He glared at Derek. “Aren’t you the genius? I guess that’s what I get for going to Yale instead of Harvard like you.” Scott sipped from his glass. “I plan on getting answers tonight.” He didn’t look forward to their conversation, but it needed to happen.

“Have you told anyone besides my dad and me about the possibility?” Derek asked, perhaps understanding Scott didn’t want to talk about Paige and their relationship.

Another fun conversation he didn’t want to have with anyone and one he hoped he could avoid. “Not yet. Holding off for now. No point in bringing it up, if it turns out I’m not the father.”

“How soon is soon on the test results?”

“Could be today. I checked the site earlier they weren’t there, but they might be now. If not, I expect them Monday.” Scott pulled his smartphone out. He had a strong Internet connection inside the club. He should be able to get on the site.

“You’re checking now?”

He saw no reason not to. Scott brought up the lab’s website then typed in his username and password, his finger lingering over the enter button.

“Don’t blame you for being nervous,” Derek said when Scott still didn’t proceed.

Checking or not checking wasn’t going to change the answer. Grabbing his drink, he took a gulp and hit Enter. Immediately, he found a link marked test results.

“Are they there?”

He stared at the screen, the link taunting him. All he had to do was open it, and he’d know. “Yep.”

“And should I go out and buy you a car seat or not?”

He appreciated his cousin’s attempt to lighten the situation. “Don’t know. I need to open them first.” Do it. Get it over with. Either way you’ll finally know. Scott pressed the link, and the report popped up.

Chapter 14

She turned off the water after taking one of the quickest showers in history. At least she’d been able to take one. Considering how she’d left things with Scott earlier, she’d expected to find him waiting in the driveway when she got home. Wrapped in a soft bath towel, she grabbed her scrubs off the bathroom floor and tossed them in the laundry before switching off the light and walking out.

When he’d asked about going out with his cousin, she should’ve said yes. Telling him they’d talk about it had

only upset him further. She’d rather have him in the best mood possible when she told him everything. But she hadn’t wanted to lie to him any more than she already had. Her conscience had her tossing and turning every night already because she’d lied and told him she was too tired to talk when he’d called during the week. More guilt wouldn’t help.

As she pulled on a top, Ryder jumped off the bed, barking as he hightailed it toward the kitchen. A moment or two later the doorbell chimed. Without bothering to brush her hair, Paige tied it back. Tonight wasn’t about looking good. It was all about getting the truth out between them.

Paige rubbed her chest in an effort to ease the ache there. This might be the last time she found him on her doorstep. God, she hoped not.

“Right on time. As always.” She stepped back while Ryder bolted straight for Scott. On cue, he rewarded the dog with a scratch behind the ears.

“Hey, buddy. It’s nice to see you too.” Scott spoke to the dog as he walked inside, closing the door behind him. “But it’s even better to see you.” He pulled her close and kissed her, causing the ache around her heart to spread.

“I agree,” she somehow managed to say around the lump in her throat. “How’s your cousin?” Procrastination evidently was her middle name tonight. “He must be excited about his wedding.”

Scott shrugged and took her hand. “We need to talk.”

She’d promised they’d do so as soon as she got home. Looked like he planned on holding her to that. “Do you want anything first? Have you had dinner? I haven’t. Only managed a shower before you got here.”

The muscle in Scott’s cheek twitched.

“We’ll eat later,” Paige said, before leading him into the other room and sitting down. Not wanting to be left behind, Ryder followed them and jumped on a chair.

“You were right earlier. And I’m sorry if I haven’t been myself.” The sooner she spoke the sooner she’d be done. “There’s something I need to tell you. I meant to do it last weekend, but then your ex-girlfriend showed up and, well, I didn’t.”

Scott paced the length of the area rug before he sat down. Right away, Ryder took Scott’s action as a signal that he should leave the chair and jump on the couch next to him instead.

“Yeah, I— ” Scott began as he scratched the dog near his collar.

“Let me finish. I need to get this all out then you can tell me anything.”