When he got closer though, the expression on Paige’s face made him want to keep on walking. Yes, she was curious, but she was furious too. He had a good guess why. She’d heard Nicole’s comment about being there on Wednesday, a detail he’d never shared.

“Nicole, this is my girlfriend, Paige. I told you about her the other night.” He stopped behind Paige and put his hands on her shoulders. “Paige, Nicole Sutton.” He’d already mentioned she was an ex, so no need in reminding her.

“That’s why your name sounded familiar. You stared in Time Warriors with Anderson Brady.”

Nicole nodded. “Sorry to interrupt your dinner. I won’t stay long.”

Scott walked around the table and pulled out the chair he’d vacated for Nicole. Taking the seat beside Paige instead, he wrapped his hand around one of hers. She didn’t pull away, but she didn’t curl her fingers around his. Instead, they stayed stiff.

Damn, Nicole had rotten timing. “Jordan got the test results?” Later he’d give Paige the full version of the story. For now a few quick answers from Nicole would suffice and get her out of there.

“He called while I was shopping.” She glanced at Paige and back at him. “Do you have any more of the wine? I could really use a glass, Scott.”

She needed wine? Couldn’t she spit out an answer and leave? “Yeah, sure. Paige, do you want some?” They’d finished their wine over dinner and opted for coffee with their dessert.

“No,” she answered, her voice hard.

“I’ll be right back.” He released Paige’s hand. Right away she folded her hands in her lap. He’d get himself a drink too. Something stronger than wine, though.

From the kitchen he saw Nicole lean forward and speak to Paige, her voice low so it didn’t carry into him. Whatever she was saying, he hoped it didn’t tick Paige off any further. Scott tossed back a shot of whiskey before joining the women and again reaching for Paige’s hand.

“Thank you.” Nicole accepted the glass, taking a healthy sip before she delivered the answers he needed. “Jordan got the test results from the lab this afternoon. Unfortunately, my instincts were right. Cooper’s not his son.”

Paige’s mug hit the table with a thud. Coffee sloshed over the top, filling her dessert plate and drowning her uneaten cake.

Scott raked his free hand down his face and wished he’d brought the bottle of whiskey over with him. He needed something harder than coffee on the table right now. “Not the answer we wanted, but at least we know.” While he’d hoped Jordan would turn out to be Cooper’s father, somehow he’d expected the news Nicole had just delivered.

“Will you have the test done soon?” Nicole again reached for her wine.

Paige’s hand slipped out of his. He should’ve told her everything as soon as Nicole left Wednesday night. “Monday morning.”

She took a business card from her purse and handed it to him. “This is the lab we used. They already have a sample of Cooper’s DNA.”

“I’ll call them first thing and get it taken care of.”

Nicole finished her wine in one long sip. “Thanks for not being a jerk about this, Scott. If I’d gone to Alastair before you, he would’ve made this difficult. I know he would’ve.”

Alastair Corey must be the other potential father, because he was the only big-name director in Hollywood nam

ed Alastair. It didn’t surprise him. More than once the guy’s name had been linked to some scandal or another involving women who were not his wife.

“My car’s waiting outside. Enjoy your weekend.”

Damn manners. He wanted to explain everything to Paige, not escort Nicole out. “I’ll walk you to the door.” Scott put the business card in his pocket and kissed Paige’s cheek. “Be right back.”

She’d sat through the conversation in silence. Should he take that as a good sign? Or did it simply mean she had great control over her rage? He couldn’t picture Paige angry. Yeah, everyone got upset, but he didn’t see her screaming at him. Nicole yes, Paige no.

Scoot stared at the closed door, his feet stuck to the floor. Get your ass back over there.

“She doesn’t dress like any new moms I know,” Paige said with a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Scott stopped short halfway back to the table. He’d expected Paige to demand answers, not comment on Nicole’s clothes. “We need to talk.” In business meetings, he got right to the point. This seemed like a good time to do the same.

She cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms, sending his instincts buzzing. “You think?” The sarcasm remained in her voice.

When he reached the table, he considered his seating options before sitting next to her. “Since you heard the tail end of the situation, I’ll start at the beginning.”

“Good idea.”