The taxi inched forward, but not even a slight breeze came through the open windows. If she came again and Scott offered, she’d let him get her at the airport.

Considering Scott lived in a luxury apartment building on what the media dubbed Billionaire’s Row, she shouldn’t have expected anything but the grandeur greeting her now. Perhaps because he came across as a regular Joe, she sometimes forgot which family he belonged to and just how wealthy he really was. The uniformed doorman who’d just held the door for her and the lobby reminded her of both those things well. Large, modern-looking, and in her opinion ugly chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting light across the spotless floor. Across the lobby to the left, another uniformed doorman stood beside double glass doors that led into the five-star hotel located on the first three floors of the building. She’d never stayed in the hotel and didn’t want to imagine the price tag associated with it, but Aunt Bebe had. She’d said although smaller than most of the others in Manhattan, it was one of the best.

Pulling her suitcase behind her, she headed for the other end of the lobby and the sleek looking security desk. A few people who most likely lived in the building sent glances her way, but none spoke or even smiled at her. Considering the apartment building’s elite status, residents probably knew who else lived around them. Or at least had a good idea, so they knew she didn’t belong.

Two attractive uniformed guards occupied the security desk stationed to the right of the three elevators. No one was getting upstairs without passing by them first.

“Can I help you?” A guard with a well-trimmed beard asked when she reached the desk.

“Yes, I’m visiting Scott Belmont.”

“Name please?” Mr. Beard reached for his computer keyboard.

No paper lists for this place. “Paige Foster.”

The guard typed in her name. Liking what he saw on his computer screen, he said, “You’re all set. Go on up, Ms. Foster.”

Paige thanked him and went to the elevators. After pressing the up button, she realized she had no idea what floor she needed. Embarrassed, Paige turned and pulled her suitcase back to the desk. “Excuse me. What floor is Mr. Belmont on again?” She remembered him mentioning apartment A, but nothing else.

This time the clean-shaven guard answered her. “Fiftieth. Apartment A.”

It seemed no sooner did she press the button inside the elevator than the doors were opening outside Scott’s apartment door. Honestly, she couldn’t recall ever riding in an elevator that moved so fast. It must be another perk of living in the building. And she guessed there were many.

Scott pulled open the ebony-colored door and stepped toward her. “Great timing.” Reaching down, he grabbed her suitcase while at the same time he loosened the scarlet tie around his neck. “Got here less than ten minutes ago myself. I intended to leave the office earlier, but got tied up.”

She kissed him before stepping across the threshold and onto the black hardwood floor. Unable to stop herself, she glanced around her surroundings. The apartment was unlike anything she’d seen before. While Aunt Bebe and her granddad had stunning homes, they’d all been decorated in a traditional fashion. The type of style that never went out of date regardless of the decade. There was nothing traditional about Scott’s apartment, at least not the part she saw now. Instead of outer walls, all around her were floor-to-ceiling windows and every few feet a huge white pillar caused a minor break in the view. To the left, a long dining room table stood with another ultramodern, and somewhat ugly, chandelier over it. Directly in front of her, a light gray area rug covered a section of the floor. A square marble or maybe granite coffee table had been placed in the center. Two odd-looking leather chairs and a white sofa faced each other with the coffee table between them. A white upholstered bench finalized the seating on the rug. None of it was furniture she’d put in her house.

“I feel like my plane landed yesterday. I could’ve walked and gotten here sooner.”

Scott left her suitcase near a closet. “Yeah, it’d be nice if they could do something about the traffic.” After undoing the two top two buttons of his shirt, he pulled her close. “Can I get you anything?”

She leaned closer, committing the feel of him against her to memory. After this weekend she may never be next to him like this again. “Good for now.” Paige moved her hands across his neck, Scott’s skin warm beneath her fingers, before touching his shoulders.

“Let me know if you do.” He gave her a light kiss before stepping back. “I’m going to get changed. You can keep me company or make yourself at home, babe. Either way it won’t take me long.”

She’d never pass up an opportunity to see him in any state of undress. “Tough choice. Stay by myself or see you naked. I just can’t decide.”

Much like the dining room and living room, floor-to-ceiling windows acted as outer walls for the bedroom. A large king-size bed along with light gray sofa and coffee table were the only furniture in the room. Both the bed and couch had been positioned along the only solid wall in the room, allowing Scott and anyone else to enjoy the city skyline. A few paintings hung on the wall providing some color, but otherwise, various hues of black, gray and white filled the room.

“Put anything you want in the closet.” Scott disappeared through another door and she stepped closer to the windows.

“This view is insane, Scott.” She turned away from the windows and waited.

Soon he reemerged minus his shirt, a pair of jeans and T-shirt in his hands. “I guess. Honestly, I don’t notice it much anymore.” He dropped the clothes on the bed before taking off his suit pan


With Scott standing there in nothing but his boxer briefs, her pulse sped up, the city view forgotten. “I’m not only noticing but lovin’ the view right now.” She winked, causing him to chuckle.

“Glad you approve.” He pulled on his jeans before grabbing his T-shirt and coming around the bed to stand near her. “The master bath is in there.” He pointed to a closed door. “Unless you disagree, I think a nice relaxing soak in the hot tub is just what you need tonight after your flight.”

She couldn’t resist taking a peek inside the bathroom. This is a bathroom. Windows similar to those in the bedroom filled one wall. A hot tub large enough for three people filled the space closest to the windows, allowing people to relax and take in the view. She caught a glimpse of a toilet tucked away behind a pocket door. His and her sinks with matching vanities and a glass shower stall completed the room. She could get used to having a bathroom like this.

“Will you be joining me?” she asked, already thinking of the fun they could have together in the hot tub.

Arms circled her waist from behind, and he pulled her back against him. “What do you think?” He kissed her neck, and she closed her eyes, simply enjoying the warmth radiating through her.

“I think you better or else I’ll have to beat you.” She turned in his arms. “Or maybe just tickle you.” In Virginia Beach, she’d discovered the area just below his rib cage was extremely ticklish. Paige went for the spot now. “What’s it going to be?”