“I do want you to meet my family, Scott. If I didn’t ,I would’ve told Joe we were too busy when he asked. And I was thinking the next time you visit we could get together with my parents.”

“Set it up, and I’ll be there. I don’t anticipate any more travel for several weeks.” A breeze blew over them, sending hair across her face. Scott brushed it away before she could react. “So your brother is protective. What else should I know about him before we get there?”


Paige picked at her fingernail as she watched Scott and Joe talk. She saw no reason the two men wouldn’t get along, but she’d been wrong before. When she and Benjamin had started dating, she’d expected Joe to love him. They’d had a lot in common and were only months apart in age. However, her brother disliked her ex-husband more than any other guy she’d dated. He’d even tried to talk her out of marrying him when she’d told him about their engagement. He’d insisted it wouldn’t last. At the time she’d laughed at him. After all, what did her brother know; he’d married his college sweetheart. In hindsight, maybe he’d seen something she hadn’t. She really didn’t want that to be the case tonight.

“Aunt Bebe sure has good taste,” Trish, her sister-in-law, said, pulling Paige’s attention away from the men in other room. “I still can’t believe she bought him for you. I love her and think she’s great, but she doesn’t know anything about boundaries. But maybe this one time we can forgive her.” Trish looked into the other room. “Since you’re on vacation with him, I’m guessing it’s going well.”

“Almost too well.”

The oven timer buzzed, and Trish walked away from the counter. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She left the tray of stuffed mushrooms on the stovetop and returned to the counter. “Things are either working or they’re not. There’s no such thing as too well.”

“So far everything’s been perfect. We don’t argue. He calls all the time. He travels to Rhode Island from wherever in the world he is to see me.”

“And you’re worried why?”

Paige shrugged. She couldn’t explain it, but unease had bothered her since he’d said he loved her. “Nothing stays perfect forever.”

The sound of Gabby moving around in her crib came through the baby monitor on the counter. “Relationships aren’t about perfect. There about loving someone enough to work through the tough patches,” Trish said, just as the additional timer she’d set for the crab cakes went off. “Do mind getting Gabby?”

“You twisted my arm.”

When she carried Gabby into the living room, she found Scott sitting alone. “You look like a natural holding her,” he said, his eyes following her across the room.

“Years and years of babysitting.”

“It’s more than the way you carry her. There’s something about the expression on your face too.” Scott touched Gabby’s arm. “I don’t spend a lot of time around babies. Whenever I see them, I’m amazed by how small they are.”

“Do you want to hold her?”

“I’ll give it a try. Last time I held my cousin Callie’s son, he spit up all over me.”

Paige transferred Gabby into his arms. “She hasn’t eaten yet, so you’re probably safe.” A golf ball formed in her throat and her heart literally ached at the sight of him holding her niece. “How old is your cousin’s baby?”

“James will be one in September. My cousins Trent and Jake have children too. Jake’s son, Garret, was born in March, and Trent’s son, Kendrick, was born in June.”

She remembered reading about all three births. “Looks like the family name will be carried on.” Some men like her ex-husband got obsessed with the idea of their family name being carried o


“It’s not the end of the world if a family name ends.” Scott smiled when Gabby wrapped her hand around his finger. “If I have only daughters, that’ll be fine. It’s more important that they’re healthy.”

The man came from a large family, it made sense he’d want children. The unease lurking inside her pushed forward. She’d have to tell him soon. “You want kids?”

“Not tomorrow, but yeah, eventually.” He looked up with something close to concern etched on his face. “You don’t?”

“Oh, I do.” I just might not be able to. She tried not think about the fact too often, but it looked like she needed to start. Nothing stays perfect forever. Hadn’t she just told Trish that? Most of the time she liked being right. For once she wished she’d been dead wrong.

“Dinner’s ready,” Joe said, entering the living room and going straight for his daughter. “She usually cries her head off when someone other than family holds her.” Joe shot her a look, which she interpreted as “I like him and approve.” “She even lost it when Tim held her,” he said, referring to his brother-in-law.

“I’ve met Tim. She’s got good taste.” Right now she wouldn’t think about anything serious. Instead, she’d enjoy an evening with her family and the man she loved. Tomorrow would be soon enough to tell him what she needed to. Or maybe the day after that.

Chapter 11

His ringtone came through his earbuds. After work, Paige planned on going out with her mom. She’d promised to call afterward, so he doubted it was her calling now. Slowing down, Scott checked the smartphone strapped to his arm. The name Nicole greeted him. She’d called him Monday afternoon too, but he’d been too busy to answer. When he’d tried returning the call, it had automatically gone to voice mail. He hadn’t tried again. He figured if she needed to talk so badly she’d call him back.

Scott pulled out his earbuds and moved off the jogging path. “Hello,” he said, winded from his run.