Between the printed bio in the auction program and the media, he doubted there was much she didn’t already know about him. “I didn’t move to Manhattan until after college. I try not to spend all my time there though. The world is too big a place. When possible I go to my house in Newport or drop in on a family member. Thankfully I have a lot of them, and they’re spread out all around the country.”

The traffic on the highway slowed again, and he lowered his speed as he prepared to keep their conversation going.


Opened twenty-five years ago by a husband and wife team, the Spiced Pear had become one of Newport’s premier restaurants thanks to its food, atmosphere, and of course location. While the main dining room provided a wonderful view of the Newport shoreline, the outside terrace contained the most sought-after tables. When he’d made their reservations, he’d requested one of those tables.

Scott bypassed the parking lot across the street, which appeared crowded, and pulled up in front of the valet parking stand. After accepting the parking ticket, he walked around, intending to open Paige’s door before she stepped out. He didn’t make it in time.

“This is gorgeous,” she said, facing the shore.

“It is. Personally, I’ve always loved the view from the end of the Cliff Walk, but this one is great too.”

Paige accepted his arm, and together they walked into the restaurant. “Where does it end? I’ve never walked any of it.”

“Really? We’ll have to correct that. Everyone should walk the whole thing once. It ends at the east end of Bailey’s Beach, also called Reject’s Beach, although I don’t know why.”

“That’s a horrible name for a beach or anything else. Anyway, I’ve never gotten around to doing it. I don’t come down to Newport too often. One of these days I’d like to walk the whole thing.”

A fashionably dressed woman approached them before they even reached the hostess station. “Good evening, Mr. Belmont. We’ve been expecting you. Your table is ready.”

Just once he’d like to walk into an establishment like this and not immediately be recognized.

“Excellent. Thank you.”

The hostess brought them through the dining room toward the stairs that would take them up to the terrace, and on cue eyes, turned in their direction as they passed by tables, something he’d grown used to a long time ago. Next to him, Paige gripped his arm tighter, a clear indication she either didn’t like the attention or wasn’t used to it.

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Ignore them. That’s what I do.” He released her arm and let her precede him up the stairs.

With her back to him, he took his time letting his gaze rake down her body and appreciating what he saw. He’d already noticed she was slim but not sickly skinny, and on the taller side, perhaps five seven or so. Just the way he preferred women. But he hadn’t noticed her legs before now. The night of the auction, she’d worn a floor-length gown. Tonight’s dress let him see just what the dress had been hiding. Tanned, well-toned legs teased him with each step she took.

When she stepped out onto the outside terrace, she stopped and looked at him. “Wow, this view is even better.”

He knew she referred to the landscape, but his mind still centered on her long legs. “Agreed.” Placing a hand on her lower back, he escorted her to where the hostess waited by the railing.

“Will this be satisfactory, Mr. Belmont?” the hostess asked, two large menus in hand.

“Perfect. Thank you.” Scott pulled out Paige’s seat while he spoke.

“Excellent. Your server, Valerie, will be over shortly.”

A young man perhaps in his late teens or early twenties appeared and inquired as to the type of water they’d like.

“Does that happen to you a lot?” Paige asked when the young man left to get their waters.

Still envisioning her legs, he focused on her face and noticed yet another thing he’d missed the previous week: her eyes. They reminded him of the ocean during a storm. “The stares when we walked through the restaurant?”

“And the hostess knowing who you were before you said anything.” She moved her arm when the young man returned a moment later and set down two glasses of sparkling water.

“Unfortunately, but not as often as it does some of my cousins. Going out with a

few of them is often like sitting under a giant spotlight for the evening.” He’d actually stopped going to certain places with his cousins Jake and Trent for that very reason. Instead, he either visited them at their homes or invited them to his.

“Since I know who your family is, I can imagine it must be.” Right after she spoke color spread across her cheeks and she closed her eyes. “Sorry, that was probably inappropriate.”

“Why? It’s true. Whether I like it or not, people tend to know a lot about my family and me. Don’t worry about it.” He took a long sip of his water and contemplated the wording for his next sentence. “I’d enjoy learning more about you and your family though, if you want to share.” Maybe now he’d get his curiosity satisfied.

“Are you hoping to fall asleep during dinner?” Paige asked with amusement.