“Milan still had the key you gave her when she stayed with you.” Her father advanced on them, his eyes darting from Brooklyn to Derek and finally to the overnight bag he’d carried up for her. “What’s he doing with you?”

Derek thought Novak’s lip actually curled in disgust when he spoke.

“We were out together and he drove me home.”

From the corner of his eye, he saw her rub the bridge of her nose. Then she cleared her throat and spoke. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I was busy. What did you want to talk about?”

“Like you don’t know?” her dad snapped. “Lawrence called me. I know you told Trevor you wanted nothing more to do with him after you promised to make it work.”

“Dad, I never—”

“Trevor was happy, so his grandfather was happy. Everything was arranged. We planned on a late September wedding. All you needed to do was cooperate. But you couldn’t manage that.” Color filled Novak’s face and he undid the top two buttons on his shirt. “Do you have any idea what you’ve cost me? And then you walk in here with him, of all people.”

Derek had never wanted to hit someone more than he did right now. Both his parents had instilled better manners in him, so he refrained from saying what he actually wanted to. “Mr. Novak,” he began, but Brooklyn squeezed his hand. He took the gesture as a request to remain quiet.

“Can I say something now?” She didn’t wait for an answer before going on. “I never said I’d marry Trevor. I said I’d get to know him, which I did. It wasn’t working. Forcing us together wouldn’t change the fact we’re not right for each other. And I don’t appreciate coming home and finding you waiting for me like this. Just because you had a key doesn’t mean you had the right to use it.”

You tell him. Admiration for Brooklyn grew. He sensed her nervousness but she wasn’t letting it stop her.

“If you’d returned my calls, I wouldn’t have had to.”

Derek had seen a lot of his friends interact with their parents. He’d never seen any of those parents speak to their children the way Novak was addressing Brooklyn.

When Brooklyn planted both hands on her hips, he knew Novak had gone a little too far.

“We”—she nodded in Derek’s direction—“went away for the weekend. I didn’t return anyone’s calls.”

Not the way he would’ve dropped the news, but at least the truth was out there.

A vein in Novak’s forehead bulged out and his eyes narrowed. Derek expected the man’s head to pop at any moment.

“Christ. I knew it. You tossed aside Trevor for this—”

“Don’t say whatever it is you’re thinking. Do. Not. Say it, Dad.”

“I’m your father. I’ll say whatever I want.”

Derek had a few comments ready to launch himself, but he suspected voicing any of them would only make the situation worse. Not that it could get much worse.

“Dad, really, I’m sorry you don’t like Derek, but he’s part of my life. He always will be. We’re engaged.”

“Engaged,” her father shouted and Derek thought he saw spit fly from the man’s mouth. “You were told the night of the fundraiser he’d never be welcomed into the family. And I meant it.”

She’d not shared that tidbit with him, but it didn’t surprise him either. Donovan Novak was turning out to be more of a jerk than he’d believed.

“Marry this spoiled punk and you’ll never be welcome in my house again. And forget about the rest of your trust fund when you turn thirty. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you never see a dime of it.”

He heard her sharp intake of breath and wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and assure her everything would be fine. How could the bastard disown his daughter because she wanted to marry someone she loved? Normal people didn’t do things like that.

“What’s it going to be?” Novak demanded.

Rather than answer her dad, Brooklyn turned toward Derek, her eyes glistening with tears, and his stomach dropped to the floor. She wouldn’t cave to her father. She couldn’t.

“Derek, it might be better if we talk alone. Maybe you can go up and visit Trent or Gray.”

“And leave you alone with him? No.” Judging by Novak’s current state of mind, he didn’t trust the guy not to lay a hand on her.

“Are you insinuating I’d hit my daughter? Who the hell do you think you are?”