Trevor’s expression remained unchanged. “Like I said, those things take time. No relationship starts out that way. Both my grandparents’ and my parents’ marriages were arranged. They all have strong, loving relationships today.”

Had his parents arranged his first marriage too? If they had, perhaps it explained why it hadn’t lasted. “Maybe for some people arranged relationships work out. But I don’t want to hope love develops. I want it there from the start.”

“Then you won’t give us a little more time?”

Wow, for a university professor, the guy wasn’t the most intelligent. Hadn’t he been listening to her at all? She pulled out whatever patience she had left and tried again. “Trevor, I’m really sorry. I think you’ll meet someone perfect for you, but it’s not me.” And if not, your grandfather will find someone for you.


He stepped out of the golf cart and fell into step alongside Colton as they walked into the clubhouse. He’d played the worst game of his life. Not that he cared much. It was only a game. Still, he suspected Colton would never let him forget it. Not after he’d lost to Derek so many times in the past. And if they’d played weeks ago like they’d planned, he would’ve beat Colton then too.

Tonight his mind had been in too many different places to focus on golf. Brooklyn planned on giving Trevor the bad news this evening. Fallout from their meeting would soon follow. The inevitable confrontation with her father worried her. She hadn’t said as much, but he’d sensed it. She’d been preoccupied and unusually quiet throughout breakfast this morning. When court broke for lunch and they’d met for coffee, she’d spent more time folding and unfolding her napkin than eating the cookie she’d ordered. He’d tried distracting her by talking about their upcoming getaway. He’d gotten a few nods and smiles but not much else.

Thoughts of their trip occupied his mind when Brooklyn’s talk with Trevor didn’t. This weekend he wanted everything from the trip to the Cape to their time there and back perfect. He planned to wipe out any reservations Brooklyn might still harbor.

“Next time don’t just send your clubs to play. Plan on being there to use them,” Colton said.

“If I do, you’ll never beat me.”

“Our game in April was a close one. What do you say we play again on Sunday?”

Together they entered the Fairway lounge. Numerous country club members said hello as they walked through.

“Some other time. But feel free to practice without me. You need it.”

“That’s rich coming from the guy who just played like he’d never held a club before in his life.” Colton beckoned a waiter over to their table. “Only a woman could distract you this bad. Who is she?”

Colton, like everyone else, would know eventually. Besides, it wasn’t like he’d run and tell Novak before Brooklyn broke the news to him. “Brooklyn.”

“As in from the auction? I was hoping her sister, Milan, would be the highest bidder for me Friday. I’ve heard some wild stories about her. Would love to see if they’re true.” Colton gave him a knowing look, and Derek suspected they’d heard some of the same stories.

“But I would’ve settled for Brooklyn. I was surprised when she bid on you. You must have been pissed. You had both Tasha and Zoe fighting over you.”

At least their charade at the auction had fooled some people. “She’s got better taste than to bid on you.”

“Can’t be that good, if she ended up with you.” Colton chuckled and went for the Scotch the waiter had delivered. “If you want to trade, say the word. I’ll gladly take Brooklyn off your hands and you can have Tyanna. I’m sure Tyanna won’t mind if we switch.”

“You’ll have to occupy Tyanna yourself.” He hadn’t recognized the woman who won Colton. “Who is she anyway? Is she from around here?”

“Recent transplant. Bought a summer place in Bristol. Have you ever eaten at a Bayside restaurant?”

Derek shook his head. “Never heard of it.”

“It’s a popular chain up and down the West Coast and across the Midwest. Her family owns it. She divorced sometime last year.”

“I’m sure you’ll make her glad she did.”

“Damn straight. She’s a little older than I like ’em but still smokin’. If you change your mind though, say the word. I bet Brooklyn knows how to show a man a good time. The judges must spend more time staring at her rack than listening to her arguments.”

Since he’d admired her body before, it made sense his friends had too. None of them had ever said it though.

“You two have been friends a long time. You’ve taken a taste or two, haven’t you? Was that what Friday night was about? Is she looking for more of your time? She dished out a nice little amount for you. I hope you give her every penny’s worth.”

He’d grown used to Colton’s way of discussing women and his sex life. Today each word struck a nerve and had him reconsidering their friendship. “This weekend we’re going to Rosewood.”

“A wild sex-filled weekend at your father’s house? Couldn’t you have thought of a better place? Christ, fly her down to the Bahamas. Spend the weekend on Paradise Island. Think about the fun you could have on the beach down there.”

Derek ground his molars together again. If he didn’t leave soon, he was going to need a trip to the dentist. “She likes the Cape, so we’re taking the Affinity down there this weekend. If she wants to visit the Bahamas next, I’ll take her there too.”