Scott found his mom and Paige in her office sitting on the sofa, a laptop open. Neither acknowledged him when he stopped behind them. Instead they continued to discuss which pack and play, whatever that was, to order.

“So did you order everything I need?” he asked while he watched his mom press the purchase button.

“Not even close,” Mom commented.

“Don’t go crazy, I don’t even have an empty bedroom yet. C’mon, you can finish another time. Dad and I are ready for dessert.”

“Five more minutes,” Mom said, scrolling down the page. “Oh, look at this, Paige. Scott has to have this for Cooper.”

Scott rolled his eyes. Hell, he was doomed with these two shopaholics together.

“If dessert is gone, I don’t want to hear it.”

Once again both women ignored him, so he left. He’d give them another five or ten minutes. After all, they were having fun. More important, they were getting along well. He planned on Paige being a permanent part of his life and wanted his family to love her as much as he did. Judging by the scene in Mom’s office they were well on their way.

Chapter 15

With his smartphone, Scott checked the status of Paige’s flight. The airline listed the plane as on time. He’d asked her to use one of the family’s jets so she could leave Providence whenever she wanted. She’d declined and booked a direct flight out of Logan Airport in Boston. While he’d accepted her decision, he’d insisted on buying her plane ticket and arranged to have a limo pick her up at JFK. He considered meeting her there instead, but feared getting stuck in the office and making her wait around for him. Tomorrow morning, he’d drive her back to the airport himself before heading into work. If it were up to him, she’d stay more than one night, but he’d be happy with what he got because if Anne at the hospital hadn’t agreed to take Paige’s shift today and tomorrow she wouldn’t even be here tonight. And while he hated to admit it, he needed her tonight more than he’d ever needed anyone. Meeting your son whom you’d just learned existed for the first time didn’t happen every day.

His smartphone chimed, an indication he’d received a text message.

I landed. I don’t need to wait for baggage. Should be there soon.

She’d mentioned packing a change of clothes in a small bag and carrying it onboard with her to save time and avoid baggage claim. He appreciated it. He wanted her here long before Nicole arrived with Cooper.

Before he typed back a message, another came through. This one was from his mom. All settled at the hotel. Let us know when you’re ready for us to come over.

Will do.

Last night both his parents had loved the idea of coming today. They’d also both adored Paige. Not that he was surprised. The only downside to their visit yesterday was all the baby stuff his mom and Paige had ordered. He had no idea the total amount and hadn’t asked. All he knew was it had taken him several attempts before they stopped. The first two times he went into the office, they’d ignored him, and he’d left them at it. On his third trip in though, he’d heard his mom ask Paige if she should order the BMW or the Mercedes electric ride-on car for Cooper. At that, he’d closed his mom’s laptop and pulled Paige to her feet. His knowledge of baby development was slim, but since his son couldn’t even feed himself yet, Cooper wouldn’t be ready for an electric car for a long time. Mom had conceded with only a few grumbles, and they’d enjoyed dessert and tea. Knowing Mom, though, she’d logged back on and ordered the car as well as a bunch of other things right after Paige and he left.

With nothing to do but wait, Scott went for the coffeepot.

The driver just pulled up at your building. Be right up. Another message from Paige appeared on his screen an hour later. “Not a moment too soon,” he muttered as he stuck the phone in his back pocket.

“Doing okay?” Paige asked once he returned from putting her bag in the bedroom.

“Let’s say my stomach now knows what a drink shaker feels like when you make a martini.”

“Never heard that one before. I’ll have to remember it.” Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her body against his. “Everything will be fine. You’ll see. Later on you won’t even remember why you were nervous. What time are your parents coming?”

Scott returned the embrace and rested his cheek against her hair, inhaling the clean scent of her shampoo. Some of his anxiety slipped away as he focused on her chest rising and falling against his. “When I call them. I wanted some time alone with Cooper before they join us,” he answered. “But they already checked in to their hotel.”

“They’re not staying here with us?”

“And share you? Hell no.

Besides, if you and my mom are in the same room again, you’ll go on another shopping binge. Cooper will end up with so many outfits he won’t need to go shopping until he’s ready for college.” He hadn’t asked, but he knew his mom had spent some time today doing more shopping. She wouldn’t have been able to stop herself. And when she arrived tonight, she’d have some gifts in hand for Cooper. “They’ll be fine for a night. Tomorrow they’re going back home.”

“If you want time alone with Cooper, I can go for a walk or something. You can call me when you want me to come back.” While she spoke, Paige moved away from him and sat down on the sofa.

“No. I need you here.” Scott went to join her, but the doorbell rang before his butt touched the cushion. At the sound, his heart bumped into his breastbone. He’s here. When he returned home from work, he’d told security downstairs to let Nicole and Cooper up when they arrived. She was the only one who could be ringing the bell now.

“Do you want me to get it?” Beside him, Paige stood up again when he didn’t move.

“No, but you can join me.”

When he opened the door, Scott glanced at Nicole long enough to say hello before his gaze dropped to the large infant carrier she held. She’d showed him a picture of the baby, but it must have been an older one. The baby in the carrier now appeared somewhat larger, although he still looked tiny.