No doubt about it, Scott and she lived in different worlds. She didn’t need to look any further than the house around her to confirm it. Even so, except for the whole opening the car door thing and pulling out her chair, he never once acted much different than other men she dated. And she couldn’t ignore the physical effect he had on her. The simple feel of his hand on hers had her body responding in ways it hadn’t in a while. What would happen if he kissed her? Not the polite kiss they’d shared on stage, but a real kiss filled with desire and passion.

It might be better if she didn’t find out.

“If I’d known you loved chocolate so much I would’ve ordered a different dessert.” Scott walked outside carrying a tray. He’d ditched his suit jacket as well as his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. Much like his face and hands, his forearms were tanned. “Next time I’ll know better.”

She eyed the fruit-covered dessert he set down, glad she hadn’t had anything but her meal at dinner. “Honestly, I like anything sweet. Chocolate is just my biggest weakness.”

“Mine’s pie. Cakes and cookies are good, but I cannot resist pie.” He held out a mug. “I made coffee. If you prefer tea, I can make it instead.”

“This is great.” She added cream and sugar before taking a sip. “So what’s your favorite kind?” She’d always preferred baking to cooking, probably because she loved sweets so much.

Scott skipped adding anything to his coffee and took a sip. “Depends. In the fall, I’d kill for a good pumpkin pie. During the winter I prefer key lime. No idea why. In the summer it’s got to be something with berries. But really I’ll eat anything with the word pie attached to it except for strawberry rhubarb. Rhubarb does not belong anywhere near a pie. Or anything else.”

“I agree.” She nodded toward the dessert plate he held toward her. “What exactly is this? It looks amazing.”

“The bakery said it was a fruit tart with vanilla mascarpone. I’ve never had it, but it looked good, so I ordered it.”

While he explained, Paige took a bite, the fresh blueberries, strawberries, and kiwis exploding in her mouth. Not only was the guy gorgeous but he also had great taste in dessert. “Mmm. This is delicious.”

“Better than a slice of chocolate cake?” Scott raised a forkful to his mouth.

“Let’s not go crazy here.” She gave him a smile as she scooped up another forkful. Tonight was turning out so much better than she’d expected.

A loud explosion disturbed the quiet atmosphere. Paige turned as the sky filled with purple. She took another bite of dessert and watched as more fireworks exploded, changing the view into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Distracted by the show, Paige didn’t notice Scott had moved until he put his arm around her shoulders. The feel of his bare forearm against her skin set off internal fireworks matching those up above.

Neither spoke as one volley after another exploded, each display unique and beautiful.

Twenty-five minutes later, Scott still had his arm around her as the final colors faded from the sky, leaving behind gray wisps of smoke. “You were right. Those were some of the best fireworks I’ve seen.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Scott set down the coffee mug he’d been holding next to hers. Then he turned and encircled her waist loosely with both his arms. “I know it annoyed you, but I’m glad your aunt took things into her own hands at the auction. I’ve enjoyed our time together tonight.”

“Me too.” She’d never tell Aunt Bebe though. It might encourage her to do similar things in the future. And once was enough, thank you.

She watched his lips form the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. With a smile like that he probably had women falling all over themselves to get up close and personal. Before she could really enjoy it, he lowered his head toward hers.

Anticipation took off, sending heat to her belly and her pulse into overdrive. Anyone who had a smile like his knew how to kiss a woman.

Firm lips covered hers, and she closed her eyes as the heat inside her built.

Scott slipped a hand under her hair and changed the angle of his mouth over hers. She didn’t wait for him to make the next move. Instead, she put her arms over his shoulders and stepped closer, not stopping until her breasts pressed against his chest.

The hand under her hair slid down her neck and across the bare skin revealed by her dress before finally settling on the small of her back. Then, much to her disappointment, he pulled his lips away. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be in England. Hopefully it won’t be too long this time. When I get back, I’ll call you, and we can work out another time to see each other.”

“Looking forward to it.” She placed her lips against his this time, because just one kiss from him wasn’t enough.


“You made it.” His cousin Callie spotted him first when he walked outside. “Dylan went in to get James. He’ll be out in a minute.” Perhaps one of the friendliest people he knew, she gave him a hug before he had a chance to reply. “We missed you yesterday.”

“Maybe she missed you. I didn’t even notice you weren’t here,” Jake said, walking by with his son, Garret, in his ar


“You weren’t here?” Trent asked, adding his two cents to the conversation.

When it came to his cousins, there were two things he could count on: them giving each other a hard time, and always having each other’s back no matter what.

Callie handed him a glass of ice tea before refilling her own glass. “Ignore them. They like to hear themselves talk.”