How many times had he heard a similar statement from her? “We’ve been out, Mom. I invited Paige here, but she had other plans. I’m seeing her tomorrow.”

“Really.” Mom smiled and he imagined wedding bells now rang in her head. “You must like her a great deal. I can’t wait to meet her. Does she live nearby or is she closer to you? I didn’t recognize her name.”

He’d already had this conversation. Looked like he was about to have it again. “She lives outside of Providence and grew up in Rhode Island. Her parents live here too.”

“Odd. I don’t know any Fosters in New England. All the ones I know live in Texas.”

His mom had grown up in Rhode Island and considered New England home despite the estates she and Dad owned elsewhere. And much like his aunts, she was a prominent member of society. Mom knew everyone and everyone knew her. “Paige’s grandfather is Michael Foster. She attended the fundraiser with Bebe Fleming.”

“Her father’s Michael Foster Jr.?” Scott couldn’t remember the last time Mom sounded so surprised.

“He goes by his middle name now, but yeah. Do you know him?”

“More like his reputation. I’d compare it to Trent’s before he met Addie. I saw Michael a few times at parties, but we never spoke. He did date several of my friends. Then one day he disappeared from parties and magazines. I haven’t heard his name since.”

Again he skipped the full story and gave his mom an abridged version. “He and his wife live in Scituate and have for a long time. Paige and her older brother grew up there. Now Paige lives in Lincoln and works at Rhode Island Hospital.”

“Well, I look forward to meeting her. Bring her over soon.”

He planned to.


She watched Cathy, her only remaining unmarried friend from college, unwrap another bridal gift. She’d been at it for a solid ten minutes and had barely made a dent in the pile of gifts. Paige wondered what was in half of them. Cathy and her soon-to-be husband had done bridal registries at four different places including a store that only sold camping, skiing, and rock climbing equipment. Not exactly her idea of bridal shower gifts.

“So I noticed a gorgeous Aston Martin in your driveway again last weekend. Would its owner happen to be Scott Belmont?” Clarissa, who sat next to her, asked, her voice low so others at the table wouldn’t overhear.

Most of the time Clarissa made frequent visits over but over the past week she’d kept more to herself. Paige had intended to ask her about it today.

“Yep.” She’d expected questions from her friend long before now. After all, Scott had come over several times, and it was hard to miss his car. It wasn’t the type usually found in their neighborhood.

Clarissa scooted her chair closer and lowered her voice even more. “It’s been over a month since the auction. It’s taken this long for you and him to go on four dates?”

Other than on the Fourth, they hadn’t really gone on any dates, or at least not the type of dates Clarissa imagined. They’d spent a lot of time with each other, but they’d not gone on any elaborate outings like their first night together. She didn’t mind either. Actually, she preferred seeing Scott at her house. No nosy reporters or photographers showed up. They could say and do anything they wanted without worrying who might hear or see them. When they did go somewhere, it was to the movies or one of her favorite local restaurants. Once they’d gone for ice cream at the popular dairy farm in town.

“Things have sorta progressed past that.”

“Ooh, do share. I want all the details.”

She’d shared all the details of her past relationships with Clarissa. She saw no reason not to do the same now. “He’s traveled back here every weekend since the Fourth to see me. He even asked me to his cousin’s engagement party today.”

“Which cousin?” she asked before waving a dismissive hand. “Never mind. Tell me later. Sounds like there’s something really between you two.”

Oh, there was more than something between them. She’d not said it aloud even when alone, but she suspected she loved Scott. “I’m going to ask him to come to Virginia Beach with me.” She’d never cut her visit with her brother and his family short, but she hated the idea of going so long without seeing Scott.

“I guess things have progressed.”

Paige considered her next words. She trusted Clarissa. Whatever she told her wouldn’t go any further. “Being with him is much different than when I was with Benjamin. Or any other man. I’m pretty sure I love him.”

“I’m glad. You deserve a great guy in your life. Especially after that jerkwad ex-husband.”

Since the divorce, none of her friends ever had anything nice to say about Benjamin. A few had even disliked him before they got married. “You don’t think it’s too soon? We haven’t been together that long.”

“Time doesn’t always matter. My parents were together a month and got married. And they’re quite happy together. They celebrated their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary this spring.”

She didn’t see them getting married anytime soon, but Clarissa’s words helped ease her doubts.

“Your heart decides when to fall in love. It doesn’t count the days on a calendar to make sure it’s been long enough.”