanny. After he spends a few days alone with Cooper, he’ll change his mind.”

Paige glanced over at where Scott sat, Cooper once again in his arms. “No, he won’t. He’ll find a person to help while he’s at work, but he won’t have someone else raising his son.” She turned to face Nicole. “When Cooper’s with him, Scott will be the one taking care of him. And he’ll have his family and me around to help.”

Nicole didn’t agree or disagree; she merely shrugged and finished her drink. “Cooper and I should go. My packing isn’t finished.”

Scott’s not going to want to hear that. She wished Nicole and Cooper weren’t leaving New York tomorrow. Scott deserved more time with his son.

When Nicole left the kitchen, Paige followed. She watched while Scott’s parents said their goodbyes to both Cooper and Nicole. Her heart ached as Scott spoke softly to Cooper before kissing him on the forehead and then strapping him into his infant carrier. Although he let Nicole grab her diaper bag, he picked up the carrier himself.

“I’m going to walk them down. Be right back.” He kissed her on the cheek.

She’d expected nothing less.

No sooner did the door close than Scott’s mom turned her attention Paige’s way. “I’m glad you made it today. Having you here meant a lot to Scott,” Marilyn said. “Cooper’s the mirror image of Scott when he was a baby. Next time you visit, I’ll have to show you some pictures.”

She liked Marilyn Belmont. During their visit the previous day, she’d been warm and friendly. Not once had she acted snobby like many of Paige’s aunt’s friends did. Best of all, she said what was on her mind. She came across as straightforward and honest. In many ways, Scott’s mom reminded her of Aunt Bebe. “I wanted to be here, Marilyn.”

“We’ll have to make sure everything is ready at our house too for when Cooper comes back. I’m hoping I can talk Scott into letting him stay a night or two with us.”

The woman probably had a better chance of walking on water than convincing Scott to give up his son for any amount of time. “Maybe, but if not I’m sure you’ll be welcome here.” She shouldn’t be offering up an invitation, but she didn’t see Scott not letting his parents visit and spend time with their grandson.

“It’s okay. You can say it.” Marilyn touched her hand. “My son won’t be parting with Cooper for any overnight visits for a long time. But maybe we can babysit while you two go out. You’ll need time alone together.”

Yep, very much like Aunt Bebe.

The apartment door opened and closed. “Sounds like our cue to leave,” Scott’s dad said from the chair opposite them.

“Join us for a late dinner,” Marilyn said.

“Thanks, but not tonight, Mom.” Scott sat and put his arm around Paige, pulling her close.

“We won’t be long. I want to spend some more time with both of you. And Paige can help me decide on a theme for the nursery at my house.”

“Let it go, Marilyn. Scott doesn’t want us around tonight, and I don’t blame him. He’s got someone more important than his parents here.”

She’d had no idea of what to expect when she met Harrison Belmont. Would he be another prim and proper stuffed shirt like her granddad? Or would he be more like Scott? Turned out Scott’s father reminded her a lot of her dad.

“Mom, we’ll see you at Derek’s wedding next weekend. You can discuss nursery themes there.”

“We can’t talk about decorating ideas at a wedding.”

She liked Scott’s parents but spending any more time with them tonight wasn’t what she wanted. “You can call me. I love to shop. We could go after I leave work one night.” Marilyn Belmont spent a lot of time at her office in Providence. They could meet when she left the hospital and go crazy at the baby store.

“I’ll do that.”

Only after Paige and Marilyn exchanged numbers did Scott’s parents finally leave.

“Are you doing okay?” She’d asked him the same question hours ago when she walked in. Then he’d appeared jittery and nervous. Now, sadness weighed down on him.

“I hated letting him go tonight.” Scott wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight. “It’s crazy. But the moment I held him, I loved him. Does that sound nuts?”