Once the photographer was in position, Scott turned toward her and she knew what was coming. A kiss. Every bachelor and winner had shared one.

“It’s nice to meet you. We’ll have fun, I promise.” He lowered his mouth to hers, his barely-there beard rubbing against her skin.

Her ears burned as the heat from her face spread and her stomach twisted itself into a pretzel. She needed off the stage.

Scott’s lips left hers, and she took in a deep breath but couldn’t seem to unclench her jaw.

“Let’s go somewhere a little less crowded and talk,” Scott said, and she wondered just what kind of expression she wore. Actually, on second thought she probably didn’t want to know.

With the inside of her mouth coated in cotton and her tongue permanently stuck to the roof of her mouth, she could only manage a nod. Still holding her hand, he led her back the way she’d come and out of the spotlight.

“You look like you need some fresh air. How about we go outside to the garden terrace?” he asked when they reached the ballroom floor.

She’d visited the small garden terrace located off the lobby during her friend’s wedding. Throughout the evening guests had spilled out into it so they could enjoy some fresh air and the magnificent view. With some luck, all the guests tonight would be too busy with the auction and the view on stage to venture outside, and the area would be empty. “Sounds great,” she managed to get out now that she no longer stood in the spotlight with hundreds of eyes staring at her.

He released her hand and offered her his arm instead as they walked past the occupied tables. Several women called out greetings as they passed, and Scott offered polite replies but didn’t pause to chat. Actually, he seemed as eager as she was to get out of the crowded ballroom and away from the curious eyes.

When they stepped outside, hot, humid air, a stark contrast to the cool climate-controlled ballroom, wrapped around her. For a moment she wondered if going outside into the heat had been a wise idea. Then she caught a glimpse of the view. From the rooftop she could see the entire city, including the bonfires that had been lit along the river below for the evening’s WaterFire.

“I don’t know about you, but I find this much better than being inside.” Scott smiled before he continued, humor evident in his voice. “Since we’ve kissed in front of over two hundred women, I should already know your name, but I don’t.”

She hadn’t picked up on it before, but now, alone without everyone staring at them, she noticed how deep and rich his voice was. “You’re right. It’s Paige.”

Scott extended his hand toward her. “It’s nice to meet you, Paige, I’m Scott.”

Considering the man’s entire bio had been printed in the program, his statement struck her as ridiculous. Right away a giggle worked its way out, and she couldn’t contain a smile.

“Much better,” he said. “You looked like you wanted to cry before. Let’s sit and talk. I doubt anyone inside will mind.”

“I don’t like being the center of attention.” Paige sat on a stone bench, careful to stay as close to the end as possible, giving Scott plenty of room.

Scott lowered himself onto the bench as well and then removed his tuxedo jacket. “It’s not my favorite place either.”

Silence fell between them. She crossed and uncrossed her ankles several times, grateful her long gown made it impossible for him to see her actions. Finally, after what seemed like hours although she knew it had only been perhaps a minute or two, he cleared his throat and spoke.

“Some of the other bachelors planned out all their dates ahead of time. I didn’t. I thought it’d be better to wait and see what the winner might enjoy doing. But unless it doesn’t work for you, I thought for our first date we could have dinner at the Spiced Pear in Newport and then watch the Fourth of July fireworks. In my opinion, the firework display down there puts the ones in Boston and Providence to shame. We can work out the details for the other three outings then.”

She’d heard of the well-known restaurant located on Newport’s famous Cliff Walk overlooking the ocean, but she’d never visited. “Sounds wonderful, and I have the holiday weekend off this year.” She’d worked the past three, but this year she had the entire weekend off.

“Great. I’ll call and make reservations tomorrow and get back to you with the details.” Scott pulled his smartphone from his tuxedo jacket pocket. “What’s your phone number and address? I’ll give you my number too in case you need to call me.”

She didn’t see any reason why she’d ever need to call him, but rather than tell him that she said, “I left my phone at the table.” When she’d gone on stage, she’d left her clutch on her chair.

“I’ll send you a text message so you have mine.”

With a nod she rattled off her phone number. Once he’d saved it in his contact list she said, “And my address is 10 River Road in Lincoln. It’s not too far from here.”

He saved the additional information. “You mentioned you have the holiday off. Do you work in the city?”

“Rhode Island Hospital. I’m a nurse there in the CCU.”

For a second he looked confused, and she expected a question regarding the hospital. Instead he said, “I saw you sitting with Belinda Fleming tonight.”

Once again heat exploded across her skin. If he’d seen her sitting with Aunt Bebe, had he also seen the way she’d forced Paige’s hand and auction paddle into

the air? “Aunt Bebe asked me to come with her tonight. We often do things together.” When Aunt Bebe invited her, she’d assumed it was because she wanted the company. Now she wondered if her aunt hadn’t planned all along to buy her a man. Paige rolled her eyes. Buy a man, what an absurd idea. “Actually, she’s my great-aunt. She’s my granddad’s younger sister.”

“That would make Michael Foster your grandfather.”