Despite the seriousness of their conversation, Paige laughed. “When did you become so philosophical?”

Clarissa nudged her in the arm. “Keep it up, and I won’t bring you back any more maple candy when I visit Vermont.”

“Fair enough. But thanks. You’re right. We can’t control when we fall in love.”


“Time to get off that.” Paige tugged the towel out from under Ryder.

She’d dumped a basket of clean laundry on her bed so she could fold it. Not wanting to be left alone, the dog had followed her into the room and then proceeded to make himself comfortable. The towel he’d spent the last ten minutes lying on was the last thing from this batch she needed to fold. A second full basket sat on the floor, but she doubted she’d get it all folded and put away too. Any moment Scott should be there.

“What do you think he’s got planned?” she asked the dog, who’d stood, walked over to the pillow, and curled up again after she’d disturbed him. When Scott had called last night after his cousin’s party, he’d given her no specifics. He’d only told her to dress for outdoors. The tiny hint didn’t help much. She could think of at least half a dozen things they could do outside on a sunny August day.

Without warning Ryder’s head jerked up, then he took off, knocking a stack of folded towels to the floor. Paige picked them up and left them in a pile. She’d refold them later.

Before even saying a simple hello, Scott pulled her close and proceeded to kiss the breath right out her. “This is for you.” He handed her a silver box. “My cousin Allison told me Favre makes the best chocolate in the world. I bought a box while I was in London so you can try it.”

“You’re the best. Their chocolate is incredible, and my stash is running super low.”

“You’ve had it before,” he said, sounding disappointed.

She couldn’t resist opening the box and taking out a truffle. “Aunt Bebe introduced me t

o it. Try it. You’ll be spoiled for anything else.” She held the truffle up to his mouth.

He accepted the offering and while he chewed she selected one for herself.

“Mmm, you’re right. When I go back, I’ll need to get myself some.” He helped himself to a second candy as he spoke. “We should go if you’re all ready.”

“Go where?” Nothing about the way he was dressed gave her any hints about their plans.

Scott smiled, his eyes dancing with mischief. “That’s a surprise, babe. But I promise you’re going to love it.”

In the past, she’d cringed when she heard a guy call a woman babe, because she found it both chauvinistic and degrading. Words like sweetheart and honey made much better pet names. The way Scott looked at her combined with the tone of his voice had her reassessing her view.

“Let’s go then.”

Too curious, Paige made guesses about their final destination during the first half of their ride. Each time Scott either shook his head or insisted she’d just have to wait and see. By the time they merged onto Interstate 95, she gave up and asked about his cousin’s party instead.

“I meant to leave earlier, but getting out of there last night was impossible as usual. Everyone wants to catch up when we get together like that. I wish you could’ve made it.”

“Maybe next time.” She’d breathed a huge sigh of relief when he’d invited her, and Cathy’s bridal shower gave her a perfect out. Thanks to the media, she’d heard about his family her whole life. No matter how nice Aunt Bebe insisted the family was, meeting them all at once put a knot the size of a boulder in her stomach. Even just thinking about meeting one or two of them sometime in the future had her stomach doing backflips.

“When I left Mom was trying her best to change Derek’s mind about getting married so soon,” he said. “I don’t see it happening. Derek sounded adamant about Labor Day weekend.”

“Wow, that’s not far away.” Paige glanced out the windshield. Since they’d started talking, she’d paid more attention to Scott than her surroundings. But she recognized where they were. “Are we doing something in Boston?”

“You’ll see.”

Okay, what could he have planned for them in Boston? Considering how casually they were dressed, the theater was out. She’d not heard of any big name musicians performing at the Garden. The city contained several museums, but she didn’t think he’d be taking her there either. And the time of day ruled out any nightclubs.

Thankfully, Scott’s secret destination quickly revealed itself after he parked.

“I promised I’d get you here before the season ended.” He held her hand as they walked toward Fenway Park. “After the game, we’ll head into the North End for dinner.”

Paige ignored the crowd around them and hugged him tight. “Awesome surprise. Thank you.” She glanced up at the Pennant Banners attached to the building, each one listing a year the team had won the World Series. “But I should’ve guessed we were coming here as soon as I realized we were headed to Boston.”

Together they joined the line of people making their way inside. Paige took it all in because Fenway wasn’t just any old baseball park. Commonly referred to as America’s Most Beloved Park, it’d opened in 1912 and was the oldest baseball stadium used in professional baseball. Friends who’d seen games here as well as at other parks insisted Fenway had a special vibe all its own.