She groaned and gripped his shoulders. A sudden loud rumble permeated her sex-muddled brain, and another light breeze sent her hair dancing as it blew across her hypersensitive skin. “Scott, stop. We’re in front of the door.” Heat filled her face. “We need to move.”

“No one can see us well up here, and the curtain’s closed babe.” A second finger dipped inside as he spoke.

They were up on the twentieth floor, and the curtain was more or less closed, but it could blow o

pen at any second, so neither guaranteed no one could see what they were doing. Since it didn’t appear he planned on stopping, she clamped her hand around his, making it difficult for him to move it. “Someone might. Let’s go inside.” In case he needed a little more incentive, she bent down and rubbed her hand across his erection. “I promise you won’t be disappointed if we do.”


By the time they emerged from bed again, it was well past nine. Rather than waste time with a leisurely breakfast, he grabbed them some muffins from the hotel café before they walked down Atlantic Avenue to the Sunset Surf Shop and School. While he’d surfed several times and Paige had kayaked a lot, neither had ever tried paddle boarding. The surf school offered both one- and two-hour lessons followed by a guided tour on Rudee Inlet. Even though he guessed an hour lesson would be enough for him, Paige suggested they go with the longer option. Four other people joined them for the lesson and Scott found himself behind Paige as the group made its way down the inlet. Since numerous times he found himself paying more attention to Paige in her bikini rather than the instructor, it probably wasn’t the best place for him. He didn’t ask anyone to switch with him though, because then one of the other two men in the group might end up behind her and they’d be able to ogle her all they wanted, something he couldn’t allow to happen.

After their lesson, they headed toward Thirty-Fourth Street and Paige’s favorite Italian restaurant in the area. While he polished off his entire meal, he wasn’t surprised she left more than half behind so she could order dessert. Today, she went with a large slice of chocolate seduction cake.

“You don’t know what you’re missing.” She licked the frosting from her fork and he watched her tongue, remembering how it’d moved against his dick earlier. Damn, the woman knew how to pleasure him.

Looking for a distraction, he stabbed at the mixed berry pie on his plate otherwise, it’d be a long and uncomfortable walk back. “I disagree. This pie is delicious.” He chewed the forkful of food before he spoke again. “You can keep your chocolate cake. Pie is far superior.”

Her mouth fell open, mock outrage on her face. “I don’t know if I can be with someone who thinks pie is better than chocolate cake. I’m going to need to think about this.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep. If someone would rather eat pie than chocolate, there must be something wrong with them. It’s a proven scientific fact.”

He knew she was only joking around, but it’d taken him this long to find her. He didn’t want anything coming between them. “What about chocolate peanut butter pie? I love that.”

Paige pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead. “Thank goodness. For a minute there I thought I’d have to stop seeing you.” She leaned closer to the table and dropped her voice. “I mean, no matter how good the sex, I can’t be with someone who avoids chocolate. Sorry.”

The sex wasn’t good. It was the best he’d ever had, and he’d had his share of partners. When they made love, it was more than insert tab A in slot B. Emotion encompassed them and wrapped around them.

“For you, I’d give up pie and switch to chocolate cake all the time.” A few months ago he wouldn’t have inconvenienced himself for any woman he knew outside his family. Now, he couldn’t think of anything he wouldn’t do for Paige. Life changed quickly.

With her brother not expecting them until much later, they returned to their hotel for beach supplies after lunch. Unlike earlier in the day, lounge chairs and sun shelters dotted the sand now. While many people relaxed, soaking up the sun, others chose to swim or toss around footballs, and not far from the giant statue of Neptune a group of people had a soccer game going.

Stepping off the concrete, he took off his flip-flops, the hot sand immediately warming the bottoms of his feet. “Where to?”

“How about over there?” She pointed to an empty area not far from a lifeguard chair.

Two smiling children around nine or ten years old darted around them carrying boogie boards as they ran toward the water. A moment later a man jogged by, calling to the children to wait for him and not jump in the water without him.

“I don’t think they’re going to wait.” Paige removed the shorts she’d thrown on over her bikini and stretched out on the beach towel she’d spread out. “I’m not even sure they heard him.”

Neither child paused when they reached the water’s edge. Instead, they raced in and got ready to ride the next wave. “Do you blame them? I wouldn’t have waited either.”

Paige lowered her sunglasses and peered over the top of them at him. “So you were a disobedient child? Why am I not surprised?”

“Just the usual stuff kids do. Tease younger sisters and cousins. Tell my parents I’d be at one place and go somewhere else. You know the kind of stuff I mean. I never got into real trouble. And I stayed away from drugs.”

“No younger sisters to pick on, and I never lied to my parents when I went out. If I told them I was going to a friend’s house, that’s where I went. Joe gave my parents enough headaches.”

“You never did anything wrong?” Propped up on an elbow, he leaned over her. “Come on, I don’t believe it. No one’s perfect.”

“Once I snuck out of school. My brother found out. One of his friends, who’d also skipped, saw me and told him. Joe threatened to tell Mom and Dad if I ever did it again. For some reason he thought it was okay for him to skip school and sneak out of the house, but not me. Go figure. Anyway, missing a day of school wasn’t worth getting grounded.”

She was so close he couldn’t keep from touching her. “Huh, I guess you two didn’t have a great relationship.” Scott ran his fingers over her shoulder and down her arm. When he reached her wrist, he reversed his path.

“Just the opposite. But he’s always been protective, which is part of why we’re seeing him tonight. He makes sure he meets every man I get into a relationship with. He started doing it when I was in high school.”

“Nice. And I thought you just wanted me to meet your family.” He understood the protective big brother thing. Growing up, if anyone had tried to harm either of his sisters, he would’ve paid them a visit. Even now he’d consider doing the same thing, depending on the situation. He didn’t go so far as to meet everyone Courtney and Juliette dated; one, he didn’t have the time, and two, he trusted their judgment. Both were smart women who made good decisions.