Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tried to kiss him, but he pulled away. A gorgeous woman wanted to take him back to her room and make love. Put in a similar situation months ago, he’d have them halfway to the hotel already. He wanted more than some hot sex. Scott wanted everything from their relationship, including the words from Paige.

“Not sure I agree with that old expression, but I’ll let you try anyway.”

A young woman in shorts and sports bra rollerbladed past them, and Paige waited until she’d passed before she spoke again. “By tomorrow morning you’ll either know I love you or will be too tired to get out of bed.”

Chapter 10

A rumbling overpowered the sound of the waves, and Paige glanced up as a fighter jet came into view. She followed it across the sky until it got too far away, then gazed down at the beach again. It was still early; only a handful of people dotted the pristine sand and even fewer appeared in the water. Later the beach would be full of vacationers in bathing suits, and beach umbrellas would be everywhere, but for now most of the people down there were employees getting the area ready for the day. Regardless of what else they did today, she hoped to spend some time on the beach and in the water. Even though she’d been in the area for several days, her and Scott’s walk on the boardwalk last night had been the closest she’d gotten to the sand since she arrived.

Down below a couple walked along the boardwalk holding hands, and memories of her and Scott’s walk surfaced. Nothing had prepared her for his announcement even though she’d already realized she loved him.

He loves me. And I never would’ve met him if not for Aunt Bebe’s interference. Perhaps she’d apologize for giving Aunt Bebe a hard time after the auction. She’d have to think about it. The last thing she needed was Aunt Bebe interfering in her life again.

“I didn’t hear you get up,” Scott said, stepping out onto the balcony dressed in only running shorts. “What are you doing out here?” He pressed his lips against her cheek and put his arm around her.

“Taking in the view and enjoying the quiet.” After waking up, she’d lain there enjoying the view of him naked until her bladder threatened to explode. Rather than risk waking him, she’d sneaked out of the bedroom, made herself a coffee and stepped outside. “Later I’d like to spend some time down there. It’s one of the nicest beaches I’ve ever visited.”

“We’ve got the whole day to ourselves. We can do whatever you want.”

“Well, not really all day. My brother wants us to come over before we leave. I thought we could do it today and get it out of the way.” Since he wanted her to meet his family, he shouldn’t mind doing the same. “Do you mind?”

“I’d rather not share you, but it’s okay. What time?”

“Not sure. I’ll call him and see what works for him and Trish. We can keep the visit short. It’s not like I haven’t spent time with them all this week. And they’re coming up to Rhode Island soon anyway, so I’ll see them again then.”

“What else should we do today? I saw an advertisement for parasailing last night. I did it down in the Caribbean a few years ago. It’s a lot of fun. Are you interested?”

She hated telling him no, but some experiences she didn’t want to repeat. “I’ll pass. I tried it last summer when I came down to visit Joe. Discovered very quickly it’s not for me, but go ahead. This is your vacation too.”

“Nah, some other time. I’d rather do things we’ll both enjoy.”

Another fighter jet screeched overhead, and she again followed it until it disappeared from view. “Every time one of those goes by, I wish I was on board flying it. Or at least a passenger in it.” She turned, her back rubbing against the railing.

“You and probably a lot of other people. I’ve flown planes and imagine controlling one of those is amazing.”

The simple statement reminded her of just whom she was standing next to. He loves me, she told herself. Nothing else mattered. Especially not who his family was or how much money he had in the bank. “I didn’t know you had a pilot’s license. I pictured you being more into boating since you have a house in Newport. Maybe scuba diving too.”

“Enjoy both those things a lot, but there’s something about being up there. It’s nothing like when you travel on a commercial jet. I’ll take you up sometime.”

A warm breeze blew around them, sending her hair in every direction. “Stupid hair,” she muttered, reaching for the elastic on her arm so she could pull it up.

Scott’s fingers closed around her wrist before she got it secured. “It’s gorgeous.” He trailed his fingers through it much like he had the night before in bed, and her body took it as a cue to wake up. “I’ve never felt hair this soft.” He wrapped some around his fingers. “You should wear it down like this more often.”

Releasing the strands around his finger, he pulled her hair forward and over her shoulders his hands running across her breasts in the process. Beneath her thin cotton top, her nipples hardened and pressed into his palms. Memories of him using his tongue and lips to tease them in bed rose up, making her heart race faster, and she leaned into him.

“Looks like I’ve got someone’s attention.” His mouth curved into a knee-melting grin. Before she could respond, he inched his palms lower until he reached her waist. With painstakingly slow movements, he pushed her shirt up until her breasts were bared to him and she said a silent prayer her back faced the beach.

“Missed seeing these when I woke up. I think they deserve some TLC.” Scott held the shirt up with his left hand while he cupped one breast with his right and lowered his head. “Yeah, they need some extra special attention.”

His warm breath blew across her breast moments before he closed his lips around her. Scott took his time teasing and licking one nipple. Once satisfied he’d teased her enough, he switched to the other breast and repeated the sweet torture.

Paige closed her eyes, her head falling back. “That feels so good,” she said, her voice somewhere between a moan and a sigh, her entire body on fire.

Scott released her breast and pulled her just inside the room. With the sliding glass door still open, the curtain fluttered against her bare legs. Then he tugged her shirt off. “Wait. I’m just getting started.” He dropped to his knees before her and hooked his fingers under the waistband of her shorts. Once again he moved slowly, inching her pajama bottoms and her panties down over her hips. When he reached her ankles, he lifted one foot then the other, leaving her standing there naked.

With her eyes still closed, she didn’t realize his intent until his mouth came down on her.

“You’re already wet,” he said, removing his mouth and dipping one finger inside her.